Whenever one starts thinking about
the perishable body and the relatives
of the physical body, distress and
depression start haunting us.
Whenever one thinks of God,
one will enjoy a sublime peace in their being.
These two realms are diametrically
opposite regions in our conscious.
Hence God exhorts us to hold the world
with the "Left" hand and to hold
the Lord with the "Right" hand.
One day, we will have to relinquish
the hold of the left hand and clinch
tightly the right hold with the right hand
because this bond never leaves us,
even if we relinquish this painful
and miserable body for good.
There are two different terms such
as "Shreyas" and "Preyas".
Shreyas constitute all desires
which elevate us in holy divine path.
Whereas "Preyas" is harmful since
it is associated with the mind,
senses and the possessions of the world.
Even the richest person in this world
has to relinquish one day or other his hold
on the properties and mansions, which he
considers as 'his own'. It is not 'his own'.
It belongs to the 'elements'.
Everything will disintegrate
into basic elements including his own body.
Hence, nothing in the world is really ours.
divinely sent