Saturday, March 28, 2009

Live in absolute conviction that you are the spirit...

Live in absolute conviction that you are the spirit.
The spirit sees through the eyes, hears through the ears,
handles through the fingers and moves through the feet.

That is the basic 'You'. That 'You' is not elated by praise or deflated by blame.
As long as you are overcome with fear and anxiety, you will not be able to accomplish anything. Be courageous! Know that you are the spirit, not this body; then you will be without fear.

God, can help you achieve great things, but only if you base your actions on true knowledge and remain fearless.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Keep our mind pure....

The senses create a lot of unsteadiness in us. They lead us to bad ways in many ways. However, when our mind is pure, they lead us on the noble path. Hence, keep your mind fresh and pure always. It should not be allowed to waver, which leads us to ups and downs.

Everything is God....

Everything is God.
Do not entertain any doubts in this regard.

Doubts create confusion in you.
If a human being is to live the life of a real human being,
all doubts have to be removed.

The sooner the better,
for as long as doubts persist,
they work like slow poison.

Develop faith...

Develop faith in yourself.
That is called self-faith.
If only you possess self-faith,
none can cause any harm to you.

Even bombs cannot do any damage.
Many people develop a fear complex
these days that that area is attacked with bombs,
this area is attacked with bombs, etc.
We need not entertain any such fear.

Know that we are God's shadow, His image...

Be ever conscious that you are but God's shadow, His image. Then no harm can hamper you. God walks the royal road of Truth. The shadow falls on valley and hill, fire and water, dirt and dust, if you hold on to His Feet, you can be as unaffected as the shadow by the ups and downs of life.

Fear must not be part of your spiritual journey. The one thing that you must never be insecure of is God's love!

Persevere, be tenacious and never give up....

Having resolved, what ought to be resolved,
hold on to it till you have succeeded.
Having desired what ought to be desired,
hold on to it till your desire is fulfilled.

Having asked what ought to be asked,
do not leave the hold till you get it.
Having thought what ought to be thought,
hold on to it till you have succeeded.

With heart mellowed, the Lord must yield
to your wishes or forgetting yourself,
you should ask Him with all your heart.

Persevere, be tenacious and never give up,
for it is the quality of a Devotee never
to retreat, abandoning his resolve.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Where is God?

Where is God?

There is nowhere where He is not. Just as one thread penetrates all
the flowers in a garland, so also, one Self penetrates all these
living beings. He is hidden in all beings and forms, like oil in
seed, butter in milk, mind in brain, Prana in the body, fetus in the
womb, sun behind the clouds, fire in wood, vapor in the atmosphere,
salt in water, scent in flowers, sound in the gramophone records,
gold in quartz, microbes in blood.

God dwells in all beings as life and consciousness. God is in the
roar of a lion, the song of a bird, and the cry of a babe. Feel His
presence everywhere. See God in the wings, of a butterfly, in the
letters Alpha and Omega, in the cough of a patient, in the murmur of
a brook, in the sound of a bell. Behold the wonder of the Lord's
face in every object of this world.

Every breath that flows in the nose, every beat that throbs in the
heart, every artery that pulsates in the body, every thought that
arises in the mind, speaks to you that God is near. Every flower
that wafts fragrance, every fruit that attracts you, every gentle
breeze that blows, every river that smoothly flows, speaks of God
and His mercy.

The vast ocean with its powerful waves, the mighty Himalayas with
its glaciers, the bright sun and stars in the wide sky, the lofty
tree with its branches, the cool springs in the hills and dales,
tell you of His omnipotence. The music of the sweet singers, the
lectures of the Powerful orators, the poems of the reputed poets,
the inventions of the able scientists, the operations of the
dexterous surgeons, the utterances of the holy saints, the revelations, speak of God and His wisdom.

Everything is God. Good is God. Misfortune is God. Greet Him in
everything and rest peacefully in bliss. God pervades the entire
universe. He walks in the garb of a beggar. He moans in pain in the
guise of the sick. He wanders in the forest clad in rags. Open your
eyes. See Him in all. Serve all. Love all.

Feel the Divine Presence everywhere-in every form, in every thought,
in every feeling and in every sentiment, in every movement, in every

God, seen through the senses, is matter. God, seen through the
intellect, is mind. God, seen through the spirit, is the

Thou art indwelt by the Lord. He is the inner ruler, Antaryamin,
guarding and controlling your life. He is in you and you are in Him.
He is quite close to you. He is not very far, but is nearer to you
than you are to yourself. You were thinking in the beginning that He
could be found only in Mount Kailas, Ramesvaram, Mecca, Jerusalem, sky or heaven.

You had very vague ideas. This body is His moving
temple. The sanctum sanctorum is the chamber of your own heart.
Close your eyes. Withdraw your Indriyas from the sensual objects.
Search Him in thy heart with one-pointed mind, devotion, and pure
love. You will surely find Him. He is waiting there with
outstretched arms to embrace you. If you cannot find Him there, you
cannot find Him anywhere else.

No sufferings can really affect you, all are delusions... be you in a sleeping or awaken state...

You are all the indestructible Self,
nothing need discourage you.

In your dream, you suffer so much
due to fire, floods, insult, loss of money, etc.
But once you wake up, you are not affected at all.

When these events happen during the waking state,
you feel afflicted. But let me tell you that
from the state of Realization, even the
waking state is equally without validity.

It is not the real 'you' that suffers all that.
Give up the delusion that you are this physical
entity and you become really free.

A prayer of repentance... sometimes we need it..

We repent O God most merciful, for all our sins;
For every thought that was false or unjust or unclean;
For every word spoken that ought not to have been spoken;
For every deed done that ought not to have been done.

We repent for every deed and word and thought
Inspired by selfishness;
And for every deed and word and thought inspired by hatred.

We repent most specially for every lustful thought,
And every lustful action;
For every lie; for all hypocrisy;
For every promise given, but not fulfilled;
And for all slander and backbiting.

Most specially also, we repent for every action
That has brought ruin to others;
For every word and deed that has given others pain;
And for every wish that pain should befall others.

In your unbounded mercy, we ask you to forgive us, O God,
For all these sins committed by us;
And to forgive us for our constant failures
To think and speak and act according to your will.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

God's love towards everyone of you is that of a thousand mothers!

Understand this: Each one of you know the love of a single mother only. But My affection, My love towards everyone of you is that of a thousand mothers! Do not deny yourself that affection, that love, by denying Me your love!

Love is attractive, only when it is constantly attentive!

Remember, the world may help you only once, but it will remind you of it the whole lifetime!

The only injustice is of you accepting the suffering and not fighting it!

All the right opportunities come to the one that leaves his every choice to the Divine Will!

The brave learn to fight every fear, the coward, My child, accepts his fear and instead, learn to hate!

First, learn to be happy, no matter what, only then, will the inner guiduance awaken and direst you away from suffering...

To ever live in the presence of God is finding the truth of 'eternal life'.

Have one pointed devotion towards the Lord and you will see Him everywhere...

When you have one pointed devotion towards the Lord, you see Him everywhere. When your thoughts, vision and words are sacred, you are verily God yourself. Then, you don't need to search for God. God Himself will come searching for you. God is every where; one need not search for Him. In fact, God Himself is in search of a good man. One who is a recipient of God's love is a good man. Such good man is Godman.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

How do you know that there is God?

Unless you cultivate love, tolerance, humility, faith and reverence, how is it possible for you to realize God? God is Love, Love is God.

Where there is love, there is God. He is certainly evident. Love more and more people, love them more and more intensely. Transform the love into service, transform the service into worship, that is the highest spiritual discipline.

Love is the source of our intuition, our creativity, our empathy. It is the most basic and primary tool of all therapists, allowing us to extend beyond ourselves to merge with the one who is suffering, experience the other's pain, and finally dissolve that pain with Love's life-giving force.

Love is the solvent for the hardest of hearts. Love can confer peace, joy and wisdom, cultivate love, express love, let love by your breath, let the sun of love help the lotus of your heart to blossom.

Love is God's highest miracle. Love can make you gather the affection of all mankind. Love will not tolerate any selfish aim or approach.

Love is God, live in love. The spark of divine dwells in your heart. Discover it, feel it, attain it, experience it, you will find the peace at heart, peace of mind, and the answers to everything and anything, yes, it is love.

Expand your heart so that it can encompass all, do not narrow it down into an instrument of restricted love. Love activates, love fulfills, fill your hearts with the sweet fragrant water of love.

Man is love embodied. He thirsts for love and he finds real joy in loving and receiving selfless love. Love all human beings as embodiments of the same divine principles.

You can experience it yourself. When one does something that he feels is good or helpful, he will experience a joy, a feeling of contentment only he experiences. He might not want to show, but deep inside there is this connectedness to the spark of divine, that is love.

Too many people in this world is deprived of love, of care, of concern and hunger and thirst for it in a wrong way, driving them further and further away from achieving them. We talk, we voice our feelings to be loved, to be cared but who heeds them? Some of us are too busy to even count our blessings and forgotten our loved ones. Our loved ones who wait and wait for just a small response.

When you know that you are but a spark of the divine and that all else the same divine spark, you look upon all with reverence and true love. Your heart is filled with supreme joy and the canker of egoism is rendered ineffective. Man is seeking joy in far-off places, in quiet spots, not knowing that the spring of joy is in his heart, the haven of peace is in himself.

So, Love is God, God is the embodiment of perfect love. so, He can be known and realized, reached and won only through love. You can see Him only with the help of moonlight. You can see God only through the rays of love.....

Don't worry about different names, God is omnipotent, omnipresence, omniscience and in all forms. Fear not that you are an outsider. Accept love into your heart, expand it, experience it, treat all as brothers and sisters. You are also onto the road to spiritual wealth and health.

What do you call yourself? 'I', isn't it? What do everybody call themselves? "I" too. Actually all the 'I" belongs to the same family, same embodiments of God. I is You, You is I, We belongs to the same creed, same origin and moves towards the same path, irrespective of different faith....

Love all beings as manifestations of the same divinity, that is the very core of yourself. Love all beings, that is more than enough.