Saturday, December 20, 2008

Within this short span of life, one has to finish numerable responsibilities...

One should not become egoistic...

One should not become egoistic,
thinking that one is doing great service.
Actually, service is meant to kill ego.
You can not call it service if
it is rendered with ego.

First of all, ego has to be subdued.
Body attachment is the root cause of ego.
Ego will vanish once the body attachment is given up.
The spirit of oneness will develop once the ego is annihilated.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Be grateful, when the Lord chooses you as the image of His Divine Love...

Never resort to untruth...

Never resort to untruth.
You can have love only through truth.
Where there are truth and love, there is peace.

Where there is peace, there is nonviolence.
Therefore, man should primarily develop truth and love.
Then he will not resort to violence.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A simple life brings freedom that makes you truly free...

For those who choose a path of beauty and simple grace,
open your arms wide for the life that you embrace.
Too often obligations, in your daily life,
interferes with knowing what is wrong or right.

To embrace life and merge, joy together with pain,
is to feel pleasure or fear, without guilt or shame.
It's how to meld your body with your mind and heart,
to cooperate together; this is how you start.

To embrace life is to trust, in who you truly are,
love yourself completely to heal all wounds and scars.
Then release control fully; let your shield fall down,
and accept the powerful force flowing all around.

Embracing life will bring, bliss beyond compare,
but first you must be open, then become aware.
Of nature and the universe far beyond the stars,
with the power of your mind you can travel far.

And material wealth is minor; irrelevant to your soul,
embracing life is important; reaching spiritual goals.
Always remaining true for how you think and act,
being positive in your outlook and how you react.

Enjoying every moment for the little things that count,
basking in the pleasure, which makes your happiness mount.
Embracing life will give you, the strength to clearly see,
that a simple life brings freedom that makes you truly free.

divinely sent

There is duality in nature...

If you write on a white board with white chalk,
nothing will be visible. You need to write with
a black chalk or writing material on a white board.
It is contrast that make the writings visible.

Hence there is duality in nature.
If everything is Joy, you may not enjoy the joy really.
Only when you are confronted with sorrow,
you will come to experience the joy.

Like summer and winter, pleasure and pain,
sweet and bitter, day and night,
life becomes tolerable for us.

If you feed a man all through
the week with only idly and chutney,
he would not turn back again.
We need variety in this world to sustain us.

Even in the form of God, we are
not satisfied with one form alone.
Varieties of forms of god render the worship a pleasure.

Actually the creation is an expression of Love.
God wants to love himself. It could be possible
only when there is a second entity. Hence this creation.

divinely sent

Life is queer with its twists and turns, as every one of us sometimes learns...

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,
When funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When we might have won had we stuck it out.
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow,
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than
It seems to a faltering man.
Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the winner’s cup.
And he learned too late when the night slipped down
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out,
The silver lining of the clouds of doubt
And you can never tell how close you are –
It may be near when it seems afar.
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit,
It’s when things seem worst that you mustn’t quit.

For we know the Father above looks down,
He sees our struggles and holds the crown.
He knows the way though it’s rough and drear,
He will give strength so we need not fear.

He offers to you the refreshing cup
Of the water of life; then in faith look up.
Continue on ‘til the crown is won
Which he will give when our work is done!

Don't quit...

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,
When funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When we might have won had we stuck it out.
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow,
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than
It seems to a faltering man.
Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the winner’s cup.
And he learned too late when the night slipped down
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out,
The silver lining of the clouds of doubt
And you can never tell how close you are –
It may be near when it seems afar.
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit,
It’s when things seem worst that you mustn’t quit.

For we know the Father above looks down,
He sees our struggles and holds the crown.
He knows the way though it’s rough and drear,
He will give strength so we need not fear.

He offers to you the refreshing cup
Of the water of life; then in faith look up.
Continue on ‘til the crown is won
Which he will give when our work is done!

The course of destiny does not change by your fear - it changes by your will power...

The womb of the mother symbolizes the mother earth.

The womb of the mother
symbolizes the mother earth.
As is the seed of thought sown in it,
so is the fruit that it yields.

You can not expect mangoes
by sowing a need seed. So,
the mother should foster good thoughts,
good words and good deeds.

Only then can she beget virtuous children.
Today we find many children having bad qualities
and wicked conduct. The reason for this can be
attributed to the bad thoughts of their mothers.

divinely sent

The essence of TRUST is not in its bind, but IN ITS BOND...

A little girl and her father were crossing a bridge.

The father was kind to scared, so he asked his little daughter, "Sweetheart, please hold my hand so that you don't fall into the river". The little girl said, "No, Dad, you hold my hand."

"What's the difference?" asked the puzzled father. "There is a big difference", replied the little girl. "If I hold your hand and something happens to me, chances are that I may let your hand go. But if you hold my hand, I know for sure that no matter what happens, you will never let my hand go".

In any relationship, the essence of TRUST is not in its bind, but IN ITS BOND.

So hold the hand of the person who loves you rather than expecting them to hold yours.

This message in short... But carries a lot of feelings and meanings.

All should consider service to society as the means of finding self-fulfilment in life...

It is only when attachment
to the fruits of one's actions is
discarded that the action achieve Divine
communion. Those who undertake service
activities should overcome
the sense of 'mine' and 'thine';
they should regard it as a privilege
to serve others and look upon it as
a form of worship of the Divine.

They should consider service to
society as the means of finding
self-fulfillment in life.
They should face whatever problems may
arise with faith and courage, and
carry on their service activities
without fanfare, in a spirit of humility and dedication.

divinely sent

Monday, December 8, 2008

Look for the best, even in the worst and the worst will become better...

Swimming up the river is a bit hard, but every stroke takes one nearer to the goal and not farther...

Swimming up the river is a bit hard, but every stroke takes one
nearer to the goal and not farther. For overcoming the strain, one
must have the raft called meditation . Through meditation, the
weaknesses of the physical frame can be overcome, the waywardness of
the mind can be controlled and the progress towards the seat of the
Grace is made easy. One can thus attain Divinity.

divinely sent

5 reasons why God gives us problems...

5 reasons why God gives us problems~~~
The problems you face will either defeat you or develop
you - depending on how you respond to them.
Unfortunately, most people fail to see how God wants to
use problems for good in their lives. They react foolishly and resent their
problems rather than pausing to consider what benefit they might bring.
Here are five ways God wants to use the problems in your life:

1.God Uses Problems To DIRECT U~~~

Sometimes God must light a fire under you to get you moving.
Problems often point us in a new direction and motivate us to change.
Is God trying to get your attention? "Sometimes it takes
a painful situation to make us change our ways."

2. God Uses Problems To INSPECT U~~~

People are like tea bags...if you want to know what's inside them,
just drop them into hot ever water! Has God tested
your faith with a problem What do problems reveal about you?
"When you have many kinds of troubles, you should be full
of joy, because you know that these troubles test your faith,
and this will give you patience."

3. God Uses Problems To CORRECT U~~~

Some lessons we learn only through pain and failure.
It's likely that as a child your parents told you not to touch a hot stove.
But you probably learned by being burned. Sometimes we only learn
the value of something... health, money, a relationship. ..
by losing it. "It was the best thing that could have happened to me,
for it taught me to pay attention to your laws."

4. God Uses Problems To PROTECT U~~~

A problem can be a blessing in disguise if it prevents you from
being harmed by something more serious. Last year a friend
was fired for refusing to do something unethical that his boss
had asked him to do. His unemployment was a problem - but
it saved him from being convicted and sent to prison a year
later when management's actions were eventually discovered.
"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good...

5. God Uses Problems To PERFECT U~~~

Problems, when responded to correctly, are character builders.
God is far more interested in your character than your comfort.
Your relationship to God and your character are the only two
things you're going to take with you into eternity.
"We can rejoice when we run into problems...
they help us learn to be patient. And patience develops strength of
character in us and helps us trust God more each time
we use it until finally our hope and faith are strong and steady."

Here's the point Ad:
God is at work in your life - even when you do not recognize it or understand it.
But it's much easier and profitable when you cooperate with Him.


The body is inert and perishable, why should one have attachment to it?

The body is inert and perishable.
Then, why should you have attachment to it?
The body is necessary to perform your duties.
You have to utilize it as an instrument.
But do not identify yourself with this instrument.
If you do so, it will affect your power to
identify yourself with the self.

Where there is love, there is peace, where there is peace, there is truth, where there is truth, there is bliss, where there is bliss, there is God!

Where there is Love, there is Peace.
Where there is Peace, there is Truth.
Where there is Truth, there is Bliss.
Where there is Bliss, there is God.

To promote love, the first requisite is faith.
It is only when you believe that one is your mother
that you develop love towards her.
If you do not regard her as your mother,
you will not have that love for her.

First of all, strengthen your faith.
Without faith all kinds of worship
and all spiritual disciplines are of no use;
they are a waste of time.

Then cultivate love.
Everything grows out of love.
That love will reveal to you your true self.
That love will confer bliss on you.
Therefore, eschew hatred; develop love.

divinely sent

There can be no effect without a cause...

There can be no effect without a cause.
No sapling can grow without a seed.
Therefore, seed has to be there,
which grows into a huge tree.

Whoever you come across,
consider them as your own.
Identify yourself with them.
Develop this feeling more and more.

divinely sent

Man must endeavour to acquire speech untouched by subterfuge, limbs untouched by cruelty, hands free from violence n thoughts free from vengefulness..

Next, about the tendency to talk overmuch.
Speech is produced cheap, but it has high value.
It can elevate as well as demean man.
Listening to a speech, a zero can rise
into a hero or hero can collapse into a zero.

It can inspire or plant despair.
It must be true and sweet,
not false and pleasant.

Man must Endeavour to acquire
speech untouched by subterfuge,
limbs untouched by cruelty,
hands free from violence and
thoughts free from vengefulness.

Frenzy, fanaticism and gusts of anger
have to be controlled, for they lead to
disasters whose range is beyond calculation.

By constant practice, these can also
resort to the vow of silence.
The mind too must desist from wandering,
when the tongue is desisting from talking.

Otherwise, the vow cannot be fruitful.
Be conscious that every word we utter
or hear will leave an impression on
our consciousness, and provoke reactions
which may or may not be beneficial.

This is the reason why the company
of God and godly people is to be sought.

divinely sent

When one is confronted with problems n difficulties, one should not get upset n become a victim of depression, which is a sign of weakness...

Only a person who has the attitude of forbearance
can be considered to be endowed with sacred love.
This cannot be learned from textbooks;
nor can it be acquired from preceptors.

It is only when we face problems
and difficulties that this quality
of forbearance and forgiveness has
scope for taking root.

When one is confronted with
problems and difficulties,
one should not get upset and
become a victim of depression,
which is a sign of weakness.

Instead, one must confront
the situation with an attitude
of tolerance and forgiveness,
without getting agitated or
giving rise to anger, hatred and revengeful thoughts.

divinely sent

Give life, My child, simplicity and purity and you, My sweet, will reap its rich rewards..

Love is life and life is love, love is an inborn quality in man. It is his very life-breath...

The entire world is filled with love.
The world is Love and Love is the world.
In every human being, love is present as
an effulgence which shines in his heart.

Love is life and life is love.
Love is an inborn quality in man.
It is his very life-breath.

Even as the power to burn is natural for fire,
and the power to cool is natural for water,
love is a natural trait for man.
Without it, he ceases to be human.

We must cultivate charity, purity, unity to achieve divinity...

We see in the world today,
disorder, violence and conflict.
The world is like a sick man
afflicted with many ailments.

What is the cure for these ills?

Man must shed his selfishness,
greed and other bad qualities
and rise above his animal nature.

He must cultivate Charity
(unselfishness) to achieve Purity.
Through purity of hearts,
men will achieve Unity,
which will lead to Divinity.

The mansion of human life
should be built on these four bases.

All religions have taught only what is good for humanity...

All religions have taught only
what is good for humanity. Religion
should be practised with this awareness.
If the minds are pure, how
can religion be bad?

It is a mark of ignorance to consider one
religion as superior and another as
inferior and develop religious
differences on this basis.

The teachings of all religions are sacred.
The basic doctrines are founded on truth.
The truth of the Spirit is the essence
of all religions, the message of all the
scriptures and the basis of all metaphysics.

divinely sent

The level of illumination mind is reached only when all the worldly thoughts are subdued...

The gross body is made up of food.
The mind, the intellect,
constitute the subtle body.

It is the subtle body that
experiences pain and pleasure.
The illumination mind comprises the causal body.

It transcends worldly thoughts and feelings.
There is no trace of desire, anger, greed,
ego, pride and jealousy in it.

The level of illumination mind is
reached only when all the worldly thoughts are subdued.

divinely sent

Believe Me, all that you really need will come to you, even without your asking.

We all have 3 debts when born...

Every man, irrespective of the country,
race or period of time in which he is born,
comes into the world burdened with three debts.

The first debt is owed to the Divine.
The second is to the mentors.
The third is to one's parents.

A debt is an obligation arising out
of what one has received from others.
We can easily identify these debts
in the human body; different divine
forces are present nourishing and protecting it.

This divine energy permeates the entire body;
it is called the Rasa (Divine Essence).
We owe a debt of gratitude to the Divine
which has not only endowed us with this
precious human body but which also sustains it.

We shall be able to enjoy these gifts
of the Divine only if we discharge
this debt to the Divine.

How is this to be done?
It is by rendering service to
other bodies saturated with
the same Divine, by doing righteous deeds
and consecrating all actions in the
service of the society.

The debt to the Divine has
to be discharged in full in this life
itself or during many future lives.
The earlier we repay this debt,
the sooner we shall realize Divinity.

divinely sent

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

Man should strive to recognise the presence of the Divine in everything...

The primary requisite for man
is to realize the divine potency in him
that is the source of all the faculties and talents in him.

This is true whether one is an atheist,
a theist or an agnostic. No one in
the world can survive without this energy.

It may be called by different names.
Names are not important. The energy is one. It is
this divine energy which directs mankind on the right path.

Men should strive to recognise the presence of the Divine in everything.

Friday, November 28, 2008

What is education?

Education is the means of unfolding the moral and spiritual potentialities of man. Education reveals to man what is right and what is wrong. Education today is concerned with imparting worldly knowledge, with no place for ethics or spirituality. All along education has remained an exercise in acquiring bookish knowledge. What is needed today is practical knowledge. Every student should acquire a good character, moral values, and develop a spiritual bent of mind. These three constitute true learning

Human qualities...

Human qualities

How are human qualities to be promoted in society? Living amidst fellow human beings, man has to sow the seeds of love, rear the plants of harmony, and offer the fruits of peace to society. Thereby his humanness is manifested. Thus, non-violence, truth, non-stealing, celibacy, and non-acquisitiveness , are the five human values to be cultivated.

divinely sent

Why do you grieve, men are born to die, one day each one of us will die?

Death and life are manifestations of God’s activity. you cannot separate the two. God permeates all. However, (in fact) none is born.

None dies. See with your inner eve. then you realise that you are God, and not different from Him. Like worn-out garment, the body is cast away by God. Appa wants to change his dress (kupni) before I do. Let Appa go. Do not stop him. Do not ask for Udhi.

Gain and loss, birth and death, are in the hands of God. But how blindly do these people forget God! Look after life just so long as it lasts. When death arrives, do not be grieved.

The wise ones do not grieve for death; the fools do.

Behold! The five elements were lent for use till now. Now the lender claims back his won; and they are returned. Air goes back to air, fire to fire. Every one of the five elements thus goes back to its place.

The body (is made up) of earth. See, really they are the same.

Therefore its return to the earth is not a thing to bemoan

God is Love, I am Love...

You can call Me Love. Love is the wealth I have and which I spread among all. I have no other riches. The Grace of the Lord is always flowing like the electric current through the wire. Fix a bulb and the current will illumine your house. The bulb is the spiritual practice)you perform, the home is your heart. Come to Me gladly; dive into the sea and discover its depth. There is no use playing in the shallow waters and lamenting that the sea has no pearls. Dive deep and you will secure your heart's desire.

divinely sent

Human suffers the cycle of birth and death only in his fear of truly having to face God...

You should pray... "O God, everything is yours, this whole body is yours, all the limbs and organs are yours...'

What is the point of offering to God what has been provided by God himself?
You should pray,

"O God, everything is yours, this whole body is yours, all the limbs and organs are yours. I am yours and you are mine."

When this kind of identity is established,
there is no further need for any external form of worship.

divinely sent

What is Birth?

Birth also is similar to be dealt with. Do not be jubiliating over a birth. This is the process of creation (and goes on from the beginning). Be not moved by it.

The earth bears seeds. Clouds drop their rain on them. The sun sends his rays, and makes them sprout.

When these sprout, earth, clouds and Sun keep on their sport and happy course in all directions.

But they neither exult at the growth not deplore the destruction of the sprout.

You should be (unaffected) like these. If you are, whence can sorrow come to you? Mukti is this absence of sorrow

Do not be proud of the body or wealth...

1) Do not be proud of the body or wealth. Money comes and goes, morality comes and grows. Develop morality. In spite of their high education, people today have lost their morality. One bereft of morality is not a human being at all. In fact, one is a demon in human form. Where there is no morality, there can be no humanness.

2) Respect your elders; show gratitude to your parents. People today lack such feelings of gratitude and respect, thinking, "Why should we respect our elders? Why should we love them?" Wherever they go, they crave money and more money!

2008's post 707... be fearless...

Be fearless.
Do not be afraid even if a thunderbolt
were to land on your head.
Death comes only once and not twice.

It is bound to come on one day or the other.
So, do not be afraid of death. Be ready for any thing.
Do not be afraid to follow Truth.
Fill your life with love. Only
then will your life be sanctified.

divinely sent

How to follow the path of devotion?

Every aspirant who seeks the Eternal through the path of devotion should strive
to acquire these characteristics: He must

[1) keep away from the turmoils, the cruelties, the falsehoods of this world;

(2) practise truth, righteousness, love and peace;

(3) discard as worthless both praise and blame, appreciation and derision, prosperity and adversity;

(4) keep steady faith in his own Innate Reality; and

(5) dedicate himself to spiritual uplift

divinely sent

One need to be watching for every chance to dwell on the noble thoughts, do elevating tasks, and to curb the downward pull of the ego...

A ladder has to be as tall as
the height you want to reach.

Your Sadhana has to be as long
as the time taken to reach the goal.

When the walls are completed,
the scaffolding is removed.

When the vision of the Reality is attained,
the spiritual practices of chanting, worship, etc.
can be dispensed with.

You must be watching for every chance
to dwell on the noble thoughts, do elevating tasks,
and to curb the downward pull of the ego.

divinely sent

Divinity is immanent in equal measure in every thing - good or bad...

Divinity is immanent in equal
measure in every thing - good or bad,
righteous or un-righteous, sacred or un-sacred.

If you expect others to respect and love you,
you should first respect and love them.
Without respecting or loving others,
you can not expect any reciprocal feeling from them.

In the same way, if you love God, God loves you.
Life consists of reaction, resound and reflection.
You get back exactly what you do to others

divinely sent

The consciousness "I am the body" must go...

The consciousness "I am the body" must go,
if the spirit "I am one with the Self" must emerge.
So long as you are one with the Universal
consciousness, no pain or grief or egoism can tarnish you.

Take the sea water.
Small quantity of the sea water
enclosed in a small bottle will get foul in a few days.
But, if it remains in the sea, nothing could foul it.

Be in the sea, as part of it.
Do not separate yourself.
Do not feel that you are the body,
separate from the Indweller.

divinely sent

- Sathya

Our thoughts shape our nature...

We become what we contemplate on.
When we fix our thoughts all the
time on the evil that others do,
our mind gets polluted by evil.

When, on the contrary,
we fix our mind on the virtues and well-being
of others, our mind is cleansed of wrong
and entertains only good thoughts.

No evil thought can penetrate
the mind of a person wholly
given to love and compassion.
Thus, our thoughts shape our nature.

divinely sent

All worldly things are like passing clouds...

All worldly things are like passing clouds,
which come and go. To feel proud of these
passing clouds is a great mistake.
At the time of speaking, we say anything.
But when it comes to putting into practice,
our actions do not match with our words.

This is a great sin.

What is our true wealth?

What is our true wealth?
Love is our true wealth.
When we acquire this wealth of love,
we can have everything.

We can catch even clouds in our hands.
Everything is there in the hands of a human,
and all gods are present in that human.
In fact, one is nothing but divine from foot to head.

divinely sent

Don't throw away your diamonds... in the dark..

Once, a Man lost all his wealth earned in his lifetime. Due to which he fell in deep depression & started fighting with his family members over trivial things.He started loosing his sleep & his health suffered too. In despair,one night, he got up & went out of his home. It was a very dark night outside.

As he strolled out on the empty streets late at night, he reached a river bank where he decided to sit & sulk over his lost Faith & Trust in LIFE & GOD.
In doing so,he started picking up pebbles from the shore & started throwing them in the lake,one at a time.

It was quite dark & the man was totally lost in despair throwing the pebbles into the river.
As dawn approached & the first rays of light hit the river,the man became aware that its time to get going. And, while getting up he picked up a pebble for the last time from the sand to throw into the river.

As he was about to throw it,he was surprised to see that what he was about to throw in the river wasn’t a pebble but a clear cut Diamond!!!
Frantically, he looked down at the sand & saw a small pouch with only a few diamonds left in it.

Now,he realized that all night what he was throwing in the river, were not pebbles but precious Diamonds… But due to the nights darkness he could not make out the difference between them & thereby had lost most of the flawless diamonds by dawn.



Everyone has to face the consequences of his actions...

Every one has to face the
consequences of his actions.
None can predict when and how,
but you are bound to face them.

However, when you constantly think of God,
you will never be put to suffering.
God will protect you from all suffering.
He will always be with you, in you, around you, safeguarding you.

divinely sent

God can be realised only through love...

God can be realised only through love. God will
not reside in a heart devoid of love, which is
like a desert. Other paths develop conceit,
separating man from man and man from beast.

They contract and do not reach out, shrinking your
awareness of the Divine. Love is expansion, and
expansion is divine life. Sow love – it will
blossom as compassion and tolerance. It will
yield the fruit of peace. God is reflected in the
medium of Nature; in everything His image can be perceived

divinely sent

The first lesson in services has to be learnt in the family circle itself.

The first lesson in sevices has to be
learnt in the family circle itself.
Father, mother, brothers, sisters---
in this limited group which is well knit,
one must engage in loving service and
prepare for the wider serva that awaits outside the home.

The character of each individual member
determines the peace and prosperity of
the family; the character of each family
is the service factor that decides the happiness
and joy of the village or the community.

And, the nation's progress is based on
the strength and happiness of the communities
which are its components. So, for the welfare
of the country and of the entire world, the spirit
of service, vital enthusiasm, constructive imagination,
pure motivation, and unselfish alertness are all urgently needed.

divinely sent

First, learn to be happy, no matter what, only then, will the inner guidance awaken ...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Be honest...

Honesty should thus be at the
core of character and speaking the truth should
not only be seen as an important feature of character,
but also as the doorway to righteousness.

Just as deliberate lying is among the
ugliest traits; truthfulness is one of
the most beautiful traits.

"Being truthful is obligatory,
for truly truthfulness lead to
righteousness, and righteousness leads to Paradise."

divinely sent

Deceitfulness and fraud are things that lead one to Hell fire...

A true believer of God
should keep his word and fulfill his promises.

God will reward the men of Truth for their Truth.
"Remember, there is no faith in him who is not
trustworthy; there is no place for him
in religion who cares not for his pledged word or promise".

"He who cheats is not of us.

Deceitfulness and fraud are things that lead one
to Hellfire." A true believer
of God has many characteristics by
which he can be identified.

The most outstanding one should be
honesty of character and truthfulness of speech.
The tongue translates man's internal feelings
to the outside world.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

If all were to begin blaming each other for their own imperfections, then tell Me, how would one find the strength of the effort to bring the reform?

What is the way to overcome or sublimate this selfishness?

What is the way to overcome
or sublimate this selfishness?

For this, first, we should
have a proper evaluation,
a proper understanding of our body, senses, mind, etc.

They are not ourselves.
In ignorance we identify ourselves with them.

They are our vestures,
they are like the dress we wear.

The body is not we,
the sensory organs are not we;
the mind is not we; They are merely our vestures.
That is why we say, "this is my body, etc."
We never say "I am the body".

We should therefore try to
realize that we are really apart.
The self that is apart from these is
the real entity in us, and we are that.

divinely sent

Assign to your mind the task of serving the Lord and it will grow tame...

Assign to your mind the task
of serving the Lord and it will grow tame.

You hand over only ornaments that
need repair or reshaping to the goldsmith.

So too, give the Lord your mind
that certainly needs repair, if not complete reconstruction.

The blemish that affects the mind is illusion.
It is like a fierce dog that will not allow
any one to approach the master.

Illusion is the Lord's pet and so,
it will not harm you if He orders it not to.

Hence, the way to avoid the dog is by calling
out to the master loudly, so that he comes to
welcome you himself, that is to say by praying
to the Lord to shower His grace upon you.

divinely sent

Sunday, September 7, 2008

You must always remember 2 great principles, work and workship...

You must always remember
the two great principles -
work and worship, and follow
them every minute of your lives.

Whatever job you take up,
do it to the best of your ability.
Do your duty to the best and to the
utmost satisfaction of everyone concerned.

Even in your home, you must discharge
all your obligations and responsibilities.
If you are able to satisfy your parents
today by discharging your duty in the proper spirit,
tomorrow your children will offer you similar satisfaction.

If you aspire for a happy and secure life in future,
you must lead your present life in a conducive way
by discharging all your obligations in the right spirit.

If you discharge your responsibility
in the right spirit, that will give you
real power from the well-deserved authority

divinely sent

Happiness is something one decide on ahead of time...

Lighten the attitude of change by bringing in humor... it will let u smile...

Simpleness, offers one they joy of possessing no desires, teaching the wisdom of detachment...

Worry is a very bad quality...

Worry is a very bad quality.
Hurry, worry and curry —
these three together make
the heart very weak.
Hence, keep them at a distance.

When you are smiling, love will automatically develop in you...

When you are smiling,
love will automatically develop in you.

There are, of course,
some people who will put up a "castor oil" face.

You must always be smiling and cheerful.
God is always blissful. He does not at all worry for anything.
Sorrow and worry are nowhere near God.

There is no limitations of time and place...

For establishing oneself in the contemplation of the omnipresent
Lord, there are no limitations of time and place. There is nothing
like a holy place or auspicious time for this. Wherever the mind
revels in the contemplation of the Divine, that is the holy place.
Whenever it does so, that is the auspicious moment.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Service, brings with it, the secret romance with God and an abundance of love for all that His divine hands touched to become life...

Silence gives one the strength to control one's passions and emotions, allowing him to experience the power of peace that supercedes any other kinds..

Need less, want none, hope ever, wish never, bring always, take nothing, hold on to the One and let go of the all!

The heart that is pure will awaken the Lord each time that he calls...

I assure you, My child, that there is God! How do I know? Your birth itself is its proof!

Each one wants to find the way to God, yet none attempt to ask Him, even once...

The chapter of patience My child, ends with the vision of God...

The duty of the Divine Mother is not simply to please Her child, but to keep it safe!

Indeed, misery is a blessing, for it takes whatever you desire!

Who are you to tell another of how to live hs life? Remember, one is born with the right to choose his own way home!

The reason for all misery and grief is that your mind is not directed towards Divine love...

The reason for all misery and
grief is that your mind is not
directed towards Divine love.

You will lead a blissful life
only when your mind is suffused with Divine love.

Body is not permanent. It is bound to perish one day or the other...

Body is not permanent.
It is bound to perish
one day or the other.

None can predict with
any degree of certainty
when one would leave one’s mortal coil.

This physical life is but a dream.
So, do not develop undue attachment to the body.
So long as you are alive, discharge your duties sincerely.

Suffuse your thoughts, words and
deeds with Divine feelings. Then you will verily become God.

The dualities of righteousness and unrighteousness, truth and falsehood, merit and sin co-exist in this creation of God.

The dualities of righteousness
and un-righteousness, truth and falsehood,
merit and sin, heat and cold, etc.,
co-exist in this creation of God.

People want un-righteousness to be
eradicated completely from this world.

They want only righteousness to exist,
but it is not possible.

In this world, righteousness cannot exist
without un-righteousness and vice-versa.

The world itself is a combination of both of them.
It cannot exist if one of them is absent.
Man should use his power of discrimination
and lead a life dedicated to righteousness.
There lies the secret of man's happiness.

The body that man bears is essentially a receptacle of God...

Why is man so pathetically afflicted
today with fear and anxiety? Are
we to search for the reasons outside us
or do they lie within us?

The reason lies in the false
emphasis we have laid on things of the
material world, ignoring matters of the spirit.

The body that man
bears is essentially a receptacle of God.

It is a temple where God is
installed, where God is the Master.

Hence, it does not behove you to
pander to its every whim. Instead,
realise it to be a very valuable
instrument in your journey to God.

Unlike joy or sadness, bliss is not the state of mind, it is the nature of life itself...

Repentance must be shown by reform, refrain the mind, restrain the senses, refill your hearts with purity and rely only on..

Faith is the inner strength that knows and believes the secret mystery of God as truth..

The poorest life to Me is the one that has, in his purposeful ignorance, sent God the other way, HIs way, My child, will surely meet with dead end...

Know that the Lord can effortlessly bring the whole world to your feet...

Do not take pride in the acquisition of bookish knowledge...

Do not take pride in the
acquisition of bookish knowledge.
Bookish knowledge only helps
in eking out a livelihood.
It will not confer total wisdom.

To realize and recognize the brilliance of the Lord's gifts, one's own eyes must shine, too, with His divine brilliance and luster...

The Lord knows, My child, as to when, where and how you will choose Him ultimately. From now, He waits..waits until you have

The pure child of God will not ever cry before Me, for his noble vision will see the pain...

Pain will touch only those, who themselves, volunteer to get hurt...

One will be respected and honored only when one possesses both education and culture...

The prestige of an individual
does not depend on education alone.
Along with education, culture is also very essential.

One will be respected and honored
only when one possesses both education and culture.

Worldly education is negative, spiritual education is positive...

No doubt, secular education is essential.
But along with secular education,
one should have moral and spiritual education too.

One without moral and spiritual
education will never attain peace.

Worldly education is negative
and spiritual education is positive.

Just as positive and negative
are essential for the electric current to flow,
both worldly education and spiritual education
are needed for progress in life.

Man should bring out the sacred qualities latent in his heart and put them into practice...

The word 'education' is derived
from the root word 'Educare'.

Education refers to acquiring
information from outside,
while 'Educare' means to bring out
or to elicit that which is inside.

Man should bring out the sacred
qualities latent in his heart and put them into practice.

The worldly education that you pursue
and the jobs that you undertake are related to the head.

They are subject to change.
But the human values like compassion,
forbearance, Truth,, which originate from the heart are changeless.

Instead of worrying all the time about filling your stomach, fill your mind with pure and sacred thoughts...

With whatever education you get,
is it not possible to sustain yourself?

God has given you two hands and one stomach.
Are two hands not sufficient to fill one stomach?

Are you born as a human being just to fill the stomach?
Don't you find the birds and beasts also doing the same?

Instead of worrying all the time about
filling your stomach, fill your mind with pure and sacred thoughts.

Cast the pebble of good thoughts in the lake of your heart...

First of all, one should develop right vision.
If the vision is good and pure, the thoughts will also be pure.

If you throw a pebble in a lake,
it will create ripples.

How far will the ripples spread?
They will go up to the edge of the lake.

In the same way, cast the pebble of
good thoughts in the lake of your heart.

The ripples of good thoughts will then
express themselves through all parts of your body,
viz., eyes, ears, hands, legs, etc.

When these ripples of good thoughts
go to the eyes, you will see only good,
when they go to the ears, you will hear only good,
when they go to the tongue, you will speak only good,
when they go to the legs, the legs will go only to good places.

Thus, the lake of the human body
becomes full of ripples of pure thoughts,
purifying the body from top to toe.

Mere study of books is not enough...

Mere study of books is not enough.
You feel elevated for the time being
while studying sacred books.

The sublime teachings of great men
must be put in practice.

As fragrance is released when
you go on grinding the sandal wood,
these teachings leave a lasting effect
on your mind by repeated study and practice.

Time is precious, never waste it... Time is God, dont waste it...

God has given so much time to man.
But man wastes it. Time is God.
Don't waste time. Time waste is life waste.

Man wastes 3/4th of his time in mundane activities.
He spends the remaining spare time in idle pursuits like
watching TV and other petty amusements.

Why does he not sanctify his time by
engaging himself in good deeds and righteous activities?

Friday, August 22, 2008

It is a grievous error to think that it is natural for a human being to err...

Many feel that it is human to err
and that God should forgive their lapses.

In fact, if they were truly human,
they should not commit mistakes at all.

Even if sometimes a mistake is committed,
willingly or unwillingly, it should not be repeated.

It is a grievous error to think
that it is natural for a human being to err.

To follow the directives of the
senses is the mark of an animal.

To be guided by the Self
is the sign of a human being.

None should attempt to justify his
or her weaknesses and lapses as natural to a human being.

They should be regarded as signs of mental debility.
When you have truly acquired sense-control,
you will experience the power of the Divine in you.

If only you had held on to your goodness, nothing would have degraded you...

Many people assert that they were
very good in the beginning but bad company spoiled them.

This is not true.
Do not plead that you have become bad
due to the influence of others.

If only you had held on to your goodness,
nothing would have degraded you.

Hence it is imperative that man
should make earnest efforts to remain steadfast in his goodness.

You did not come to this world with a part of love, but a part of Me has come fully as love!

Hypocrites and wicked people can never find God..

Strange is the nature of modern man today.
He thinks something and speaks something else.

He laughs outwardly to
conceal his inner wickedness.
He appears to be weeping outwardly
but inside he really laughs.

His outward appearance is that
of human being but his mind is that of monkey.

Such hypocrites and wicked people can never find God.
God expects that human beings should live like human beings
devoid of such animal qualities.