Saturday, February 20, 2010

If there is no separation, there can be no comparison and difference, all deserve love without any discrimination...

Our body is vehicle of our soul
and our soul is part of Divine Spirit.
We have what God has but in our ignorance
we fail to understand this and feel that we
are different, separate and better than others.

When in ignorance we compare
ourselves with others we are admitting
that we are separate from each other
which is not true.

Now that we realize we are God really,
it means the whole humanity is God
indeed. If that be so we are all One
with the creation and creator. If there is
no separation, there can be no
comparison and difference. All deserve love
without any discrimination.

It is a fact that divinity is
embedded in our inner being (we being his

Thus, we have vast ocean
of divine love flowing gently within us.
We all are full of Love and we are not even aware of this.

All we have to do is to
accept this fact, realize it,
tap it and shower our inner divine Love outwards -
towards whole humanity.

What we give out we get back.
Therefore, this greatest
gift of God
that we have- LOVE,
is meant to be shared impartially with everyone
so that it easily comes back to us too.

SOW love REAP love.

True divine love is impartial...

Loving God means accepting each
and everyone just the way they are and not
passing any judgments.

Everything that God has
created is in perfection. All
that we see around us and also
what we cannot see or feel through our five
senses is result of that Divine Will.

Therefore, it has to be PERFECT. What is
perfect need not be judged.

True divine love is impartial.
It knows no difference.
The Sun, the Moon, the Trees -

The Nature offers its love,
services, comfort & grace to all equally
without any discrimination.

We are also part of this creation and most
intelligent of all then why do we distinguish
when it comes to giving out love.

It could be because we consider
ourselves and others separate from each other.
This is mine, that is theirs etc.

Love, all love God

Love All Love God

When we say that we love God, it automatically follows that our love now extends
to entire humanity. Humanity is creation of THAT creator. Not loving HIS
creation would mean disregarding and disrespecting HIS existence thereby
implying that our love for HIM is superficial.

Often we hear learned people saying that they love God and love everyone.
However, it is easier said than done. The very same people will be seen judging
others, telling others what is wrong in their behavior and how to behave rightly
etc without realizing that each and everyone behaves in a particular manner due
to various reasons which one cannot comprehend with his
limited knowledge. We do not know why a person behaves in a particular manner
because we know only about his present lifetime and not his past births.

When truth is painful, your silence will speak of the open wound...

Give up the feelings of 'I' and 'you'....

Give up the feelings "I" and "you". 
Only then can you understand the glory 
of that which is neither "I" nor "mine". 

This does not mean you renounce everything. 
Deal with the world as duty demands, in a spirit of detachment. 

The acid test by which an activity can be confirmed 
as holy and sacred is to examine whether it promotes 
attachment or bondage. 

The activity is unholy or sinful 
if it arises from or promotes greed. 
With the intent of fulfilling your legitimate duties, 
pray to God to keep you alive for a hundred years. 
You will not incur blame. 

This is the lesson from true education.

Post 1880...

If money is lost, it can be earned again. If health is lost, it may be possible to regain it. But if time is lost, it can never be regained. So, man should utilize the time at his disposal in the right manner.

Friday, February 19, 2010

When 'everyone is mine', there is room for patience and is only then that our love will also grow..

There is a small example.
In our home there are our children. 
Along with our children, there is also a servant. In the house,
a son may be pilfering something or the other and developing bad habits.

In many ways we will try and control 
that son by beating, by scolding, and 
persuading him to return to good ways 
but we will never take him and hand him over to the police. 

In the same house, 
if the servant boy steals a small spoon, 
at once we will take him and hand him over to the police. 

What is the inner meaning of the situation 
in which we do not punish a son, even if he steals day after day, 
but we hand over a servant boy immediately to the police 
when he steals even a small thing? 

The reason for this is the narrow idea that 'this boy is my son'. 

Because the servant does not belong to you,
there is no place for forbearance and patience. 
So you see that when you have the broad idea
that 'everyone is mine', there is room for patience and forbearance. 
It is only then that our love will also grow.

Forbearance trulyis the highest quality of a human being...

Forbearance truly is the highest quality of a human being.
But in human life, because he develops narrow ideas, 
man wants to live in a constricted place. 
He thinks 'I' and 'my family' are what matter, 
others are all different from 'me'. 

It is not possible for us to develop 
the flower of forbearance as long as these ideas are in us.
It is only when we love that we can have patience and forbearance. 
One's love should encompass all living beings. 
That will fructify as forbearance.


Man has to listen, learn and obey with hope and faith...

Man is born out of desires and lives to fulfil his desires. His life is based on desires and thoughts which control his actions. Hence, man's destiny is determined by his thoughts. To act according to the dictates of the senses is the code of animals. What we should have is Divine Consciousness. The Divine Incarnation comes to warn, to guide, to awaken, to lay down the path and shed the light of love on it. But man has to listen, learn and obey with hope and faith.

The desires that cling to the mind are the blemishes that tarnish man's inner consciousness...

The desires that cling to the mind are the blemishes that tarnish
man's inner consciousness. Control the senses, do not yield to their
insistent demands for satisfaction. When a corpse is placed on a
pyre, and when the pyre is lit, both the corpse and the pyre are
reduced to ashes. So too, when the senses are negated, the mind too
disappears. When the mind disappears, delusion dies and liberation is

When u get angry, you act as if you are possessed by an evil spirit. Your face becomes ugly and frightful...

Know that you and I are one. 
You can realize this only by intense spiritual discipline, 
that is not marred by anger, envy and greed..
the vices that sprout from the ego. 

When you get angry, you act as if 
you are possessed by an evil spirit
Your face becomes ugly and frightful.  

Heed that signal, and take yourself to a quiet spot.  
Do not give free vent to wicked vocabulary. 
Envy and greed also emanate from the ego 
and have to be carefully watched and controlled.

Like the tadpole's tail, the ego 
will fall away when one grows in wisdom. 
Develop wisdom, discriminate and know 
the ephemeral nature of all objective things.

God seeks quality, the quality of the heart, the purity of the mind, the holiness of the motive...

Service helps you to remove the ego.
So, do not pay heed to what others might
say when you engage in service activities.

When you are doing good acts, why hesitate,
why feel ashamed, why fear?

Let Compassion and Sacrifice be your two eyes;
let Egolessness be your breath and Love be your tongue.

Let Peace reverberate in your ears.
These are the five vital elements you have to live upon.
God will not ask you, when and where did you do service?

 He will ask, "With what motive did you do it?
What was the intention that prompted you?"
You may weigh the seva and boast of its quantity.

But, God seeks quality, the quality of the heart,
the purity of the mind, the holiness of the motive.

In the discipline of devotion, one has to stand the test at the hands of the Lord..

In the discipline of devotion, one has 
to stand the test at the hands of the Lord. 
He has to hold on to the Lord's name at 
all times and under all conditions, 
without the slightest trace of dislike or disgust, 
bearing the ridicule and the criticism of the world
and conquering the feelings of shame and defeat.

Shed jealousy, ego, hatred and anger which are animal qualities...

Some say knowledge is valuable,
but character is more valuable than knowledge. 

One may be a learned scholar, 
one may hold high positions of authority, 
one may be very wealthy or be an eminent scientist 
but if one has no character, all the other acquisitions 
are of no use at all. 

Sacrifice, love, compassion and forbearance 
are the sterling human qualities that should be fostered,
shedding jealousy, hatred, ego and anger which are animal qualities.

Do every act as an offering to the Lord without being elated by success or dejected by defeat, this gives the poise and equanimity needed for sailing through waters of the ocean of life..

Do every act as an offering to the Lord without being elated by success or dejected by defeat; this gives the poise and equanimity needed for sailing through waters of the ocean of life. It is infinitely better to think of God in grief and in joy; in peace and strife, in all weathers.
When in difficulty, pray for guidance, before jumping in any direction. Men will give you advice only as far as their cleverness can reach; but, the Lord who illumines dullness into intelligence will reveal to you the way out of dilemma. Ask the Lord and He will answer.

Know that God has no misunderstandings, God make no mistakes...

People blame the Lord for all ills caused by their own extravagance or ignorance...

People blame the Lord for all ills caused by their own extravagance or ignorance. They are themselves to blame for the sufferings they undergo. Suffering is due to ignorance only. Take every thing as it comes; cultivate contentment; do not multiply your wants and foster greed and despair.

Life becomes sweeter, with a little dose of denial too; if you get all you desire, it begins to cloy. Deny yourselves many of the things your mind runs after and you will find that you become tough enough to bear both good future and bad.

Remember the words of Christ, "Ask, and it shall be given unto you, seek, and ye shall find, knock, and it shall be opened unto you"

Remember the words of Christ - "Ask, and it shall be given unto you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." These words are literally true, not figures or fiction. They were the outflow of the heart's blood of one of the greatest sons of God, who have ever come to this world of ours; words which came as the fruit of realization, from a man who had felt and realized God Himself; who had spoken with God, lived with God, a hundred times more intensely, than you or I see this building. 

The vehicle that transports you to God, are the balanced wheels of the golden heart...

Pride responds with anger, humbleness and humility responds with compromise and reasoning...

All mankind stand in reverence and awe before the man who is ready to sacrifice himself for others...

Although a man has not studied a single systemof philosophy, although he does not believe in any God, and never has believed, although he has not prayed even once in his life, if the simple power of good actions has brought him to that state where he is ready to give up his life and all else for others, he has arrived at the same point to which the religious man will come through his prayers and the philosopher through his knowledge; and so you may find that the philosopher, the worker, and the devotee, all meet at one point, that one point being self-abnegation. However much their systems of philosophy and religion may differ, all mankind stand in reverence and awe before the man who is ready to sacrifice himself for others. 

It is wrong to find faults with others, there may be faults in them, but do not see their faults, see their good qualities...

It is wrong to find faults with others. There may be faults in them. But do not see their faults, see their good qualities. Then the entire universe becomes one family. This is the spirit of the brotherhood of man and fatherhood of God.
Man's misadventures have created several problems for the entire mankind. He has polluted the five elements causing havoc on the earth. There is pollution everywhere, in air, water, food and so on. His misdeeds coupled with his evil thoughts and feelings have degraded human life on the earth.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Do not be a victim of lust or taste....

The purpose for which you give clothes like pants, shirts, sheets, etc. to laundry, is to get them cleaned. So too, whether it is meditation that you are encouraging or group Singing that you are organizing or clothes that you are offering to the needy or worship that you are conducting, the object is just cleansing the mind of tarnish of egoism, greed, hatred, malice, lust and envy. The main aim of all activities is only to cleanse the mind.
One has to be very careful about food, especially when one is proceeding Godward, through the steep path of holiness. Remember also that 'dress' is primarily for protection against heat and cold, not for vain display at the cost of even health. Do not be a victim of lust or taste. Be moderate in food and keep the senses strictly under control.

Friday, February 12, 2010

First of all, one should develop right vision, if the vision is good and pure, the thoughts will also be pure..

First of all, one should develop right vision.
If the vision is good and pure, the thoughts 
will also be pure. 

If you throw a pebble in a lake, 
it will create ripples. How far will the ripples spread? 
They will go up to the edge of the lake. In the same way,
cast the pebble of good thoughts in the lake of your heart. 

The ripples of good thoughts will then 
express themselves through all parts of your body, viz., 
eyes, ears, hands, legs, etc. 

When these ripples of good thoughts go to the eyes, 
you will see only good, when they go to the ears, 
you will hear only good, when they go to the tongue, 
you will speak only good, when they go to the hands, 
 they will perform only good deeds, when they go to the legs, 
the legs will go only to good places. 

Thus, the lake of the human body 
becomes full of ripples of pure thoughts,
purifying the body from top to toe.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The prayer that comes from your heart becomes the worship of 'devotion', the prayer that arises from the mind is the worship of 'desire'

Do not inflict pain with the truth, yet, do not disorient another by a fake-and-hypocritic attitude...

The Lord knows all yet says little,,,

Forbearance is one of the most important qualities that one should possess...

Forbearance is one of the most important 
qualities that you should possess, and it is 
absolutely essential on the spiritual path. 

It is by putting yourself under test in 
difficult circumstances that you can 
cultivate this quality of forbearance. .. 

There is nothing extraordinary about 
returning good for good, but doing good 
in return for bad, that is something great, 
and the practice of such a virtue requires 
a great deal of skill. 

However much other people
may criticize you, however much they 
may comment and condemn, 
you should never lose your forbearance

Remember, always that God's way is your only path....

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The strength to speak the truth always comes to those who have realized the short life of the deadly lie...

Correct your own vision, My child, and the flaw will no more exists...

No conditions must exist between your love and God's....

For to be effective, more than the tongue, the heart must speak every name...

God is present everywhere, there is no place where He is not present...

God is present everywhere; 
there is no place where He is not present. 
There is no form that does not belong to Him. 
However, you search for God, thinking that 
He is at some distant place. 
But God is in front of you, behind you, beside you. 

Every single person around you 
is an embodiment of God. However, 
you do not consider the people around 
you as embodiments of Divinity. 

You look at their form and consider 
them as mere human beings
Forget the form. 

Be firmly established 
in the feeling that wherever you see 
it is God only. It is only He who provides 
everything for our sustenance. 

You see duality in the world 
since you go by names and forms. 
If you see beyond names and forms, 
you will find unity everywhere.

Every aspirant must strive to keep himself away from the turmoil, falsehood and cruelties of the world and...

Every aspirant must strive to keep 
himself away from the turmoil,
falsehood and cruelties of the world, 
and practice truth, righteousness, 
love and peace at all times. 
This is truly the path of devotion. 

Those who seek union with God 
must discard as worthless both praise and blame, 
appreciation and derision, prosperity and adversity. 
No great soul or even Divine Incarnation 
can ever escape criticism and blame. 

In such instances, they do not bend 
but hold on to the truth. With this realization, 
immerse yourself in holy books and in the company 
of the devotees of the Lord. 

Desist from discussing your belief 
or conviction with ignorant persons. 
When you are rich with the experience 
of realization and devotion, then you 
can mix freely and even endeavour 
to direct others to the truth you have seen and experienced.

Is it not better to have a personal attachment to an image of Christ than to an ordinary man or woman?

It is very easy to say, "Don't be personal", 
but the same man who says so is generally most personal. 
His attachment for particular men and women is very strong; 
it does not leave him when they die, he wants to follow them beyond death. 

That is idolatry; it is the seed, the very cause of idolatry; 
and the cause being there it will come out in some form.
Is it not better to have a personal attachment to an image 
of Christ than to an ordinary man or woman? 

Disciplined effort throughout your life is needed to ensure spiritual consummation...

Disciplined effort throughout your life is needed to ensure spiritual consummation. The mind has to be turned over to good actions. Everyone must examine themselves rigorously, spot out their own defects and struggle to correct them. When one realizes one's defects and uncovers them, it is like being reborn. This is the genuine moment of Awakening. Therefore, live a life avoiding evil deeds and hateful, harmful thoughts and do not get attached to the world. If you live thus, your last moments will be pure, sweet and blessed.

Happiness or sorrow, difficulties or joy are not something that can be caused by others...

Happiness or sorrow, difficulties or joy - These are not something that can be caused by others. They are the manifestation of one's own state of mind. For our mental satisfaction, we shift the blame on others. By doing so, we derive a temporary satisfaction. Infact, this type of delusion is an aberration of mind.

Wake up each morning with the determination that within each one you will find God... Love and service will then be easy and equal...

God can only help the one that knows the value of that help!

Whatever is done from sunrise to sunset must be consecrated, as if it is for the worship of the Lord...

Whatever is done from sunrise 
to sunset must be consecrated, 
as if it is for the worship of the Lord. 

Just as care is taken to pluck 
only fresh and fragrant flowers, 
one should strive to perform 
only good and meritorious deeds. 

If you keep this vision before the mind's eye 
and live your life accordingly, then your life is 
transformed into one long, unbroken service of the Lord

The feeling of "I" and "you" will disappear 
and all traces of ego will be destroyed. 
You will attain the stage where God is 
the Master and you are the servant 
and the world is your offering to the Lord. 
Leading a life suffused with this joy is indeed bliss.

The prayer that comes from your heart becomes the worship of 'devotion', the prayer that arises from the mind is the worship of 'desire'

The nature of your soul is to seek freedom, it will, one day, surely find its way out, even from the most chaotic mind and closed hearts...

Friday, February 5, 2010

Never blame another for your discontentment! If you cannot keep yourself happy, then tell me, my child, how can another accomplish this impossible task?

The body, mind, senses and intellect are all negative in nature...

The body, mind, senses and intellect are all negative in nature. Only the conscience is positive. Just as the microphone is useless without the current, so also are the body, mind, senses and intellect without the conscience.

The conscience that exists in every one is one and the same, just as the current that flows through different bulbs is the same. All are one. So, do not hate, harm or criticize any body. He is a noble one, who conducts himself without hurting others and not being troubled in the process himself.

Stay unaffected....of negative forces

When someone whose ways 
you do not appreciate comes near you, 
there is no need to find fault with him or her. 

There is no need either to laugh 
at them or show them your contempt. 
It is enough if you continue to do 
your work unaffected by their arrival. 

Let them follow their path, 
leave them alone. This is the attitude of 
of unaffectedness. 

When you practice and 
attain this state of mind, 
you will have unchanging love for God. 

This attitude will bestow on you 
everlasting peace, self-control and purity of mind.

Man is bound to face the consequences of his actions, be they good or bad... small or big

In order to have sacred thoughts,
give up vices like smoking, 
consumption of non-vegetarian food and intoxicants. 
Do not waste food, money, time and energy.

Man is bound to face the 
consequences of his actions, 
be they good or bad, small or big.

It is most essential for man 
to understand this truth and act accordingly.
Before undertaking any action, 
enquire whether it is good or bad, right or wrong.

Actions depend on the mind, 
the mind on thoughts. As are the thoughts, 
so is the action. 

Hence for the world to be peaceful 
and prosperous, man should foster truthful thoughts.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

True spirituality lies in understanding the unity of the entire humanity and giving up the sense of attachment and hatred...

Spirituality does not mean a life of solitude.
True spirituality lies in understanding the unity 
of the entire humanity, and giving up the sense
of attachment and hatred. .

Fill your heart with love and chant the Divine name. 

Only then can you attain Divinity. 
Perform all your activities with love.
Love should originate from the source, 
i.e., the heart and not by force. 

Today people chant the Divine name,
not from source, but out of force. 
No benefit accrues from chanting 
the Divine name unless it is done wholeheartedly.

Have steady love for God at all times and under all circumstances...

You must have steady love 
for God at all times 
and under all circumstances. 

God is the embodiment of sweetness. 
It is only when such steadfast love 
is won towards the Absolute that 
your heart will brim with joy. 

A pure heart, enquiry in to 
the Divine Principle and surrender 
to the Divine Self will be the 
natural outcomes at this stage. 

This stage called is characterized 
by purity, constant joyfulness, 
and incessant remembrance 
of the Name of the Lord or 
performing spiritual practices.