Wednesday, June 27, 2007

It is said nothing will escape from the supreme..

The mind emanates from the
very same place from where our breath starts.

Hence the breath takes away
the mind along with it when it leaves
the body for good.

However the subtle mind
contains all the happenings
from the moment we took birth in this world.

It is just like hard disk in a computer.
You can retreive the recordings, replay it.

Hence it is said nothing
will escape from the supreme.

God says he is "Constant integrated awareness'.
Hence it is possible for him to look into our past,
present and future simultaneously.

Hence he allows the sufferings
to continue as retributions to our past misdeeds.
Some times he remit the sentences to an extent
in proportion to the good behaviour which
is consistent as being done in prisons.

Hence never think
you can do something secretly
without anybody noticing it.
Outwardly there may be none.

But the secret cameras and tape recorded
which is inside our conciousness record them
sincerely for producing in the supreme justice of God's court.

divinely sent

Arrogance is the one quality we must avoid at any cost..

Arrogance, the one quality
we must avoid at any cost.

However much we are gifted,
never pride yourself.

It is really the ego
which spin the web of illusion
around your pure soul.

Once the web thickens,
then there is only darkness inside,

Any amount of light
outside the web can not illuminate
the soul inside caught in the web.

Hence beware of the Ego,
which entices you into believing
that the ego really care for us.

It is a false phantom.
It is just like a parasite.
Ego needs a body to thrive,
a mind to play lulluby to it.

Enquire into its real identity.
It fleds away. The real identity is that of the SELF.

Ego really assume the role of the self
and misguide us into treachery and treson.

Why fall prey to its pleadings.
Remain strong intellectually
and stand on your ground which is the Self.

None can harm you any more.
March forward like lion cubs
in the jungle of life.
Be moving till you reach your final goal.

divivnely sent

Success is not the final win, it is the balance with which one is able to meet with any end result..

Do not let the small ups and downs of life
make you love your journey any lesser.

Realize, My child,
that every defeat in life has a purpose -
Yes! It is that of a bigger success,
at some stage ahead.

Success is not the final win,
My child, but it is the balance
with which one is able to meet with any end result.

Depressions come in life,
only when one makes his desire
of being happy an obsession.

Happiness is not in what one
becomes or receives in life,
but it is the strength, where one
stays to be the self, alone.

Hence, do not make life
the restless run - but rise above it
with purity and perch yourself at the highest point,
where one sees the beauty of life with the clearest vision.

The perfection of life can never be attained by desires -
hence, do not put the undue pressure on the self
by wanting from it, continuously.

Life is the best, when one finds the strength
to accept it the way it comes to you!

divinely sent

Moodiness is nothing but the state of mental laziness..

Unable to face the ups and downs of life's changes,
one becomes moody in nature.

Moodiness is nothing but the state of mental laziness.

When one begins to lose the strength of his heart,
he breaks the link that allows the mind
to focus upon the heart's strength.

When the mind loses its focus, it,
suddenly, has no direction.

It begins to lose its own strength
in the chaos of unsettling thoughts.

When the thoughts consume life
and try to give the self its direction,
one finds himself walking in all directions,
with no goal and no inspiration.

In such a state, one experiences a vacuum -
Yes! An emptiness, in which one lives without
the love for his own self!

In such moments,
one expresses himself
by short outbursts of anger -
then sometimes by bitterness,
and other times, by remorse,
repentance and self-pity!

divinely sent

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Thoughts may be many but the truth in the right act is only one!

Just like a little child
that has found the wonderment
of language, the mind, too, speaks voraciously.

In the case of the child,
it is the mother that determines
how much attention she must pay
to the child's attempt of communication.

In the same way,
thoughts may be many
but the truth in the right act
is only one!

Hence, it is you that speaks
and determines by your will power
as to which thoughts you must discard
and which thoughts you must keep and channel.

Thoughts that make you weak, fearful,
and worrisome must be discarded immediately,
and not simply set aside, for they will then,
slowly, emerge again, to consume you in a later,
weaker stage of life!

Thoughts that give you
the gift of divine inspiration
must be harbored and its energies
must be channeled towards the chosen task.

divinely sent

The health of a mind depends upon its ability to maintain its silence..

The health of a mind
depends upon its ability
to maintain its silence.

Such silence can be obtained,
when one performs his daily duties
with utmost love and his fullest effort.

The one that keeps his entire focus
upon his chosen work will never be
perturbed nor interrupted by any
unsettling thought processes.

Even if a ripple of thoughts
would emerge, one would be able
to easily ignore it by the strength
he derives from the contentment
and confidence with his own self.

Man, today, is filled with thoughts of fear.
He has actually made fear his guiding light
to walk his life and has become dependent
upon its illusionary threats to function.

Little does he realize, that fear blinds,
binds and buries him little by little!

divinely sent

Worth reflecting upon...

Worth reflecting upon......

Arthur Ashe, the legendary Wimbledon player was dying of AIDS which he got due to infected blood he received during a heart surgery in 1983.

From world over, he received letters from his fans, one of which conveyed: "Why does GOD have to select you for such a bad disease"?

To this, Arthur Ashe replied:

The world over -- 5 crore children start playing tennis, 50 lakh learn to play tennis, 5 lakh learn professional tennis, 50,000 come to the circuit, 5000 reach the grand slam, 50 reach Wimbledon, 4 to semi final, 2 to the finals, When I was holding a cup I never asked GOD " Why me?".

So today in pain I should not be asking GOD.......... "Why me?"

divinely sent

No suffering is ever real,know that end the darkness of its pains by lighting the lamp of wisdom within...

The temporary belief
in the pains of one's own weaknesses
brings the illusions of suffering.

No suffering is ever real, My child!
Know that and end the darkness
of its pains by lighting the lamp of wisdom within.

Be content with what is given -
be thankful for what is taken -
be joyful in your every experience -
be courageous at all times -
be confident to be yourself!

Struve for the highest purity, for purity is the link that ties one's love for God with His will...

Strive for the highest purity,
for purity is the link that ties one's love
for the Divine Master with His will!

When the love is pure and selfless,
one receives the direct commands
from the Lord that resides in his heart.

Confusion and misunderstandings in love comes,
only when the desires interfere.

Where there is no desire, there,
My child, love will have no limitation.
Hence, to attain the stage of the highest purity,
one has to give up all expectations - from life -
from every relationship - from time - from fate -
even from God, and he, My child, has to give his very best,
keeping, always, the truth as the goal - love as the effort -
peace as the link and perfection as the direction!

divinely sent

Do not imprison the self with the impulsiveness of greed!

Believe, My child,
in the wisdom of the self,
always, and life will never
attempt to tease you again.

Never accept the glitterings
gifts of life and remain indebted to it -
instead, offer it the radiance,
the brilliance and the majesty
of your simple, sweet nature.

Remain ahead of time -
remain in control of your own destiny,
and let life follow you on your miraculous journey.

Do not worry, anymore,
about receiving, leaving,
gaining and losing!

Do not imprison the self
with the impulsiveness of greed!

divinely sent

The search for God is nothing but unfolding the nature of your own true self..

Man sees God, only when he believes,
finds and experiences within his own self
the every strength of God! Yes!

When the reality of one's identity reveals -
the source, My child, becomes clearly evident!

Hence, the search for God is nothing
but unfolding the nature of your own true self.

Finding God, is being able to express
the glorious powers of one's own inner strengths.

And realizing God is knowing and
experiencing the self itself to be the Divine Presence!
Such realization, My child, comes not by preaching,
but by practicing - it comes not by doubting or fearing,
but by facing the every demon with one's faith in his own inner strengths!

divinely sent

Be yourself always...

Be yourself, always
No matter what fear may bring
The wheel of life will only turn...

You, My child, must see the center
Of that circle that never travels
To the whims of time and fate
Embrace all that comes as love
And release the fears that bind you to wish

Let all the pretenses fall
And rise to play life's every role
With the wisdom of the one reality
- the one truth
And in this wondrous experience of
love and truth

Find the peace of your own self.
Be yourself, always
Then only will you realize, O Love
That God lives
In you
As the simple sweet truth!

Yes! God expresses His Divine Will
Only when you find the courage
To be only you! Only you! Only you!
For only in the real you
Is the Divine presence!

divinely sent

Monday, June 25, 2007

Separation is felt when love still exists at the physical plane...

Do not worry and make
the relationship small and petty.

Do not continuously waste time
in examining the relationship to
measure its give and take.

A pure bond of love is free,
My child - it never suffers
the pangs of physical separation.

Separation is felt,
when love still exists at the physical plane.

Such kind of love is not truly existing
in the oneness but is attached to
the false illusions of differences.

Realize, My child, that the relationships
that are bound by illusions become a memory, too!

All that ever remains
alive and eternal is pure love.

Yes! Pure love can
never destroyed by time,
circumstance and fate.

If you have truly loved, you,
My child, will never fear.
The one that fears his love
has truly never loved at all!

divinely sent

If the bonds between 2 hearts & minds are balanced & pure, you too will rise to touch & meet the other at the same height of spiritual ecstasy..

Be together in your search
for life's truth but let it not
become a desperate dependence,
where one loses the sight of the truth,
without the other.

Such dependencies give
one the lack of self confidence,
self worth and self-direction.

Do not get attached to
a certain stage of any relationship -
the health of any good relationship
depends upon the stability of change.

Each one will draw the pure love
from the relationship and will grow alone,
at the right time.

Give the encouragement
and the room for the other
to grow and spiritually prosper -
be inspired, My child, wait patiently.

If the bonds between the two hearts
and minds are balanced and pure, then,
you, too, will rise to touch and meet
the other at the same height of the spiritual ecstasy.

divinely sent

A relationship reflects the truth and reality when it is linked by the vows of sacrifice and sincerity.

A relationship, My child,
reflects the truth and reality,
when it is linked by the vows
of sacrifice and sincerity.

The pain in any relationship
can never be blamed upon one,
for the distress is due to a lack
of proper understanding between the two.

In a bond of true love,
the words of communication
become unnecessary, for the two
have conquered the distance that
separates them to be two and have truly become one.

In such a state, one will feel
uplifted in the other's joy and will,
instantly, feel the pain, when the other silently suffers.

The strength of a relationship
does not come by constantly
spending fruitless time together,
but it comes, My child, when two minds
come together to give each other
the strength of peace so that each
walks ahead in their own chosen
spiritual journeys and come closer to their known goals.

divinely sent

True love will never entangle his loved one in the web of his own fearful desires and impure thoughts..

True love will never entangle
his loved one in the web of his
own fearful desires and impure thoughts.

The biggest and the best selfless service
you can perform for your dearest one is to
keep him far away from the hopelessness
of your inner impure state.

In today's world,
where the bonds of love are
weak and perishable,
the two that call themselves to be "in love"
do not spare each other from sharing their wrongs and miseries.

In fact, the purpose of
such relationships has become
to support each other's wrongs and conceal them.

No wonder, in the present age,
the closest relationships are no
more holding their worth of respect and love,
and the strength of their bonds are diminishing
under the pressures of evil differences.

divinely sent

Worry is the nature of a lazy mind! Be organized, do all that you must and do not give the mind an opportunity to ever speak the language of fear...

Think less of what may happen
and simply do what you are supposed to.

Whatever you may fear,
even if it does happen, realize,
there is always a way out.

It is much better to spend time
in finding the way out, rather than
indulging in the pity of being lost!

The right way can never be found
by constant probing and thinking.

Only where there is inner silence,
the self will arise to direct its divine mission.

Worry, My child, is the nature of a lazy mind!
Be organized, do all that you must, and do not
give the mind an opportunity to ever speak
the language of fear and wear down your will power and inner strength.

Believe, My child, that a good life
depends upon the dedication in your spiritual efforts -
the contentment in your mental state and the faith
and love you have for the nature of the inner spirit.

Know your self by experience, My child - not by thoughts!

divinely sent

Man requires 5-6 hours of sleep daily...The body craves for more sleep, for one in the waking hours has abused it with the attack of his mind..

Man requires 5-6 hours of sleep daily.
The body craves for more sleep, for one,
in the waking hours, has abused it
with the attack of his mind.

The body, My child,
is the instrument of the spirit -
Yes! The soul is its only master!

If one will control its movements
by the chaos of one's own mind,
that body is going to age rapidly
and will break under the spell
and curse of man's wishes!

The health of the body is
dependent upon the focal strength of the mind.
If the mind is able to focus and concentrate upon
the goals that emanate from the purity of the inner self,
then, such a one, will receive the optimal use of his body
and will protect it from the dark shadows of disease and aging.

divinely sent

Thoughts obstruct the flow of faith in one's own self..

Thoughts obstruct the flow of faith in one's own self.
The mind that is raided by constant thoughts will find it
impossible to experience a moment's silence.

Such a one, will live his life in constant fatigue
and will fear every moment of rest for he dreads
to sleep upon the bed of his inner confusions.

Man, today, finds it difficult to accomplish his daily tasks.
In fact, he is tired, even before the day has begun.
Little does he realize, that the work is small,
but his fear to do the work is hovering and
intimidating his time and efforts.

Instead of utilizing the sources of his own
inner powers to perform his duty and chosen work,
he argues and defies with the confidence of his own self
and prefers spending his time in trying to avoid his work
and demean his every rising effort!

divinely sent

Saturday, June 23, 2007

The Lord came to me like a dream one day and asked....'why do you sorrow?'

The Lord came to me like a dream one day and asked,
why do you sorrow I answered, Lord my life is so full of pain,
I canʼt face one more tomorrow.

The Lord sat down beside me, and gently took my hand.
He said, Let me explain to you and then youʼll understand.

Each sorrow is a stepping stone you must surmount each day,
And every stepping stone you climb is a sorrow thatʼs passed away.

The road of life is a mountainside, with crevices in which to be caught,
But as you struggle on your way, I, the Rock, will lend support.

Every stepping stone you climb, makes spirit and heart grow strong.
Exercising character and faith this road seems painful and long.

The way is paved with stepping stones, to uplift your heart and soul,
Though difficult they aid your way, to a City paved with gold.

I know that you are tired, for I too have walked this way,
My sorrows did they multiply, but I cleared the stones away.

I left my rock to lift you up, I left behind my story.
To give you strength to make your climb, to that special place in glory.

And never fear, the Rock is here, Youʼll never climb alone
Surmount lifeʼs sorrows, continue on,
For they are but stepping stones.

divinely sent

Be kind and gentle in every little thing you do..

Be kind and gentle
in every little thing you do.

A kind smile - a gentle word -
a warm touch will inspire
the true self to rise and
awaken with its fullest glory.

Wherever you look,
it is only a mirror,
My child, for, in every form of life
there is only the one reflection -
that of the self alone!

Hence, helping another
is only awakening your vision to the true reality.

Embracing another is only
learning to love who you really are.
Lifting another with your confidence
is only finding the strength of the self.

Believing and trusting another
is only finding the strength of unshakable faith.

Guiding another is finding one's own way.
Hence, realize, My dear child,
that in all the good you do -
it is only you that ultimately
receives the wealth of all the pure efforts.

Remember only God, My child; forgive and forget the rest!

divinely sent

One begins to lose the warmth of kindness, when one experiences continuous fears of unreal losses..

One begins to lose the warmth of kindness,
when one experiences continuous fears of unreal losses.

In the midst of such fears,
man begins to protect and hoard
that which will not stay forever,
and in the bargain, looses the real strength
that he brings from the Divine Mother.

When inner strength becomes weak and frail,
one begins to depend more and more on
the outer impure favors and such dependence
brings the division of differences,
and when such walls are erected
in the midst of fearful desires,
they prevent one from seeing
that it is the very same light that
brightens the dark corners of every inner home!

divinely sent

Kindness is not an act that favors one's selfish interests..

Kindness is not an act
that favors one's own selfish interests.

Such an act, is not kindness,
but only a pretense, whose fakeness
will be revealed to the receiver, sooner or later.

True kindness is giving
an unfortunate one the stability
and security of one's own selfless love
that he has gathered while experiencing
the ups and downs of the wavering life and its circumstances.

Such maturity comes,
when one envelopes the ways of life
within the wings of wisdom that reveals
before him the eternal truth.

Yes! It is only the awareness
to the truth that will give one
the persistence to be gentle,
even before the howling and
growling of the roughest waves of life!

divinely sent

Compassion is the master key that opens the doors to the heart that contains within it the gift of Divine Love..

Compassion is the master key
that opens the doors to the heart
that contains within it the gift of Divine Love.

Kindness, My child,
is the strength of a noble heart
that is able to recognize the pain within another heart.

Such a noble one, willingly,
takes upon his own self the task
of healing the wound and lessening
the pain with the one and only
one miraculous cure, his patience!

Yes! The virtue of patience
will overcome the rebellion
of the pain and will forgive
the every error of the self-attack!

Realize, My child,
that even the heart
that has turned to stone
will begin to melt upon the
experience of the first gentle touch.

In whatever state of inner chaos,
there is no one that will reject
and ignore the offering of pure love.

If you face the disappointment
of a poor response, it is only
because the offering lacked complete purity!

divinely sent

There is no reality to fear, ever..

There is no reality to fear, ever.
Fear becomes the reality, only
when one loses contact with his own self.

Realize, My child, that the reality
of the self keeps all fears at bay.

Know that the uncertainty
of the next moment can be captured,
when one makes the present moment the very best.

Even the slightest laziness
will give you several moments of undue worry.

Hence, finish every given task,
and let the joy and confidence
of its peace lead and steer you
towards the ultimate goal.

Worry, My child, is the state of denial -
faith is the humility of acceptance.

The time has come for one to see
that the glory of God is not hidden in the mystical clouds.

Yes! Heaven is not a place
for one to imagine or dream of.

Heaven is the bliss of
one's awareness of the strength
of his own purity that awakens
one to express its simpleness.

Hell, My child, is when one indulges
and obsesses with his own fears and
becomes possessed with them, so much so,
that the simpleness of the truth becomes
the source of his every anxiety.

Hence, choose, My dear,
the heaven of truth and reject,
once and forever, the hell of fear!

divinely sent

Forego all your worries, my child, and keep the path clear for the self to emerge and guide every aspect of your life with its fearless strength..

Fore go all your worries,
My child, and keep the path clear
for the self to emerge and guide every
aspect of your life with its fearless strength.

Realize that it is one's own selfishness
that steals from one the purity of faith.
The fear of knowing the true self
within makes one's vision foggy and weak,
and thus, the reality appears unclear to the one
that lacks love for his own true nature.

Man is unable to experience
the will power of God within him,
only because he has entangled its divine strength
with the impurities of his own desires and hopeless attachments.

Remember that a poor will power
will make one dependent and enslaved only
upon the demands of the mind,
and such a one will not be able to see
nor believe the perfection and
the purity of his own inner existence.

There is no reality to fear, ever.
Fear becomes the reality,
only when one loses contact with his own self.
Realize, My child, that the reality of the self keeps all fears at bay.

Know that the uncertainty
of the next moment can be captured,
when one makes the present moment the very best.
Even the slightest laziness will give you
several moments of undue worry.

Hence, finish every given task,
and let the joy and confidence of
its peace lead and steer you towards the ultimate goal.

Worry, My child, is the state of denial -
faith is the humility of acceptance.

The time has come for one to see
that the glory of God is not hidden
in the mystical clouds. Yes!
Heaven is not a place for one to imagine or dream of.

Heaven is the bliss of one's awareness
of the strength of his own purity that
awakens one to express its simpleness.

Hell, My child, is when one indulges
and obsesses with his own fears and
becomes possessed with them, so much so,
that the simpleness of the truth becomes
the source of his every anxiety.

Hence, choose, My dear,
the heaven of truth and reject,
once and forever, the hell of fear!

divinely sent

The closer one begins to reach the highest peak of mountain, the more treacherous and steeper becomes the climb..

The closer one begins
to reach the highest peak of a mountain,
the more treacherous and steeper becomes the climb.

In the same way,
the earlier phase of one's spiritual journey is a little easier -
the higher one rises and comes closer to the truth,
the bigger seems the challenge in keeping one's inner faith.

Faith that is linked to one's own desires
is bound to shake and make you stumble.

True faith is the eye of the purest love.
Such faith can be developed and attained
by intensifying the discipline within one's way of life
that awakens the strength of inspiration.
It is only inspiration that gives the will to dedication.

True and continuous dedication to simpleness
and purity will find its way to an innocent and childlike love
that will depend upon the complete inner guidance.

When one begins to take every small step in life
only by the promptings that awaken by the sense of his inner purity,
he, My child, begins to ignore, easily, the fears of his mind and develops
an intuitive power that allows his love for the truth to become the true experience.

When one, over and over again uses his intuitive power,
he begins to develop higher powers of concentration that
allows his awareness to the truth to become instantaneous.

When awareness begins to grow,
one only finds confidence in the self's language,
and such confidence gives one the steadfastness
of faith in the self's every choice.

The powers of selfless love, purity
and faith in the self will let one rise
to climb to the peak of concentration,
and the power of this inner focus leads
one's self to merge with the eye of the
Divine consciousness so that it experiences
its power as a part of the entire existence.

Hence, faith, My child, will come,
only when one is ready to love only the reality of truth.

divinely sent

Be grateful for every little experience that allows you to taste the sweetness of love..

Be grateful for every little experience
that allows you to taste the sweetness of love.
Every love that is given to you can be pure
if you accept it with no judgments.

Love becomes priceless,
when one is able to receive its fullest joy,
even in the smallest act.

Until the lesson of love is learned,
your life, My child, will stay incomplete,
once again, in this birth,
and the true self will initiate another journey
of life for it to complete the unfinished lesson.

Let the lesson become the practice
and let this practice give you the
wondrous experience, in which
you are able to see the love become
the self and are able to realize the self
to be the strength that gives love the sparkle of its purity.

divinely sent

Love is the wings that allow one to see the reality of the self much mightier than one's own selfish interests..

Love is the wings
that allow one to see
the reality of the self much mightier
than one's own selfish interests.

Today, even the love between
the parent and the child is impure and selfish,
hence, they suffer the grief of their own misinterests.

Suffering, My child,
is itself the reflection of one's own
selfish interest from the love he has given.

A true lover is only content in
giving the joy of love and does not
count the ways of return.

Love that is given and remembered
will only wait, impatiently, for its due return.

Hence, to experience true love,
one has to be content with his love for the inner self -
only then, will he be able to give its strength and not worry,
if his gift has been rightly appreciated.

Looking for appreciation,
is only seeking the troubles of the future worry!

divinely sent

The obstruction to the purity of simple innocent love is what one secretly and subtly desires from the love..

The obstruction to the purity of simple,
innocent love is what one secretly
and subtly desires from the love.

Realize, My child,
that the response of love
is not even a little lesser than
what you have been able to humbly
offer to that particular form of love.

One experiences an unbalanced
response in a relationship,
only because he is ignorantly
weighing his love and desires together
and is expecting the return to be only the weight of pure love.

No, My child!
That is only the dream of a foolish man
that attempts to justify to the real self
that his desires are only pure and will
only enhance the beauty of the love that he offers.
But the reality remains that any desire,
however small, whatever its intent, will, eventually,
corrode and rust the brilliance of purity that the true love beholds!

A mother works very hard for her child
to be and to see the very best in life,
but the moment she expects her efforts
to reflect in her child's life, she, My child,
loses the present strength of effort and
creates the empty vacuum in the pure relationship
which causes the child to begin the hopeless and
painful descent into the world of payment that
bargains the value of love and demeans it
to become an equal exchange.

Remember, My child,
that love that begins to be measured
loses its height and becomes as small
and impure as one's expectations from it.

divinely sent

Be happy! Be happy! For whatever life brings whatever it takes is only an illusion!

Be happy! Be happy!
Whatever life brings
Whatever it takes
Is only an illusion

That enwraps you in its deceit
And blindfolds the spiritual eye

From seeing the rainbows of divinity
That emerge from the pure will
Of the true self!

Be content! Be content!
Realize, O child
That whatever time gives
It will eventually take back
Hence, lean upon the gifts
That the self brings its birth
And utilize its pure powers
To wipe all memories
Of losses and gains
Be free! Be free!

Fly, My child, with the wings of truth
And let not the sorrows of desires
Ever touch the courage
To remain perched at the highest peak
Let life come - let time go
But you, My child, must remain
The same, always
For you, there is no coming - no going - for

You are that part - that comes to be
The true love of life
And you are the whole that leaves a part
Of its pure love within the journey of life
Thus your link with life
Is not, My child, by birth or death

But it is with the love you bring
It is with the love you live
It is with the love you leave behind!
Live the life of love
And let love live, forever!

divinely sent

Develop brotherly feelings for all. God is One and only One

Develop brotherly feelings for all.
God is One; there are not many Gods,
one for each tribe among men!

Love is One; it transcends caste,
color and creed, if it has to be genuine.

Truth is One; there cannot be two.
For, two can only be One, occurring twice.

The Goal is One; for, all roads
must lead to the One God.

Why then should men quarrel
and fight over the Eternal and the Absolute?

divinely sent

You desire that God comes to your house, but it is not your house that God wants to dwell, it is your heart ...

You desire that
God should come to your houses;
you pray to God to do so,
you grieve when God do not come,
you start reviling yourself
that you are poorer than others,
that you are less spiritually developed perhaps, and so on.

Now, all this is irrelevant.
God has no place in His heart
for such distinctions and differences.

You may believe this or disbelieve.
But God must reveal the real response of His Heart.

God has no enthusiasm to visit the houses of people;
nor have God any discrimination to do the same.
God does not care for the brick and mortar structures in which you live;
God cares to visit and reside in your hearts.

These praying places are not God's residence;
when your hearts are transformed into
these praying places, only then they are God's residence.

divinely sent

Let us forget yesterday's anger and resentments..., let me remember that love and understanding free me from resentments..

Let me forget
yesterday's anger and resentment.

Let me remember
that love and understanding
free me from resentment.

Let me forget all unkind remarks.
Let me remember that what others say
cannot hurt me unless I accept the offense.

Let me forget past injury and injustice.
Let me remember that divine love
works through me to forgive,
and to bless those who have
caused me trouble in the past.

Let me forget the faults and shortcomings
of my friends and companions.

Let me remember that by praising and
appreciating others' commendable traits,
I help them to express their true Inner selves.

Let me forget yesterday's
disappointments and failures.
Let me remember that today offers new
opportunities for success and happiness.

Let me forget the idle gossip
or the scandal that comes to my ears.
Let me remember that all I say about
others should be helpful and constructive.

Let me forget yesterday's aches and pains.
Let me remember that God's
pure life gives me health today.

Let me forget old fears and weaknesses.
Let me remember that God's
almighty presence is ever with me,
and God can work through me to accomplish good.

divinely sent

Grow spiritually with life's every experience, do not be bitter with life ever, for one makes his own bed of thorns to lie upon..

Grow spiritually, My child,
with life's every experience.
Do not be bitter with life, ever,
for one makes his own bed of thorns to lie upon.

Every downfall in life simply
measures your distance from God.

The bigger the downfall,
the farther you are, My child, from the reality.

Realize that one can rise
from the biggest fall -
the strength to rise comes,
only when one refuses to bury his self, any more,
in the burdens of his undue worries.

The one that thinks, sporadically,
awakens fear in his every act.

Hence, be alert, and begin to channel
every thought towards an inspiration
that awakens you from the pit of worries.

Realize that the Giver of life
did not send you with no weapons
to fight the powers of illusion.

Remember, you give illusion
its power by acting and believing in it.

The moment you reject it
and instead, lean upon the power of the Lord,
the illusion, My child, fades, as simply as it appeared.

Fight! For now is the time -
lose the fears, now, before
the fears use you to lose the powers of reality!

divinely sent

Leave all in the hands of faith and let the inner self awaken and arise to lead..

Leave all, My child, in the hands of faith,
and let the inner self awaken and arise to lead
and surround you in its world of truth and pure love.

Let not the fear of any work follow you -
fear reflects in the slightest untruth, hence,
adhere to the complete truth and with its strength,
dive deep down, with the pure love for hard work and dissolve,
once and forever, the links that hold you captive in the kingdom of insecurity,
doubts and forceful fears!

Do not, My child, be enslaved,
anymore, to your imaginations.
To be able to see the naked reality,
one has to grow, not in height, weight or age,
but one has to expand his vision and broaden the mind
so that it is able to encompass all the aspects of life
and merge all its illusionary differences into the reality
of atmic equality and oneness.

The preparation to know and realize God,
is life, itself, hence, take every moment of life
with utmost seriousness and resolve to make time
the expression of your divine perfection!

Make peace your first and only priority
in every action and before your every reaction.
Do not let the disturbances of the mind interfere
with the dedication to your spiritual disciplines.

It is ironical and simply pitiful,
when one fills himself with the worries
of his desires and attempts to find God.

Sometimes, it is the impurity
in the desire to find God, itself,
that causes the inevitable blindness for his search.

God, My child, cannot be found by
the chaos of severe anxiety, but He, My child,
is seen by the one that is confident of his contact
with his own inner purity.

God will not appear with
the threat of tears or with one's outbursts of his passions,
but He, My sweet, will grace the awareness
of His presence to the one that builds the home of peace for Him!

And how does one bring the beauty of peace in his life?
Peace comes, the instant one sacrifices, willingly,
with no resentments, no memories and no expectations,
his every desire, before another's well being.

Peace that comes by a compromise will, once again,
at another moment, light the fire of resentment and expectation -
but by complete sacrifice, one, immediately, gives another the permanent gift of joy.

diivinely sent

Delusion causes evil feelings to arise in your heart and mind.

Delusion causes evil feelings
to arise in your heart and mind.

One may be evil-minded,
yet with the blessings of elders
and in the company of noble souls,
one can easily get rid of evil tendencies and develop virtues.

People undertake
various spiritual practices to attain divinity.

Shun bad company;
seek good company,
perform righteous deeds always
and discriminate between the permanent and the ephemeral.

divinely sent

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

He who prays for God's love and bliss is a true devotee..

Many pray to God all over the world.
They pray for the realisation of worldly desires
of one kind or the other.

This is not the right kind of prayer.
You should pray to God for His grace and love.

That love is everlasting.
God is 'Being-Awareness-Bliss'.
So, pray to Him to confer that bliss on you.

God's bliss is everlasting,
whereas worldly pleasures are transient.
Only he is a true devotee who prays for God's love and bliss.

divinely sent

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

In every prayer, one must feel the intense longing to be able to speak with God..

In every prayer, one must feel the
intense longing to be able to speak with the Holy Mother.

It is this longing and intensity that
allows one to break the present inhibitions
and lets one experience his closeness to God.

Prayers need not be lengthy.
As long as they are focused upon the purity of the act,
they will reveal their miraculous powers.

However much one may be engaged
in duty or worldly tasks, there is no excuse
for one to live devoid of prayers.

Pray silently, while performing the chosen act,
and then work will reflect its silent beauty.

Utilize, My child, the biggest gift that the Lord gave you.
Yes! The strength to be able to speak to Him,
no matter what life brings or takes!

Have the faith that whether you are able
to see the response or not, your every bit of
communication reaches the Divine Mother.

Do not be disappointed, easily -
for sometimes, the response is delayed,
only so that it can arrive to you at the precise, right moment!

Believe that with every prayer,
you have taken a step closer to God.

Every child has the right to speak to his Mother,
hence, do not take your own privilege away from yourselves.

What you see small from a distance,
appears big as you come closer.

In the same way, do not judge the might of God -
realize, My child, that it is only the distance that
you have placed between you and Him that allows it to appear small.

Pray, My child, until the throat is dry -
Pray until the kneeling knees scream with the bruising pain -

Pray until the mind is tired and is left with no thoughts -
Pray, My child, until the eyes close and one truly begins
to see with the pure vision of the heart. Never give up!

Pray, for it is your right to speak with truth -
it is your right that you must be listened to -
it is your right to call - it is your right to be with God, always!

divinely sent

Prayer must not be showy, but simple...they must not be uttered but must be done with one's entire consciousness..

Prayer is the communication with the self, in which,
one speaks the language of sincerity and with its innocence,
draws the restless mind in its complete fold.

Hence, prayers must not be showy, but simple -
they must not be uttered, but must be done with one's entire consciousness,
completely alert of one's yearning to be in the blissful presence of the compassionate Mother!

The strength of the prayer is not in the receiving of one's desires
but is in one being able to touch the awareness of his existence
with the silent contentment of the Universal Divine consciousness.

Prayers will never show their miraculous power
to those who constantly beg and live in their dreams of selfish interests.
It will only respond to the one that makes its purity his only focus.

There is no chosen time nor place for a prayer.
Whenever one is attacked by the restlessness of his own thoughts,
one must arise from within the inspiration of a silent prayer in order
to calm the waves of passion, emotion and temptation.

The inspiration, My child, can be drawn
by reflecting upon the bliss of the past experiences,
when your prayer received a fleeting glimpse of
the reality of the true state of your self and complete existence.

Such a vision, will surely calm the chaos of the present state
and will give you the strength to correct the vision of the blinding eye.
Ask for guidance from the Master, silently, from within.

Even if it is your own fault that caused the confusion,
do not be afraid nor embarrassed to call the Divine Mother.

In fact, when you are the cause of the pain, you,
My child, must pray the hardest!

Let not the pride come between you and God, ever!
Remember, the Gracious Lord immediately forgives,
the moment His child feels the rebounding pain of his errors.

Hence, rise above your own judgments and make God your only best friend!

divinely sent

Monday, June 11, 2007

Truth is more fundamental than the atom, every atom and every star manifest the Truth to those who have the eyes of wisdom

The chief duty of man is
investigation into the Truth.

Truth can be won only
through dedication and devotion,
and they are dependent on the grace of God,
which is showered on hearts saturated with love.

Truth is more fundamental than the atom.
Every atom and every star manifests
the Truth to those who have the eyes of wisdom.

What is the special nature of man?
If he too lives and dies as an animal,
how can his supremacy be justified?
His supremacy lies in his capacity to become aware of his Truth.

divinely sent

Truth will always remain the same..

The truth never changes.
It always remains the same.
Truth is brave, it knows no fear.
Truth is simple, it seeks no complications.
Truth is direct, it feels no pain.
Truth is victory, it faces no defeats.
A lie weaves a web of several others.
It binds you and deceives others.
It makes you have several identities.
You forget who you really are.
Who are you? You are truth !
Nothing more. Nothing less.

divinely sent

If a mother gives attention to her child, at every fall of his, the child becomes a weak individual..

If a mother gives attention to her child,
At every fall of his,
The child becomes a weak individual.

He becomes lazy, and remains demanding.
Loses his capacity to self realize.
In the same way, God as your mother,
May sometimes allow you to fall,
And not prevent you from making mistakes,
God allows you to cry your tears in desperation,
And then with God's Grace that God showers,
God watches you stand up
With courage
And take control over your fears and your desires.

You march forward, you conquer.
You then realize that you were rescued again.
Rescued from being enslaved
By your own inner enemies.
God then stand before you to encourage you again,
To stand up and begin the fight all over again.

divinely sent

Ointments and bandages can be soothing, but Love can heal instantly..

Ointments and bandages can be soothing,
But love can heal instantly.

Food can appease your hunger,
But love can fill you

With divine energy that carries you
Far beyond than your physical needs.

Water can quench your thirst,
But love is a nectar that flows within you
And fills you with sweetness.

Money can buy you jewels and precious stones,
But love gives you

Peace and contentment no money can buy.

One thing God has come to say,
"Love pleases all, even God Himself!
"When you reach at the level of giving love,
At all times and in every situation,
You have reached the level of God.

divinely sent

God does not look for quantity, God looks for your quality of devotion..

God considers you a successful gardener,
Even if one seed germinates to become a plant.

God does not look for quantity.
God looks for your quality of devotion.

When one seed germinates into a plant,
You know that this plant one day
Will also become a big tree.

The tree will give a lot more seeds.
And one day, you will be given a chance
To germinate these seeds once again.

Do not be in a rush
To sow different kinds of seeds
Together, in one season.
Nurture one plant at a given time.

Give it all your love and care.
And to your surprise,
One day you will find,
A beautiful garden has emerged.
And each plant in it is healthy and strong.

Each plant has spread its roots,
And established it's domain.
The seed is devotion.
The roots are your faith.
And the healthy plant is the awakened soul.
Conquer all your enemies,
With one weapon God has endowed you with,

Love ! Love ! Love !
Love rises above anger,
Love stalks over greed.
Love crushes away jealousy.
Love stamples over pride.
Love succeeds over hatred.
Love erases restlessness.
It is a sure winner over all other weapons.

Just have faith in God's love for you,
And stay patient and await God's arrival,
To pour all God's divine love on you.

Fill yourself with it,
emanate it to others.
Give up being a demon,
Give up being an animal.
Start with being human,
End up being divine.

divinely sent

God wants of you a love that is in the form of truth..

God wants from you

A love that is the form of truth.
A love that feels truly for others.
A love that gives, gives, gives!
A love that serves God in others.
A love that sees God constantly.
A love that knows no fear.
A love that is content and peaceful.
A love with persevering patience.
A love that endures all and blames none.
A love that smiles in all sorrows.
A love of firm faith in God.
A love that welcomes God in all forms.
A love that knows to surrender.
A love that is pure and untainted.
Give God this love,
And God will open the doors to your prison,
And give you your freedom forever.

divinely sent

All know of God, but only a few choose to stay in closeness with Him..

All know of God
But only a few choose
To stay in closeness with Him.

All know of truth,
But only a few are courageous
To follow it to the end.

All know of love.
But only a few give away all, to receive God's love.

All know of trust,
But only a few put their faith in "God's will".

All know of patience,
But only a few persevere to the trials of life.

God's eyes rest on "these few".
God's feet follow "these few".
God's hands serve "these few".
God's grace falls "these few".
God's heart He gives to them as they have given to Him.
Yes, all come from God,
But only a few come back to God - with Him.

divinely sent

Step down from the lofty mountains of pride..

As pride grows, it peaks to a big mountain,
Blocking the winds of spirituality to pass by.
Pride brings an end to your life with God.
Humility and love are the beginning steps,
For you to recognize God.Remember,

When you are at the top of this mountain,
You will only be left in the coldness of being lonely.
All from the top appears tiny and unclear.
Illusion lies only when you feel taller and bigger,
And all others seem small and insignificant.

Climb down from this false height,
And graze on your knees at ground level.
Then all will appear larger and clearer,
And the "I" within you will become insignificant.

divinely sent

Do not make your prayers a mere formality, a prayer is a special moment spent with God..

Do not make your prayers a mere formality.
A prayer is a special moment spent with God.

God is kind, God is gracious.
He is ever present at all's prayers.
Speak to God from your heart.
This must be a time used

To strengthen you, relax you,
And take all your fatigue and worries away.
It must be honest and sincere,
Done with the beauty of faith,
Humility and total surrender.
God responds to prayers where no selfishness lies.
You only trap yourselves with insincere prayers.

God does not get trapped
By phoney prayers or false tears.
God only get captured and become a willing prisoner,
When your love for God,
Comes from all your heart, mind and soul.
When you accept God,
In all God's manifestations and forms
When you bow with humility of total surrender,
then, God puts on His golden wings for you,
And when you are ready, God carries you back to divinity.

divinely sent

Earn God's grace by...

Wipe away your sins and earn God's grace by:

1) Treating animals and birds with love.
2) Protecting the helpless.
3) Taking pity and forgiving the wicked.
4) Compassion for the physically sick and handicapped.
5) Not talking ill of others in their absence.
6) Welcoming the most unwelcome and receiving them.
7) Loving those who especially criticize you.
8) Offering food to the unfortunate and hungry.
9) Forgiving and forgetting all's faults.
10) Sharing your riches with others.
11) Never ridiculing others' beliefs of God.
12) Doing your duty without any complaints.
13) Staying away from those who are upset by your presence.
14) Not giving way to temper.
15) Never being envious of other's possessions, situations or achievements.
16) Never betraying ones trust in you.
17) Standing up for that which is right.
18) Straying away from the untruth.
19) Carrying out every act with the knowledge of God's presence.
20) Being Godward and rising above humanity and becoming divine.

divinely sent

Ask yourselves, are you truly searching for God?

Each day you spin God and lose God,
In the chaotic wheel of thoughts,
Each day you grind God,
With your harsh words of deceiving untruths.
Each day you slap God,
With actions that hurt
And prey on the feelings of others.

Yet in the same day,
You pray to God,
you call God,
And speak of your undying love for God.

Is this your love for God?
Or, are you simply convincing yourselves of a God,
That is blind, deaf and dumb?

God witnesses your actions every moment.
God lives in your thoughts always.
God only prompt you words of love.
Then why is your behaviour otherwise?

Ask yourselves, are you truly searching for God?
Have you really found God?
Or is God just another one of your desires,
To feed your ego?

divinely sent

On a carpet that is already black in color, a little amount of dirt is not visible..

On a carpet that is already black in color,
A little amount of dirt is not visible.

But if the carpet is white in color,
A little speck of dirt becomes conspicuous.
When God starts your purification process,
God becomes harder on you.

The purer you become,
The closer you come to God,
The more God expects of you.

So do not be disheartened if God tests you,
If God scolds you, if God surrounds you with worries,
If God instructs you a little more stricter,
If God appears to ignore you.
God does this only because God expects
Progress more rapid of you.
God loves all equally,
but God treats all differently.

Do not judge God,
Only accept God and God's ways.

All that is done in anger can never be undone..

All that is done in anger,
Can never be undone.

You will only suffer in the agony of repentance,
But the damage done is permanent.

It inflicts pain on ones you love.
It leaves you feeling exhausted and restless.
Do not lose control, becoming an animal.

Make God's name your strength,
God's name your ideal,
God's name your practice.

Take control of yourselves, and your lives.
Forget your body,
Forget your senses,
Forget your mind,
And only remember God.

All physical ailments are directly related, to the state of your mind..

All physical ailments are directly related,
To the state of your mind.
Your body is in tune with your true nature within.
When your mind gets diseased,
With anger, jealousy, fear and worries,
The body becomes unbalanced too.

The more restless your mind,
The more the body suffers.
To cure your physical pains,
You must cure the pains in your mind.
You must dismiss and erase painful thoughts
That arise within you.

To do this, faith in God is necessary.
To awaken God, a Guru or a Teacher is necessary.
You must practice spiritual practices,
That are given by Him,
To earn better mental and physical health.
Follow His steps and example

Of how He would handle
The circumstances you face.
Nothing will efface you,
Once He becomes your ideal and your goal.
You will face all with courage
And fortitude of righteousness.
You will be able to give love in all situations.
Your faith in achieving Godhood
Through your Guru or Teacher,
Will give you stability and peace of mind.

Choose your Guru or Teacher
and stay close to Him.
Believe in Him, follow His example and find God.

divinely sent

Put all your fears in an envelope and seal it tight. Offer it to God..

The worst thing for your spiritual well being is "Stress".
Stress which is another word for "worry",
Which in turn is due to "fear".
And "fear" arises only due to lack of faith in God.

God watches you suffer physically and mentally.
Why do you stress of circumstances,
That you have determined
By your own past consequences.

Put all your fears in an envelope.
Seal it tight and offer it to God.
God will accept them gladly,
And give you in return,
An envelope filled with love.
A love that soothes,
that takes all your worries.
A love that fills you with smiles and contentment.
A love that strengthens you to be righteous.
A love that carries you across the border of death,
With no anxieties.
A love that accepts the most wicked
And transforms them.
This love knows no "I".
It makes you recognize your true self within.
And when that happens,
God transforms your soul to become part of God's love

divinely sent

When anger comes, let it go...before it erupts..

When anger comes, let it go.
Let it go, before it erupts.
Like hot lava, that leaves everything bare.
Anger travels from your mind
Into the gaze of your eyes,
Into the words of your lips,
Into the acts of your hands.
It intoxicates you, it weakens you emotionally.
It tires you physically
And drains you of your energy.
It makes you hurt others.
It fills fear in your children
And creates unhappiness
Within you and to all around.
Then why do you welcome it?

Shut the doors to anger.
Do not let it enter in your thoughts.
If it does, close your eyes.
Be determined not to allow to it to travel further.
Be victorious and take control of your senses.
You are it's master.
Know that and act on it thereby.

divinely sent

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Remember that all spiritual practices will be in vain if the tongue is not controlled.

Talking expends a lot of energy.
The tongue was given to be used for two purposes.
To taste and enjoy food,
Which is needed to keep the body healthy,
To constantly recite the name of the Lord.

But today, the tongue is used
To slander one and hurt others.
It is being used more to indulge in vicious gossip.
To argue, to abuse and to lie,
To sit and have meaningless conversations.
To criticize even God.

Why are you constantly persisting
In humiliating your true self?
Observe silence,
And you will find
That silence itself speaks a language.

The language of eyes that are peaceful.
The language of your smile that is content.
Do not exhaust yourselves by talking.
Every sentence spoken
Leads to a series of other thoughts.
Several thoughts crowd your mind,
Leaving you restless and energyless.

This releases only negative energy around you.
This affects your practice of spirituality.
Remember all the spiritual practices
Will be in vain if the tongue is not controlled.

Do not respond to:
1) Others criticism.
2) An abuse.
3) A personal attack made on you.

Observe silence, chant God's name
and let all consequences itself be its response.

divinely sent
You are eternal.
You are not finite.

Nothing can kill you,
not even death.

The only death God sees,
Is that of God within you.

Wake up from this deep sleep.
Awaken your conscience.
Ego covers you and dulls your mind.

It blurs your vision.
It hardens your heart.
It makes your hands lazy and inefficient.

Do not associate yourself with this body.
The body dies a hundred deaths.
The soul lives forever.

It cannot be killed.
But you have wounded it and maimed it.
God has come into your life
To heal those wounds.
God will not let you be crippled by attachments.
Listen to the words God speaks.

It will start your healing process.
Slowly, your soul will revive.
Return to its home,
And God will be complete.

divinely sent

Do not be attached to comforts and luxuries, they will only disorient you away from God..

Do not be attached to comforts and luxuries.
They will only disorient you away from God.
Be simplistic in your way of living.

You come empty handed,
And take nothing back with you.
Lesser the attachments,
lesser are your worries.

Your mind is at peace.
Your desires are under control.
You have less feeling of envy of others.
You have less chances to hate.

There is no reason for anger,
And less motivation to worship money.
Most of all, there will be a feeling of contentment.

When you are content,
You automatically make contact with God.
We spend more time together,
You come closer and closer to God,
And your life ends with more meaning.

divinely sent

We have no right to judge other's actions..

You have no right to judge other's actions,
For you do not know their circumstances.
You are unaware of their past,
Or present, or future.
How can you enlist
Their strengths and weaknesses?

Depict character by showing no judgment.
Be a rock and stand by all.
Become an image of virtue and strength,
And give others strength thereby.
There is no stronger influence
Than being a good example.

God does not judge you at any time.
God lives His life by example and not by mere words.
God stands beside you at all times.
God bestows on you faith and devotion,
To be able to face your consequences.
Use God's strength, that you are unaware of.

It lays within you waiting for it to be found.
Find it, use it, and enrich your lives.

divinely sent

God knows what you need, God has come to give it, so close your eyes and let God be the author of your prayers..

Everyday when you sit and pray,
You ask God things which are needless,
For the people you ask God to take care and bless,
Are already in God's protection.

Whether they know God or not,
God knows them and love them.
God takes care of all's welfare.
Then why do you give God chosen names?
When God stands in front of you,
In your prayers each day.

Pray for what God has really come to give -
Faith in God, love for all,
And attachment to none but that to self.

Leave worries at God's feet,
Unburden yourself,
And in your prayers
Ask God as to what it is you want.

God knows what you need.
God has come to give it.
So close your eyes,
And let God be the author of your prayers.

from a divine source

Realize that if you experience even the slightest fear in making a choice, the magnetic attraction of temptation dwells in the thought process..

The choice becomes natural and easy,
when one makes the wisdom of the absolute truth,
the only reality of his every expression.

Capture the strength that arises,
when one abides by the right, alone -
do not weaken yourself by losing
the strength the very next moment
by indulging in another wrong.

Realize that if you experience
even the slightest fear in making a choice,
the magnetic attraction of temptation
dwells in the thought process.

Discard the selfish interest,
immediately, and you will find
your self relieved from its pressures.

Then, the right choice not only
becomes easy, but becomes the only way!!
Be alert, and never let the love for goodness fail or fall.
Live life by loving the truth, and the truth
will become the eyes that will envision the every expression of love.

If all is the one, then the choice is truly none.
Begin to know the one, and make your life
simple with it being the only reality!

divinely sent

True freedom lies in having nothing less than the self, alone!

True freedom lies in
having nothing less than the self, alone!

By making the right choice,
always, man clears his own path and walks ahead.

Now comes the question
as to how one knows and recognizes
the right choice always?

It becomes easy for the one
that has found the determination
and devotion to find the truth within his own self.

The one that feeds upon
the purity within him and
lives only by its power,
will not be disturbed nor distracted
by anything outside his own self.

Such a one that lives
only by the one power -
one influence - and one wisdom
will never find the need to think his way to the right.

For he, My child,
is the nature of the absolute right.
Realize, My child, that the need
to even make a choice comes,
only when one lives the life of duality.

It is only the one that experiences
partial truth of the self that finds his life
in the dilemma of having to make a choice
between the absolute good and the relative good.

Remember this always
that there is no good that is relative -
that, My child, is only the bad - the wrong -
the evil that is hiding in the costume
of a stepmother that bears no instinctive love for your endearing life!

divinely sent

In the walking of the path of Godhood, man sheds, little by little, his known identity and comes to know his own true self..

Those efforts will be rewarded
that do not equate its strength
to the present outcome.

Only the one that finds within him
the courage to wait until
the Lord determines the real end,
only that one, My child, will be able
to experience the true and final parting
with his own desires.

In walking the path of Godhood,
man sheds, little by little,
his known identity and comes to know his own true self.

Sometimes, he rapidly
walks a few paces ahead; at other times,
he stops, completely, entangled in the web of doubts,
and yet, at certain points in this journey,
he even chooses to turn back in the chaos of his own fears.

Do not despair, My dear,
for whatever may be the choice, now,
know and realize that every life,
even with its innumerable errors,
will find the scene of the battlefield -
will find the reasoning will power
to overcome the present shortcomings
and will overpower the battle with his sense
of awakening purity to free the self, once an for all, f
rom the bondage of the finite hold of his own consuming desires!

divinely sent

Friday, June 8, 2007

Do not dwell upon the wrong, open the keen eye and seek the way out of the wrong..

Do not dwell upon the wrong -
open the keen eye and seek the way out of the wrong.

Have faith, My child, that
the Sweet Lord that has given you
the love to stay by the right
will give you the grace to recognize it, always.

Never attempt to protect a wrong,
even if it means that one, himself,
has to face complete humiliation.

Learn, My child, that in admitting
one's own faults, one only rises - never fails - never falls!

Do not be discouraged,
if the world laughs at your spiritual madness.

The one that has chosen God
must leave all ties that bind him
to be conscious of his worldly identity!

divinely sent

Do not believe immediately to what the eyes see and the ears hear...Use the power of the intellect and continuously discriminate and analyze...

Do not believe, immediately,
to what the eyes see and the ears hear.

Use the power of the intellect
and continuously discriminate and analyze,
completely, and only give the appropriate response with calmness.

Never give way to anger -
if one feels his loss of inner control,
one must stay away from the scene of the battle,
until he regains his own stability.

How can one defend himself,
when he is shaking with the inner attack of his own pride?

Do not fear the evil, My child - fear,
when you are not able to rise above the evil
with the strength of your knowledge of the absolute right.

Evil is only untrue - hence, never give it
the attention nor the importance that allows it to survive.

Realize that evil only instigates - only threatens.
Call its bluff and stand before it with courage.

Let it not manipulate you, anymore,
and allow you to inflict its illusionary power
to destroy the reality of the self.

divinely sent

There is no bad, my child, one perceives the bad only when he has lost the adherence to his own goodness..

There is no bad, My child -
one perceives the bad, only
when he has lost the adherence
to his own goodness.

Realize, My child, that
the attack of evil instantly dissolves,
when one continues to remain undisturbed
and basks alone in the bliss of his inner peace.

How can any evil continue to argue,
when one has refused to even respond to its untrue accusations?

Be the right that remains
ever prepared from the attack of the sudden wrong.

Reflect and revise the entire experience,
before you take the first step of your own response.

Do not respond instinctively with
uncontrolled passions and emotions.

The truth will not change from now until tomorrow,
hence, it can wait to be thoughtfully delivered!

Remember, there are several ways to a wrong -
there is only one way to the right!

Hence, it becomes easy to recognize
and choose the one path that one must follow.

Confusion only arises, My child,
for one's "wants" interferes and
attempt to influence the "musts"!

Do not let such petty diversions
attempt to stray you from your ultimate goal.

Temptations give you only the moment,
but in return, they take away an entire life-term.

Realize, there can never be any gain in a wrong,
in fact, it is only a total loss, for one loses his entire peace
in not only trying to hide it from another,
but in trying to conceal and justify it to his own self!

divinely sent

None can accompany you to the doors of liberation, for in that path, each soul must walk only with the strength of his own self...

None can accompany you
to the doors of liberation,
for in that path, each soul
must walk only with the strength of his own self.

Man has separated his life
from his own inner strength.

He has chosen the life of
dependency and has made the self silent.

Every little failure that he encounters with,
has made him determined to estimate his own limitations.

Little does he realize, that
when he draws the boundary
of its inner will power, he, My child,
is only limiting his own experiences,
that in turn, will deter the self
from expressing its entire might.

Do not fear, My sweet,
anything or anyone in life,
for fear is the death of
your independence and self-reliance.

Defend your self from
the illusions of evil by surviving
the fog of illusion with the clear vision of your own reality.

Evil ends upon inner awakening, hence,
be alert - stay away from the temptful sleep.

To experience the truth, one must be inspired
and determined to live in the aura of its fulfilling wakefulness!

divinely sent

For attractive lips, speak words of kindness..

For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.

For beautiful eyes, seek out the good in other people.

To lose weight, let go of stress and the need to control others.

To improve your ears, listen to the word of God.

For poise, walk with knowledge and self-esteem.

To strengthen your arms, hug at least three people
a day.

To strengthen your heart, forgive yourself and others.

Touch someone with your love.

Rather than focus upon the thorns of life, smell the roses and count your blessings.

Don't worry and hurry so much...

Rather walk this earth lightly and yet leave your mark!

divinely sent

Choose to smile, rather than frown..

Choose to smile..... rather than frown

Choose to listen..... rather than speak

Choose to love........ rather than hate

Choose to build ......... rather than destroy

Choose to laugh ....... rather than fret

Choose to persevere..... rather than quit

Choose to praise ......... rather than criticise

Choose to work........... rather than gossip

Choose to accept …… rather than demand

Choose to heal .......... rather than wound

Choose to give............ rather than grasp

Choose to act.............. rather than delay

Choose to forgive........ rather than curse

Choose to help …….... rather than obstruct

Choose to pray........... rather than despair

divinely sent

Spirituality is the science of right living..

Spirituality is the science of right living;
it is not a part-time affair and neither is life.

Therefore no spiritual aspirant can afford
to deny or ignore spiritual principles.

If we want to have peace and joy all the time,
then we have to orientate our life towards this goal.

This may appear to be an insurmountable feat,
but one can reach the heights of spiritual bliss by taking one step at a time.

divinely sent

Tao of eating...

Other Tips

- We should always sit down while we are eating. We should not stand or walk when we eat.

- Eat in a happy, calm and quiet atmosphere.

- Never eat when angry, depressed, bored or upset.

- Do not watch television or listen to radio while eating

- Do not talk while eating. Simply concentrate on each morsel and enjoy it.

- Eat in moderation, only as much as your body needs. One must regulate the intake of solid food so as to fill 50% of the stomach. 25% of stomach can be filled with liquids and the remaining 25% is to be kept empty for the free movement of air within the stomach.

One who eats one complete meal a day is a YOGI (a healthy person)
One who eats two complete meals a day is a BHOGI (a connoisseur)
One who eats three complete meals a day is ROGI (a sick person)
One who eats four complete meals a day is DROHI (a greedy person)

- Not even a morsel of the food we eat is made purely by our own effort. What comes to us in the form of food is the result of the toil of many people, nature's bounty, and God's compassion. So we should never eat anything without first praying with humility and gratitude.

- While eating, if we imagine that our beloved God is present within us, and that we are feeding Him. This will make eating or feeding an act of worship.

- As often as possible, the family should eat together.

- Do not waste food

By regulating our diet
and avoiding bad habits,
we can preserve health.

Moderate food,
and food of the Satvic type,
will promote mental poise and also physical happiness.

Although our diets should
be based on needs, there should
generally be a predominance of
Satvic foods and a minimum of Rajasic and Tamasic foods.

Good qualities like peace,
forbearance, love and attachment
to truth can only be promoted by taking good food.

This would make for spiritual growth
in individuals, so that society would exist harmoniously,
without the evils of crime, quarrels, violence, etc.

As the Food So the Mind,
As The Mind So the Thought,
As The Thought So the Actions"

divinely sent

'Vitamins' for all....

'VITAMINS' for all....

In addition to healthy food, fresh air and physical exercise, here is a list of Vitamins essential for good Nutrition.

LOVE: This is the most essential ingredient of all spiritual food

DETATCHMENT: This vitamin reduces effects of attachment and bondage

HONESTY: Enhances spiritual integrity, conscience: a regular dose of this vitamin will improve thoughts, words and actions.

EMPATHY: Helps to reduce negative emotions and increases tolerance.

HUMILITY: Essential for removing pride and ego.

CONTENTMENT: Alleviates heartburn and acid indigestion, brings inner peace and happiness.
PATIENCE: Essential for strengthening Character.

SILENCE: Reduces restlessness of mind and brings one closer to the Lord

PEACE: This vitamin stimulates the immune response to help the body defend itself against external influences.

DISCIPLINE: A complex vitamin vital for cultivating virtues.

KINDNESS: Vitamin "K" acts as a buffer for easy processing of all ingredients.

JOY: One should be happy after eating, not have indigestion

TRUTH: Listen to your "inner voice." Beware of substitutes.

SELF AUDIT: Daily dose will help to align ourselves with our highest values and ethics .

divinely sent