Monday, August 17, 2009

Devoid of compassion and love, Man is ruining himself...

“Without a charitable disposition,
Not following the principles of righteous conduct,
Devoid of compassion and love,
Man is ruining himself.”

There is no place without God...

“There is no place without God
and there is no form without the Divine.
Whether one is in a forest or in a town,
on a mountain top or in a valley,
Wherever one may be,
one is not helpless.”

Remember, every good action is only the result of one's tolerance to many bad experiences...

Life may be full of hopes and dreams, but remember my child, it is only God that is able to face its every truth..

Meditation.. one should control his senses and passions...

To be established in meditation , a spiritual aspirant should
control his senses and passions, and perform action without any
desire for the fruit of the action. Whoever is adept in this can
easily see with the mind's eye the form of Divinity as soon
as he hears the exposition of its nature. When detachment
is rooted deep, the heart becomes pure and withdrawal of the senses
from the objective world becomes possible.

Practice and propagates ideals such as goodness, morality and truth...

“One who practices and propagates ideals such as goodness, morality and truth, is a youth in the strict sense of the term. In fact, only such people are your best friends, and God's best friend too.”

The body must be taken care of only for realizing the Divinity within...

Attachment to the body impels one to seek
physical strength and health and an attractive physique.

All the efforts to make up one's face will
not serve to alter its natural features.

Only that which has been given by
the Lord will be enduring. You must be content with that.

While taking as much care of the body as is essential,
you should not have excessive attachment to that
which is inherently perishable and temporary.

The body must be taken care of only
for realizing the Divinity within. It is no doubt
necessary to maintain good health as long as one lives,
but obsessive concern for the body is misconceived.

Hold God in your heart always...

“What is the use of all your earnings when your end is near? You fool, think, who will follow you in death. It is a folly to forget God while striving to Live. Look after your family, perform your duties, But hold God in your heart always.”

11 commandments of the Art of Prayer...

The Art of Prayer

Prayer is a form of communication with the Divine.
One may pray to any form of the Divine one chooses and relates to best.

"As the water that falls down in rain from anywhere in the sky finally reaches the Ocean, the worship of any divine aspect ultimately reaches the Supreme Being."

1. Invoke the Presence

Invoke the Presence of the Divine before you start the prayer. One way to invoke the Presence is calling God's name or Jesus name.
Fill ourselves in His name to invite the Presence to fill you or take over you completely.
And request the Divine to fulfill your prayer even if there are flaws in your prayer or possible errors in your belief system.

2. Emotional Bond

The first and most important thing in a prayer is the personal bond or relation you establish with God. Consider the Divine as your child, father, mother, friend or master. God is happiest if the relation you choose is that of a friend. But then, look at yourself and ascertain that you too are a
true friend who responds to the request of your friends immediately. The response of the Divine will be similar to your response to the request of your friends.

3. Surrender and Helplessness

The prayer should always be prompted by a feeling of surrender and helplessness. If you feel that you can manage even without
Divine grace and that you are just trying one more way, then, that is not the way of a genuine prayer. Surrender to the Divine will that you are prepared to accept whatever the outcome may be. And that you are absolutely helpless. Whatever effort you put in is just as an instrument of the Divine and not as per your own volition.

4. Pray from the Heart not from the Head

Prayer should come from the heart, not from the head. It is the feeling that is important, not the thought. When the feeling is intense, it creates waves of a higher frequency that get connected with the
cosmic energy easily and make the fulfillment easily possible. The passion that you feel for God is very significant in raising the emotional intensity.

5. Clarity and Completeness

Next, your request should be clear and complete in all respects. It is like a sort of communication with cosmic energy, and so, what you communicate is very important. If you communicate something different or incomplete, the response too may be what you do not expect.
Hence before you pray, consider all aspects of your request and make it a perfect one.

6. Speak Internally

As already mentioned, prayer is a communication. You have to speak internally to God. You can say it aloud also. But it is better to speak internally as it will not distract others. The involvement increases as you go on talking to God and there will come a time when you shall feel God with you everywhere, as an inseparable PRESENCE.

7. One Request at a Time

You should see that you request for only
one thing at a time. It is much similar to cooking a delicious dish. You should not mix two recipes at the same time. Because what we finally get will not be either of the two, but a third distortion of both. Hence stick to the principle of "one at a time".

8. Visualization

As you pray to God visualize the expected result of your prayer, that is, what you want to achieve in great detail. That means, visualize yourself in a state of having fulfilled your prayer, and then enjoy the happiness and joy. Accept that the situation has changed as you have been blessed.

9. Pray with Full Faith

Such an acceptance comes from full
faith in God. As you know, it is very important to have faith without which nothing can ever happen. Have full confidence in the efficacy of prayer and the benevolence of the Divine.

10. Enjoy the Feeling of Grace

Enjoy the blessing and flow of Grace into you. And request the Divine to fulfill your prayer even if there are flaws in your prayer or possible errors in your belief system.

11. Thank the Divine for the Blessing Received

Naturally, you shall be filled with immense gratitude for the Divine. Express it freely and sincerely to the Divine from the depth of your heart. Prostrate at the feet of the Divine in deep gratitude and surrender.

Spiritual understanding can come only from mastery of the senses....

The sanctification of the five senses is the way to Truth. If the
senses are polluted, of what avail are spiritual exercises? When the
water in a tank is polluted, all taps will give only polluted water.
Your heart is the tank. When the heart is polluted, the senses are
bound to be sullied. When the heart is filled with good thoughts and
, all that comes out of the senses - your speech, your
vision, your actions - will be pure. The secret of spiritual wisdom
is not to be got from scholars or by study. Spiritual understanding
can only come from mastery of the senses.

Do not let failure disappoint you and prevent you from entering into the promising future that holds for you the barriers of the biggest success ..

First, strengthen your understanding of the true self...

All the differences you find in this world are only reflections of the mind...

Since the thoughts that define our ego selves vary,
the worlds that are created in their images will also vary:

All the differences you find in this world
are only reflections of the mind.

If we let go of our identification or attachment
to the thoughts and beliefs that give us illusion
of being a separate ego self and not the Self,
then all the differences would disappear:

Whether you love someone,or hate someone,
or ridicule somebody, they are all the reflections of your mind only

If you give up these reactions, resounds and reflections' of your mind,
which appear to you in the phenomenal world,
and get hold of the Heart called reality, then
all these thoughts, feelings, actions etc. would disappear."

The joy of a smile is only known to the one that has experienced the sting of a tear...

Nothing equals Love in this world..

“A deep inquiry will reveal that nothing equals Love in this world.
Be it charity, sacred rituals, penance, wisdom, purity or adherence to truth...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Where there is no ego-based thoughts...

"Where there is no ego-based thoughts that affect our perception of creation we would all see exactly the same thing, and if we had no identification with the ego, we would 'see' only God.

All that we see in the objective world is the creation of our mind.

But the truth is that which we cannot see with our physical eyes.

That is the self. Thus,the differences in the world we perceive are due to the belief that we are separate-selves and not God, and what we perceive is the reflection of these individual selves."

Mend the body, mend the senses, end the mind...

“Mend the body, Mend the senses, End the mind.”

Visualize the unity among all beings and conduct yourself with compassion in your heart...

“Visualize the unity among all beings and conduct yourself with compassion in your heart. With intense yearning, contemplate on God at least once in a day. Only then can you have the vision of God. God does exist, but He cannot be seen by the naked eye. He can be seen only when you get rid of worldly delusions.

All men in all countries are pilgrims proceeding along the path of God...

All men in all countries are pilgrims
proceeding along the path to God.
The progress of each is decided by
the discipline adopted, the character formed,
the ideal kept in view, the leadership chosen and the faith implanted.

Just as trees and plants, birds and beasts
differ from one region to another, the rituals, practices,
disciplines and ideals may differ from community to community;
each is good for that region and that stage of development.

You cannot transplant one,
from one human community to another.
The atmosphere in which you have grown up is the most congenial for you

Let body resist, you, My child, must continue your chosen work, for God's work brings the bliss of silence that quietens the body's every complaint..

God surrounds the one that find the greatness much beyond his own self

Have faith, My child, in your own purity and you will overcome every diffiiculty...

Thinking with love is truth...

Thinking with love is truth. "Truth: Nothing is absolutely true, really real. The waking experience is as unreal as the dream experience. When you are in deep sleep, there is no world at all. When you attain the supra-conscious fourth stage, the "I" alone remains the universal "I" which was mistaken even in the sleeping stage as limited. Truth is more fundamental than the atom. Every atom and every star manifests the truth to those who have the eyes of wisdom. Man's supremacy lies in his capacity to become aware of this truth.

Believe your senses...

One reason you may believe your senses
is that your world will always be a projection
and reflection of whatever you believe.

So if you believe there is a real physical
world independent of you,this belief will
create such a world.

And this world will
always appear to substantiate your beliefs
since it is a manifestation or reflection of them.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Where there is love, there can be no hatred, grief or want...

The ultimate purpose of all spiritual exercises
is to realize the love of the Divine.
To foster love is the purpose of all spiritual endeavour.
Under no circumstances should love be given up or ignored.

Where there is love, there can be no hatred, grief or want.
See that your love for God does not fluctuate according to
whether your wishes are fulfilled or not.

Love of God alone can confer enduring bliss.
There is nothing greater than love in this world.
Everything has a price. The price to be paid for
everlasting happiness is Divine love.

When you love God, you love all....

When you love Me, you love all;
for you begin to feel, know and experience
that I am in all. By means of meditation,
you can realize that I am the resident in
all hearts, the urge, the motive, the guide and the goal.

Yearn for that vision, that awareness
and make it your priceless possession.
Then, you have what you often ask Me for. . .
tje direct vision of reality.

Your love has to be pure and
free from the taint of ego, so that it can merge in Me.

Most people in the world do not understand the purpose of life...

Most people in the world
do not understand the purpose of life.
Preoccupied with the pursuit of external objects,
men do not strive to explore the inner realms of the Self.

Standing on the seashore,
one can see only the waves on the surface
and not the pearls lying in the depths below.
Only the brave man who can dive deep into the ocean
will be able to gather the pearls and not others.

Likewise, the knowledge of Self can be gained
only by those who turn away from the exploration
of the phenomenal world to inquire into the truth of the Spirit.