Friday, May 23, 2008

Doubt grows wild in the absence of faith.

Doubt grows wild in the absence of faith.
Every act and word of the Lord has significance
and purpose, which mortals cannot gauge.

Those that come to learn from you must not be treated as the ignorant,

Those that come to learn from you must not be treated as the ignorant,
for they have come to simply make you aware of your spiritual findings.

God is where love is.

God is where love is, which expresses itself as sympathy, charity, reverence, affection and sacrifice. God is love, as He is described by those who have realized Him. So, He can be attained only through love.

God is where love is.

God is where love is, which expresses itself as sympathy, charity, reverence, affection and sacrifice. God is love, as He is described by those who have realized Him. So, He can be attained only through love.

All beings are flowers strung on the selfsame string to make a multi colored garland for the Lord.

All beings are flowers strung on the selfsame string to make a multi colored garland for the Lord. You talk of international understanding, but it can come only, when the idea of difference and separateness inherent in the world and nation disappears and when man sees the God in all men. Religions are many, but the road is the same; flowers are many, but worship is the same; professions are many, but, living is the same. Life is an oblation poured in the fire of time.

Postponing spiritual discipline to old age is wrong decision

Postponing spiritual discipline to old age is wrong decision. Earn the precious reward, while you are young and fresh. It is never too soon to begin. The tongue, the eye, the ear, the hand and mind should all be trained from boyhood upwards to avoid evil. If these are kept clean and sacrosanct, the grace of God is won.

Do not be silly or foolish by imitating another’s way of life.

Do not be silly or foolish by imitating another’s way of life.
You have not come to become them!

The human heart when young is very soft.

The human heart when young is very soft;
it responds to grief and pain in fellow men.

It is the example of elders,
the lessons they receive from parents
and the company they get into,
the training they get in school
and society that harden these hearts into stone.

Trust in God, it will strengthen your faith in your fellow men.

Trusting in God strengthens
your faith in your fellow men.
You will love them more, suffer
their faults and failings with greater sympathy
and you will share in activities that serve the poor and the disabled.

You will come to know that God loves
those who love His children and He will
shower grace on those who serve the weak, the meek and the ignorant.

All prayers - every worship - has but one mission -

All prayers - every worship - has but one mission -
to seek, find, experience and realize the glory of self-fulfillment!

The children must have reverence towards their religion.

The children must have reverence towards their religion, their culture, their parents, their teachers and their country. They must learn well their mother-tongue and also develop a deep reverence for their motherland.

It is only your conviction that makes God exist.

It is only your conviction that makes God exist -
it is only your confidence that allows God to manifest -
it is only your compulsiveness that will lead you
to His doors, one day!

Seeking God, My child, is not an ambition

Seeking God, My child, is not an ambition -
it is the process, in which one learns to draw from within
his own will power to relieve and release himself
from the clasp of every difference.

Never be ashamed to sing the name of God.

Learn from childhood the recitation of the name and prayer and the practice of silence. Never be ashamed to sing the name of God. Be proud that you get the chance, be glad that your tongue is put to the best use.

Jesus was compassion come in human form.

Jesus was compassion come in human form. He spread the spirit of compassion and conferred solace on the distressed and the suffering. Noticing the torture of birds and beasts at the Temple in Jerusalem, he reprimanded the vendors and drove them out of the precincts. He drew upon himself the anger of the priests. Good works always provoke the wicked. But one should not falter or fear when opposition obstructs. The challenge gives joy; it evokes hidden sources of strength; it brings down Grace to reinforce the effort. Pleasure springs during the interval between two pains.

Jesus sanctified his body by sacrificing it for saving others.

Jesus sanctified his body by sacrificing it for saving others. He was
conscious of that supreme purpose and duty. With faith in the oneness
of humanity, he stood against his opponents and critics and withstood
their onslaughts. Every saint and prophet who strove to uplift the
downtrodden and open the eyes of those blind to the splendour of God,
was ready and willing for the ultimate sacrifice. One has to welcome
trouble as it provides a chance for sacrificing everything for
upholding truth and righteousness. Regard yourselves as embodiments
of Love and dedicate your lives, like Jesus did, to the service of
your fellowmen.

The strength of an individual lies in character, not in the wealth one earns.

The strength of an individual
lies in character, not in the
wealth one earns. One should
be prepared to face any hardship
to lead a virtuous life.

The country is in dire
straits due to the absence
of men and women of character.

Materialistic wealth is
not what we need today.
We need to earn the wealth of virtues.

Wealth cannot confer
true happiness on you.
Women should develop the
wealth of virtues and also
safeguard the honour of their husbands.

Both men and women should have good character.
Without good character, all your learning will prove futile.

divinely sent

If one lacks character, one becomes feeble in all other respects.

The happiness that one derives from
virtues is far superior to the happiness
that we get from the possession of wealth.

Unfortunately, the educated youth
are striving for wealth, physical
strength, and friendship.

But all these have little value
without the wealth of character.
For men or women, character is the foundation.

If one lacks character, one becomes
feeble in all other respects.
People of those days strove for noble character.

They were prepared to give up
their very lives for a righteous cause.
Women strived to uphold the honour of their husbands.

divinely sent

God responds to the prayers of devotees and comes to their rescue only when they have purity of heart...

God responds to the prayers of
devotees and comes to their rescue
only when they have purity of heart.

One with a pure heart can
even alter the will of God.
The story of Markandeya bears
ample testimony to this.
Markandeya had no desires.
He made sacred use of the time granted to him.

divinely sent

Do not seek to discover or discuss the evil in others, for the attempt will tarnish your own mind.

Do not seek to discover or discuss the evil in others, for the attempt will
tarnish your own mind. When you are engaged in searching for the faults and
failings of others, you are paving the way for developing those faults and
failings in yourself. Dwell on the good in others and, in time it will prove
to be an asset to you. The goodness latent in you will then be encouraged to
sprout and blossom. Every thought leaves an impression on the mind. Ideas
that are opposed to spiritual tendencies, that narrow the limits of love,
that provoke anger or greed, or that cause disgust - these have to be shut
out. This is a very essential discipline.

There is no short cuts in spirituality...

People look for short cuts in everything, even in spirituality. But, surprisingly, spirituality does have a short cut. There is no need to wander here and there. God is residing in your heart. Turn your vision inward. You can see God instantly. This is the easiest path.

Feel not the pain of harsh words...

Feel not the pain of harsh words.
Recognize and realize the unspoken turmoil and unrest
that brings its expression.

Treat all with respect...

Treat all with respect.
There is no one that does not deserve respect.
Every living being is on their journey to the same Self.
Every life is your partner
that is making their way to the same Mother.
Respect is making way for all while being on your way.
Smile! Be joyful!
Encourage all with your consideration.
Consideration for all will only make your journey
pleasant and peaceful.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The beauty has just begun when you have started to love God..

Bring the Lord's name to the top of consciousness whenever you want it!

You might say that it is quite enough,
if the name of the Lord is remembered,
however casually, at the very last moment of life!

But, it is a hard task to recall that name,
if you have not practiced for years.
In the surge of emotions and thoughts
that will invade you at the last moment,
the name of God will be submerged,
unless you learn from now on to bring
that name to the top of the consciousness,
whenever you want it.

divinely sent

If I cannot unfold a rosebud, this flower is of God's design, then how can I have the wisdom to unfold this life of mine?

A young, new preacher was walking with an older, more seasoned preacher in the garden one day. Feeling a bit insecure about what God had for him to do, he was asking the older preacher for some advice.

The older preacher walked up to a rosebush and handed the young preacher a rosebud and told him to open it without tearing off any petals. The young preacher looked in disbelief at the older preacher and was trying to figure out what a rosebud could possibly have to do with his wanting to know the will of God for his life and ministry.

But because of his great respect for the older preacher, he proceeded to try to unfold the rose, while keeping every petal intact. It wasn't long before he realized how impossible this was to do.

Noticing the younger preacher's inability to unfold the rosebud without tearing it, the older preacher began to recite the following poem:

It is only a tiny rosebud,
A flower of God's design;
But I cannot unfold the petals
With these clumsy hands of mine.

The secret of unfolding flowers
Is not known to such as I.
GOD opens this flower so sweetly,
Then, in my hands, they die.

If I cannot unfold a rosebud,
This flower of God's design,
Then how can I have the wisdom
To unfold this life of mine?

So I'll trust in Him for leading
Each moment of my day.
I will look to Him for His guidance
Each step of the pilgrim way.

The pathway that lies before me,
Only my Heavenly Father knows.
I'll trust Him to unfold the moments,
Just as He unfolds the rose.

divinely sent

Everything happens according to Divine Will and His command...

Everything happens according to
Divine Will and His command.

It is the primary duty of man
to obey the Divine command implicitly.

Everything in this world,
visible or imperceptible happens according to Divine Will.

divinely sent

Each person's experience is unique...

Each person's experience is unique.
Why does the bat hangs from the branch
of a tree with its head downward?
Nobody can explain this phenomenon.

Who is responsible for such wonders
and mysteries that we witness in this world?
What each one has to do, when, where and how,
all is predestined. Man has no control over it.

divinely sent

Pure and selfless love is the only way to attain Divinity...

Pure and selfless love
is the only way to attain Divinity.
Fulfillment of worldly desires will
confer only temporary happiness.

So, put a check on your desires.
Your goal is permanent and eternal Bliss.
It is within you and can be attained only through love.

divinely sent

The building blocks of spirituality are in recognizing the right

The building blocks of spirituality are in recognizing the right
and then making it your choice.

Be determined! Persist!

Be determined! Persist!
Let not the mind persuade you
to return to dark hidden corners.
Why must you hide
when the treasures of heaven lay open for you?
Be centered always
and the light above will show you the way.

Body is gifted to make proper use of time...

Some people say they do not
have time to think of God, but
they waste hours together in mundane matters.

Life becomes meaningless
if you do not think of God.

Body is gifted to make proper use of time.
Body will be sanctified only when it is used for sacred activities.

divinely sent

Observe carefully and you will be able to perceive the unseen hand of God at work...

Scientists boast of having
unraveled the mysteries of creation,
but they do not have true experience
of the reality behind the phenomena.

Each and every activity that takes
place in this universe is full of wonder.
When you observe carefully you will be able
to perceive the unseen hand of God at work.

divinely sent

Monday, May 19, 2008

God's strength will carry you in the spiritual journey much faster than any other vehicle...

God’s strength will carry you in the spiritual journey,
much faster, than any other vehicle.

Do not come to me with your hands full of trash, for, how can I fill them with grace, when they are already full? Come with empty hands and carry away

Do not come to me with your hands full of trash, for, how can I fill them with grace, when they are already full? Come with empty hands and carry away my treasure, my love.

It is too early to lose heart and tire

It is too early to lose heart and tire
from fighting the battle of life - Fight, My child,
for the battle will end in defeat,
only when you have given up!

The good heart will remember another's sacrifice with gratitude and will, one day, make his ow, but with no memory...

The good heart will remember
another’s sacrifice with gratitude
and will, one day, make his own - but with no memory.

The true personality of man will shine forth... when one understands that man is but the shadow of the absolute...

You must get convinced that you are but the shadow of the absolute and you are essentially not this you but the absolute itself. This is the remedy for sorrow, travail and pain. Wipe out the root causes of anxiety and fear and ignorance. Then only the true personality of man shine forth.

The spiritual aspirant walks on the bridge of love,

The spiritual aspirant walks on the bridge of love,
only to reach the land of eternal spring.

Be very firm with your weaknessess...

Be very firm with your weaknesses.
Do not tolerate it even for a second.
What understanding can you give it?
What time can you give it?
Do not be in the whirlpool of hopelessness.
Just open the doors of discrimination
and kick the rascals of fear.

Peace denotes the capacity to bear success and failure, joy and misery, defeat and victory, with equanimity...

Peace denotes the capacity
to bear success and failure,
joy and misery, defeat and victory,
with equanimity.

Man is at peace, only during sleep.
For, at that time, the senses are inactive,
the mind is inert and unattached to senses or their targets.
So when the senses are made ineffective to drag the mind out, man can attain peace.

divinely sent

Know, My dear, that a saintly person is not aware of his own goodness –

Know, My dear, that a saintly person is not aware of his own goodness –
he only remains in constant touch with the strength that wills it within him.

You must have the skill to swim over the waves of joy and grief, of pain and profit...

You must have the skill to swim
over the waves of joy and grief,
of pain and profit.

You must be the master of the art
of being fully at ease, perfectly calm and unaffected,
whatever may happen to the body or senses or mind,
they are all inert when they are not urged
by the inner ‘I’ which alone is intelligence,
awareness. Learn this skill of achieving
the ‘maintaining inner peace’, the art
of being ever aware of the atma (soul)
as the inner reality, and then you can
safely gyrate in the world, as fast as you care.

divinely sent

Truth is only certain, God created you in its form. Uncertainty will only come when one has strayed from his own nature..

True devotion neither smiles nor cries, it simply remains awakened in the aura of peace...

Self respect is everything, without it no effort is possible...

Duty is not something you have to do...
it is that task that gives you
the privilege to look into your own eye
without shame.
For this task is done not for anyone else
other than your own self respect.
Self respect is everything -
without it no effort is possible.

divinely sent

Each deserves the medicine that will cure him of his illness...

You hear nowadays of equality,
each being equal to the rest.
Of course all are equally entitled
to Love and sympathy and to the grace of God.

All are entitled to the medicines
in the hospital chest; but, what is
given to one should not be given to another.

There can be no equality of in the
doling out of medicine! Each deserves
the medicine that will cure him, his illness.

divinely sent

Friday, May 16, 2008

Every religion teaches man to fill his being with the glory of God, and evict the pettiness of conceit...

All religions teach one basic discipline;
the removal from the mind, of the blemish of egoism,
of running after little joys.

Every religion teaches man to fill
his being with the glory of God,
and evict the pettiness of conceit.

It trains him in the methods
of detachment and discrimination,
so that he may aim high and attain liberation.

divinely sent

God is closer to you than even the closest...

Believe Me, My child,
I am closer to you than even the closest -
for I will reach you even quicker than a thought -
My vehicle has the wheels of your awakening -
your yearning - your calling and your unshakable faith.

divinely sent

Steady faith alone can earn victory!

Through desire to judge or estimate or evaluate,
you cannot discover the mystery of God.

Through devotion and faith, you have twin His grace,
which will reveal Him to your understanding and experience.

Steady faith alone can earn victory.

Remember, all that was taken was never needed –

Remember, all that was taken was never needed –
it was only desired!

Be brave! Be courageous!

Be brave! Be courageous!
It is you alone
that has to walk this journey of life.
It is you that has to find yourself.
It is you that has to help yourself.
It is you that must save yourself.

Every little activity starts from thoughts, when they turn into desire...

Every little activity
starts from thoughts,
when they turn into desire.

Every desire has a thought
as its origin, but all thoughts are not desires.

When you simply witness the thoughts,
and let it pass on without getting entangled in it,
it will not create any ripple in your conscious.

We have noticed jet planes and
rockets cruise through the sky.
Though there may be a white trail
of gasses for a while, it vanishes from our sight.

God wants us to remain as the 'pure sky'
wherein nothing ever makes a permanant mark.
Even atom bombs were hurled during world war,
and there was a huge cloud of atomic energy.

But it faded away after some time,
though the effects of the atomic bomb
was felt badly in the scorching of lakhs
and lakhs of human beings and maiming many
due to radioactive rays.

But we do not see any visible distortion in the sky.
We are aware that the sky is emptiness.
A solid or liquid or gas will get affected
due to external forces.

But the sky remain as the sky,
whatever may happen. Likewise our
body may undergo many pains or even
fractures and cuts.

But we should not let the mind
to become panicky due to the above.
Pain is a temporary passing phase like pleasure.

It won't remain for ever.
Most of the human beings undergo pleasure
and pain in alternative succession.

It is only to remind them,
that he should neither exult over the pleasure,
nor become dejected due to pain, God has ordained thus.

Only after a painful period,
we are fit to enjoy relief from the pain.

Only after a scorching 'summer' season,
other seasons follow suit. Hence we must
maintain 'equalmindedness' in sorrow and joy.

We must move beyond the pairs
of opposites which are inevitable part of Life.

We must remain 'still' as a pendulum
that remains at the centre of the wall clock when there is no 'winding'.

divinely sent

You are awake when you feel that you have full knowledge; but when awake, you are aware only of the many, not of the One!

You are awake when you feel
that you have full knowledge; but, when
awake, you are aware only of the many, not of the One.

It is only
when you are in deep sleep
that all the multiplicity vanishes; then
you are not aware of the world and of your deluded picture of it.

Examine even while awake
the stages of dream and deep sleep and
realise that wakefulness deludes the seeker of Truth;
the senses are deceptive; they are inefficient instruments.

Mind does not have any
powers. The only power is the power of Atma. Mind has no
form. Mind can be said to be woven of desires.

The Atma shines on the
heart, whether the heart be pure or impure.
However, it would be best
if the heart is purified and if the strongest desire is for God.

divinely sent

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Whenever God gives you a task, He has placed complete confidence in you...

Whenever God gives you a task
He has placed complete confidence in you.
If you make that your focus
your task shall definitely succeed.

Let the strength of self discipline make the rules to break the chains of your bad habits...

Let the strength of self discipline make the rules
to break the chains of your bad habits
that have bound you to the belief of insane behavior.

Be earnest and sincere at every point of your spiritual quest....

Be earnest and sincere
at every point of your spiritual quest.
Do not worry about the appearance
of being good.
Accept yourself first
then only others will find the strength
to understand you.
When you are relaxed
automatically your weaknesses will also diminish.

If you cannot help another, at least avoid doing him harm or causing his pain...

The holy culture of this ancient
land has been spoilt by just one impurity;
intolerance of another's success, prosperity or progress.

If you cannot help another,
at least avoid doing him harm or causing him pain.

That itself is a great service.
What right have you to find fault with
another or talk evil of him?

When you say that nothing can ever
happen on earth without His Will,
why get annoyed or angry?

Your duty is to cleanse yourself
and engage in your own inner purification.
That endeavor will bring you the co-operation
of all good men and you will find strength and joy welling up within you.

divinely sent

The seed will grow into a mighty tree with the branches of virtue, service, sacrifice, love, equanimity, fortitude and courage..

In the spiritual sphere,
the responsibility for success or failure is
entirely one's own. You have no right to shift it on to others.

The fire will rage only as long
as it is fed with fuel. Hence, do not add
fuel to the fire of the senses.

Detach the mind from the evanescent
and attach it to the eternal. Plant
the seedling of devotion
by the practice of remembering the Lord's name.

That seed will grow into a mighty tree
with the branches of virtue,
service, sacrifice, love, equanimity, fortitude, and courage.

divinely sent

Being engaged in any work, which has no specific purpose or use in daily life, means wasting time...

Being engaged in any work,
which has no specific purpose or
use in daily life, means wasting time.

If you have no specific work to do,
make it a habit to read sacred books
concerning our sacred culture....

Your mind is like a lens.
If you read impure thoughts,
then that impurity will get
imprinted on the plate of your heart
through the lens of your mind.

Therefore, make an attempt to do good,
be good and see good; and thus,
turn your mind in the right direction.

divinely sent

You are a spark of His Glory, a wave of that Ocean of bliss...

God is the the Indweller, and so,
when He is sought in the outer world
He cannot be caught.

Love Him with no other thought;
feel that without Him nothing is worth anything;
feel that He is all.

Then you become His and He becomes yours.
There is no nearer kinship than that.
You have come from God;
you are a spark of His Glory;
you are a wave of that Ocean of bliss;
you will get peace only when you again merge in Him.

Like a child who has lost his way,
you can have joy only when you rejoin your mother.

divinely sent

Modern students lack of goodness...

Modern students lack goodness.
They are not concerned about their parents.
They wear all types of fancy dress and
roam about in the streets.

Students should develop humility
and give respect to others.
You should not talk to elders
in a disrespectful manner.

First of all, learn to respect everyone.
If you want to attain good name,
your conduct should be good.

Today the whole world respects God
because God respect everyone.

divinely sent

Gather wisdom from wherever you can acquire it, listen to good things, teachers of different denominations elaborate upon...

Gather wisdom from wherever
you can acquire it; listen to the good things,
teachers of different denominations elaborate upon.

I would advise you to weigh in your mind,
against your own experience the teachings that you have heard.

divinely sent

The first amendment is to accept God..

The first amendment is to accept Me -
the rest of the amendments will be made from the strength of the first.

Good work and selfless love will help you to tread the path of wisdom...

You should not let any weakness
in you dissuade you from the right path.
If in a big tank there is a small hole,
all the water will flow out.

In the same manner, even if you have
a small sensory desire in you, then
all that you have learnt will be of no avail.

Attraction for the world distracts
you from the reality. You should
guard yourselves by desisting error
and resisting evil.

Good work and selfless love
will help you to tread the path of wisdom.

divinely sent

Love is in all, Love is of all, Love is all....

In the beginning, the Adored and the Adorer
are distant and different; but, as the
spiritual practice becomes more confirmed
and consolidated, they commingle and
become more composite.

For, the individual and the Universal are one;
the wave in the sea. Merging fulfils.
When merged, the ego is dissolved;
all symbols and signs of the particular
like name, form, caste, colour, creed,
nationality, sect and the rights and
duties consequent thereon, fades.

For such individuals, who have
liberated themselves from the narrowness
of individuality, the only task is the
uplift of humanity, the welfare of the world
and the showering of love.

Even if they are quiet, the state
of Bliss in which they are, will shower
bliss on the world.

Love is in all, Love is of all, Love is all.

divinely sent

Wait! The good things will surely come...

Wait! The good things will surely come.
But first you must wait.
Receive the good while being good.
Then the good that you receive
will not only be good for you but good for all.
Those that are in a constant hurry do things untimely.

You must exercise your own intelligence and pin your faith on the name and form you like...

You must exercise your own intelligence
and pin your faith on the name and form you like.

Do not listen to all and sundry
and surrender your judgment. Have one name
and form; then only can concentration take root.

Know that the finish line of the race of worldly riches is where one falls.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Bring what you have, namely your sorrows and grief, worries and anxieties and take from

Trials and tribulations
are the means by which the
cleansing is done.

Bring what you have,
namely your sorrows and grief,
worries and anxieties and take
from God joy and peace, courage and confidence.

divinely sent

Let your plans unfold God...

When your eyes awaken to the morning sun, pray to Him,
"Let Your plans unfold God
And give me the devotion, deattachment and discrimination
To recognize Your will
Let me be quick to follow Your command
And let me forget my fears
For You alone shall carry out Thy task...
Through this body."

Release yourself from all responsibility
and simply surrender yourself in His hands
every moment of the day.
He will be there!

Inner and external cleanliness are both important!

‘Sadhana’ means inner cleanliness as well as external cleanliness. You do not feel refreshed if you wear unwashed clothes after your bath, do you? Nor do you feel refreshed if you wear washed clothes, but skip the bath. Both are needed, the external as well as the internal.

Perfection will come automatically,

Perfection will come automatically,
when one performs with love, completes with dedication,
gives with surrender, and walks ahead with unquestionable faith.

True devotion neither smiles nor cries -

True devotion neither smiles nor cries -
it simply remains awakened in the aura of peace.

Be independent as much as possible....

Be independent as much as possible.
Do not expect anything from anyone.
Do the best you can with whatever He has given you.
Have faith in Him and wait...
He will come... in some form or the other!
For your so-called work was His work
right from the very beginning.

Do not be a victim of lust or taste...

One has to be very careful about food,
especially when one is proceeding Godward,
through the steep path of Yoga.

Remember also that ‘dress’ is primarily
for protection against heat and cold,
not for vain display at the cost of even health.

Do not be a victim of lust or taste.
Be moderate in food and keep the senses strictly under control.

divinely sent

Be like a clock, it has no dislikes, it shows the correct time to everyone, irrespective of the person who sees the time...

If you desire that others
should honor you, you should honor them
too. If others must serve you,
you must serve them first. As a matter
of fact, no joy can equal the joy of
serving others.

Be like a clock;
it has no dislikes.
It shows the correct time to everyone,
irrespective of the person who sees the time.

divinely sent

If you enquire deeply, you can visualise God in every human being and in every material...

If you enquire deeply,
you can visualise God in
every human being and in every material.

Any matter should not be looked
upon as mere matters. It should be
considered as the essence of Divinity.

There is a gulf of difference
between padartha and Parartha.

Padartha corresponds to worldly matter,
whereas Parartha is the transcendental divine principle.

Since padartha is viewed as mere matter
and not as Parartha, its value is demeaned.

divinely sent

Every man is endowed with a power of consciousness...

If you consider food as mere matter,
it will remain so. Depending on the feeling,
it undergoes change. Take for instance,
the magnetic power in the body.
It gets transformed into electric power.
It gives rise to sound energy and develops effulgence .

Jewellery shines with added
brilliance when it is polished.
Likewise every man is endowed with a
power of consciousness.

divinely sent

Everything will disintegrate into basic elements including his own body, hence, nothing in the world is really ours!

Whenever one starts thinking about
the perishable body and the relatives
of the physical body, distress and
depression start haunting us.

Whenever one thinks of God,
one will enjoy a sublime peace in their being.

These two realms are diametrically
opposite regions in our conscious.
Hence God exhorts us to hold the world
with the "Left" hand and to hold
the Lord with the "Right" hand.

One day, we will have to relinquish
the hold of the left hand and clinch
tightly the right hold with the right hand
because this bond never leaves us,
even if we relinquish this painful
and miserable body for good.

There are two different terms such
as "Shreyas" and "Preyas".
Shreyas constitute all desires
which elevate us in holy divine path.
Whereas "Preyas" is harmful since
it is associated with the mind,
senses and the possessions of the world.

Even the richest person in this world
has to relinquish one day or other his hold
on the properties and mansions, which he
considers as 'his own'. It is not 'his own'.
It belongs to the 'elements'.

Everything will disintegrate
into basic elements including his own body.
Hence, nothing in the world is really ours.

divinely sent

Life becomes sweeter with a little dose of denial...

Life becomes sweeter with
a little dose of denial;
if you satisfy all your desires,
life begins to turn insipid.

Deny yourselves many of the
things your mind runs after and
you will find that you become tough
enough to bear both good fortune and bad.

divinely sent

"We are not human beings going through a temporary spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings going through a temporary human experience."

"We are not human beings going through a temporary spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings going through a temporary human experience."

God will not force His way to you, He will only plead! He will only hope! He will only wait!

Removing hatred from the heart is one answer towards attaining peace...

Peace cannot be ensued by
the piling up of atom bombs,
the systematic amassing of weapons.

Without removing hatred from
the heart and planting there in,
mere terror and counter-terror
cannot establish cordiality and harmony.

divinely sent

Love is loving without thinking.. seek love..

Help whenever you can.
It will relieve you
from the anxiety of selfishness.
It is when you help that you realize
that all you seek is love
and love is loving without thinking.

The brilliance of the soul will make even the luster of pure gold...

The brilliance of the soul will make even the luster of pure gold
dull and impermanent.

Studying, eating, walking, sitting, running, smiling and weeping - all these constitute the process of refinement...

One cannot partake of paddy in its raw form.
It has to be de-husked and refined into rice
and then cooked well.

Only then will it be fit for consumption.
When paddy undergoes refinement and becomes rice,
its value enhanced several fold.
The process of refinement involves grinding,
separating the husk, removing the dust, and polishing.

In the same way, one cannot get
happiness for the mere asking.
One has to work for it.

The more one engages in right works,
the greater will be the reward.
So, one should be prepared to work hard
and get refined.

Studying, eating, walking, sitting,
running, smiling, and weeping --
all these constitute the process of refinement.

How does weeping refine man?
When one weeps, one gets rid of impure water.

divinely sent

Saturday, May 3, 2008

An early Happy Mother's Day to all mothers of this world...

Mum dear,
No flowers nor cards can express how I feel...
No money nor gifts can express how I really feel...
Mum, I love you with my whole heart, this is real...
Mum, I love you with my whole being, this is really real...

Mummy dear,
Happy Mother's Day!

Mum dear,
No words nor songs can replace my love for you...
No promises nor kisses can replace my love for you...
Mum, I love you more than I can say...
Mum, I love you more than I can dare...

Mummy dear,
Happy Mother's Day!

But then I won't forget flowers and cards for you...
I won't forget to provide money and gifts for you...
I won't forget to sing you songs of my love for you...
I won't forget to plant and collect kisses for you...

Mummy dear,
Happy Mother's Day!

Mum, I love you!

Be positive always...

Never stray into "ifs".
Be positive always. Nothing is difficult.
Simply be aware that you are straying
toward your desire of things being simpler.

Post 1166, Now, all things have gone up in value; Man alone has become cheap...

Now, all things have gone up in value;
Man alone has become cheap.

Endowed with the costly gems of reason,
discrimination and detachment, man has
allowed them to slip away and he’s beset
with dire poverty, as a consequence.

He is slaughtered in millions
without any qualm, because of the
terrific growth of anger, hate and greed,
because he has forgotten his unity with all men,
all beings and all worlds.

The contemplation of that unity
alone can establish world peace,
social peace and peace in the individual.

divinely sent

Post 1165, Compassion towards all creatures is the greatest virtue, wilful injury to any creature is the worst vice...

Compassion towards all creatures
is the greatest virtue; wilful
injury to any creature is the worst vice.

Know this to be true;
spread love and joy through compassion,
and be full of joy and peace yourself.

You do not have joy and peace now,
mainly because your
vision is warped and blurry.

It is directed towards the faults and
failings of others, instead of towards one's own.

Really speaking,
inquiry and investigation
should begin with oneself.

For what we see
in others is the reflection of
our own selves, our own prejudices and

divinely sent

Friday, May 2, 2008

Start practice of goodness with the mother and father...

Start practice of goodness,
with the mother and father.

Serve them, please them,
bring honor to their memory,
become worthy of their gratitude.

Expand the love and service
until you bring within its horizon
all living beings, for, all are altars of the selfsame God.

Good health and happiness go hand in hand, when the mind is happy, the body too is free of disease...

Vice breeds disease.
Evil thoughts and habits,
bad company and unsuitable food
are the main causes of ill-health.

Good health and happiness go hand in hand.
When the mind is happy, the body too is free of disease.

Evil habits, which men indulge in,
are the chief causes of diseases,
physical as well as mental.

Greed affects the mind;
disappointment makes man depressed.

Man can justify his existence only
by the cultivation of virtues.
Only then does he become a worthy candidate for Godhood.

divinely sent

If you get work done with fear, you will be terrified of the work...

If you get work done with fear,
you will yourself be terrified of the work.

If you get work done with anger,
you will yourself be tired of the work.

If you get work done with frustration,
you will yourself be doubtful of its worth.

Behind every work that comes your way is His hand.
Recognize that!

Then treat work with respect...
time with awareness and effort with love.
Work is then worship!

divinely sent

Education is not for mere living, it is for life, a fuller life, a more meaningful and more worthwhle life...

Education is not for mere living;
it is for life, a fuller life, a
more meaningful, a more worthwhile life.

Again, education is not for developing
the faculty of argument, criticism, or
winning a polemic victory over your opponents
or exhibiting your mastery over language or logic.

divinely sent

Speech is produced cheap, but it has high value. It can elevate as well as demean man...

Speech is produced cheap,
but it has high value. It can
elevate as well as demean man.

Listening to a speech,
a zero can rise into a hero
or a hero can collapse into a zero.

It can inspire or plant despair.
It must be true and sweet, not false and pleasant.

Man must endeavour to acquire speech
untouched by subterfuge, limbs untouched by cruelty,
hands free from violence and thoughts free from vengefulness.
Frenzy, fanaticism and gusts of anger have to be controlled,
for they lead to disasters whose range is beyond calculation...

Be conscious that every word
we utter or hear will leave
an impression on our consciousness,
and provoke reactions which may or may not be beneficial.

This is the reason why the company
of God and godly people is to be sought.

divinely sent

Cultivate love and share that love with all...

Cultivate love and share that love with all.
How can you give one person less and another more,
when they are both same as you?

If you forget the basic Divinity, hatred sprouts;
envy raises its hood. See the Soul in all; love sprouts;
peace descends like dew; you are all embodiments of love.

divinely sent

The strength behind all work is a genuine happy smile..

The strength behind
all work is a genuine happy smile.
Smile and you will take its joy wherever you go.

Why smile?
Because it makes you strong,
it makes love to come from within a little easier
and it makes you forget what you want
and it lets you see what He wills!

divinely sent

Learn to speak only when it is necessary....

Learn to speak only when it is necessary.
Too much talk does not allow you
to give the energy of putting thought into your every word.

Develop sympathy and the anxiety to serve and be useful...

Unless each one is respected,
whatever his status, his economic condition,
his Spiritual development, there can be no
peace and no happiness in life.

This respect can be aroused only
by the conviction that the same Soul
that is in you is playing the role of the other person.

See that Soul in others,
feel that they too have hunger, thirst,
yearning and distress you have; develop
sympathy and the anxiety to serve and be useful.

divinely sent