Saturday, April 26, 2008

Give one always a second chance -

Give one always a second chance -
it will free you from the world of resentments and
will welcome another into the world of transformation.

God will instantly light that life that bares the current of the divine spirit within him...

I will instantly light that life that bares the current
of the divine spirit within him.

Man's biggest weapon of offence is his tongue...

The tongue must be sanctified
by the repetition of the name.
It has also to use sweet expressions
which will spread contentment and joy.

Be very careful about your speech.
Animals have horns, insects have stings,
beasts have claws and fangs.

But, man's biggest weapon of offence is his tongue.

The wounds that his tongue inflicts
can scarce be healed; they fester in the heart for long.
They are capable of more damage than even an atom bomb.

divinely sent

Inner cleanliness should be your first aim...

The body is fundamentally unclean, but, yet it craves to achieve both cleanliness and Godliness, because its nature is purity and holiness. Inner cleanliness should be your first aim.

Post 1150... God is only attracted to the purity of hearts....

Spread out on a flat surface there may be gold, silver, copper, iron
filings, diamond, rubies, silks, and other things of value. The
magnet pays no attention to all these, it selects only the iron
filings. It is the same with devotees; God does not select them on
the basis of wealth. He looks for the purity of heart.

divinely sent

Thursday, April 24, 2008

The language of the heart is expressed through sympathy, kindness, service, love, brotherliness...

You should not attach so much importance
to the language you speak. It is the meaning
that is important, the feelings you express,
the behavior you adopt.

The language of the heart is expressed
through sympathy, kindness, service, love, brotherliness.
That is the language that really matters; that language can be understood by every one.

divinely sent

The spirit, My child, has no mind and no body -

The spirit, My child, has no mind and no body -
it is simply the heart of love.

Devotion to God is not to be calculated on the basis of the institutions one has started or helped....etc..

Devotion to God is not to be calculated
on the basis of the institutions one has
started or helped, the temples one has built or renovated,
the donations one has given away, nor does it depend on
the number of times one has written the Name of the Lord
or on the time and energy one has spent in the worship of the Lord.

These are not vital at all, no, not even secondary.

Devotion is Divine Love, unsullied by any tinge
of desire for the benefit that flows from it, or
the fruit or consequence of that love. It is love
that knows no particular reason for its manifestation.

It is of the nature of the love of the soul
for the Oversoul; the river for the sea; the creeper for the tree,
the star for the sky, the spring for the cliff down which it flows.
It is sweet, in bad times as well as good.

It is an unchanging attitude,
a desirable bent of the mind,
standing steady through joy and grief.

divinely sent

When you feel you are all light, you will have no weight.

When you feel you are all light, you will have no weight.
Everything will be bright.

Be grateful, My child, for every sign He gives you -

Be grateful, My child, for every sign He gives you -
Grasp it! Utilize it! And bring yourselves nearer to Him.

Keep the outgoing senses closed to the influences that distract, and concentrate on the Name of the Lord and its beauty and sweetness...

If a lamp is kept burning in a room,
it may go out when winds blow in from the open windows.

The sense organs are the windows
and when they are open, the lamp of
the Divine Name will not burn steadily.

So keep the outgoing senses closed
to the influences that distract, and
concentrate on the Name of the Lord and
its beauty and sweetness.

By simply shouting 'I am God', you
cannot become God; develop the qualifies
of Divinity like Universal Love, absence of attachment, etc.

Then, you will be entitled to assert "Shivoham",
for you will have no ego then!

God interacts only by the game of love, the more you love, the more of Him will be able to see...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Virtues are the rare gems that shine, when they are deep within and not displayed..

Virtues are the rare gems that shine,
when they are deep within and not displayed.

Criticizing others, finding faults with them, all this comes out of egoism...

Criticizing others, finding fault with them,
all this comes out of egoism. Search for your
own faults instead; the faults you see in others
are but reflections of your own personality traits.
The others are part of yourself; you need not
worry about them; worry about yourself, that is enough.

divinely sent

The birth of God is shedding off the body, burying the mind, burning the senses, crushing the ego and ...

The birth of God is shedding off the body -
burying the mind - burning the senses -
crushing the ego and succumbing, forever, to the divine will.

Do not exaggerate the fault of others...

Do not exaggerate the fault of others ,
but, give them a wide margin and see them as small.

Exaggerate yours, see them big and
strive to remove them fast. Take all fault
finders as your friends and well wishers,
for they give you warning signals in time.

divinely sent

Intolerance is the product of anger, hate and envy...

Intolerance is the product of anger, hate and envy.

Try your best to suppress the first appearance of anger.

It does not come upon you unaware.
The body becomes warm, the lips twitch,
the eyes redden – so, when you get
the intimation, drink a glass of cold water,
sip it slowly, close the door and relax until
the seizure passes away, and you laugh at your folly.

This may appear difficult,
but you have to practice it,
for, the consequences of your yielding
to anger will be so disastrous that you
will have to repent long for them.

divinely sent

Cultivate a sweet temper, and a sweet speech which is its natural consequence...

Cultivate a sweet temper,
and a sweet speech which is its natural consequence.

Speak without anger or spite,
without any artificiality or formality, straight from the heart.

Then you will be spreading joy and love among all

divinely sent

Speak so that your language is as sweet as your feelings are..

Speak so that your language is
as sweet as your feelings are.
Make the words true and pleasing.

But, for the sake of pleasing another,
do not speak falsehood or exaggerate.

Cynicism which leads you to speak
about a thing in a carping manner and
in order to bring it into disrepute is
as bad as flattery which makes you exaggerate
and cross the boundaries of truth.

divinely sent

The end of wisdom is freedom, the end of education is character, the end of culture is perfection...

Attachments make you lose your freedom.
You can move freely, when you are not
encumbered with burdens.

Less luggage, more comfort,
is a slogan for the journey of life.
Reduce desires, loosen attachments; you win your freedom.

The end of wisdom is freedom;
the end of education is character;
the end of culture is perfection;
the end of knowledge is Love.

Self-confidence is the basis
of faith in God also. People who do not
know who they are and who have no confidence
in their strength and power assert that there is no God.

But how can they declare that the God
in whom you believe and who exists for you, does not exist?

They are free to assert that God does
not exist for them; but that assertion
cannot make God Himself non-existent!

divinely sent

Man becomes God only when he undergoes refinement in the fire of wisdom...

A potter collects clay from the river bank,
mixes water in it, puts it on a wheel, and makes pots.
The pot cannot hold water unless it undergoes
refinement through fire.

Just as a pot becomes strong when it is
processed in fire, man becomes God when he
undergoes refinement in the fire of wisdom.

The pot that came from mud will
ultimately disintegrate and become one with it.
Likewise, every object and every being in this world
will ultimately go back to its source of origin.

divinely sent

The precious 8 gifts...

But you must REALLY listen. No interrupting, no daydreaming, no planning your response. Just listening.

Be generous with appropriate hugs, kisses, pats on the back and handholds. Let these small actions demonstrate the love you have for family and friends.

Clip cartoons. Share articles and funny stories. Your gift will say, "I love to laugh with you."

It can be a simple "Thanks for the help" note or a full sonnet. A brief, handwritten note may be remembered for a lifetime, and may even change a life.

A simple and sincere, "You look great in red," "You did a super job" or "That was a wonderful meal" can make someone's day.

Every day, go out of your way to do something kind.

There are times when we want nothing better than to be left alone. Be sensitive to those times and give the gift of solitude to others.

The easiest way to feel good is to extend a kind word to someone, really it's not that hard to say, "Hello" or "Thank you."

divinely sent

Even when all misunderstand you, God alone understands you at all times...

Even when all misunderstand you...
God alone understands you at all times,
and God alone shall bring you out of that misery.

If you have God in your side, you have the world in your hold.

If you have God in your side, you have the world in your hold.

The Lord instructs the one that finds Him to be the doer of all tasks.

The Lord instructs the one that finds Him to be the doer of all tasks.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Practice detachment from now on...

Practice detachment from now on; practice it little by little, for a day will come sooner or later when you will have to give up all that you hold dear. Do not go on adding to the things which bind you to them. Bind yourself to the great liberator, God.

You must strive to diagnose your own character and discover the faults that are infesting it, do not try to analyse the character of others...

You must strive to diagnose your own character and
discover the faults that are infesting it; do not try
to analyse the character of others and seek to spot their defects.

This self-examination is very necessary to bring to light
the defects that might undermine one's spiritual career.
Man differs from man in this struggle against the inner foes.

Each gets the result that his spiritual exercise deserves,
that his acts in this and previous births deserve.

In the spiritual path, each one has to move forward
from where he already is, in his own pace, in the light
of the lamp which each one holds in his own hand.

divinely sent

Love is the divine power that bestows on us the courage to overcome difficulties...

When such omnipotent Divinity is within us,
why should we be worried about trivial matters?

Love is the divine power that bestows on us
the courage to overcome difficulties.

Anything can be achieved with the power of love.
We should be afraid of sin, and not difficulties.

divinely sent

We should strive to attain the grace of God and not be deterred by difficulties and losses..

We should strive to attain the grace of God
and not be deterred by difficulties and losses.
When you have God on your side, you can achieve anything.
All your difficulties and suffering will vanish in a trice.

divinely sent


Being in My presence, always, is finding the security of all worlds.

Being in My presence, always, is finding the security of all worlds.

The mind too must be unaffected by the experiences of success and failure, of gain and loss, of wellness and illness.. it must be surrendered to God

The tongue has oils, fats and greasy
substances rolling over it, but it is
unaffected by these; it does not become greasy.

The eye is unaffected by the collyrium.
The mind too must be unaffected by the
experiences of success and failure,
of gain and loss, of wellness and illness;
it must be surrendered at the feet of the Lord.

Let his ‘WILL’ prevail. What profit does your little ‘will’ bring you?

divinely sent

How carefully should we treat our present?

It requires all the strength one can
collect to carry a load up-hill. The gear,
the accelerator, has both to operate to haul a car up a steep.

The mentor who taught you cannot
do anything to haul it; he can only guide.
The control of the senses, changing
the mode of life, the habits of thought,
has to be done by you.

The senses say, "Why struggle?
Eat, drink and be merry, while you can,"
but, the mentor says, "Death lands on you
without notice; overcome its fear now, before he calls.

"Now is the true friend; yesterday has deceived you and gone; tomorrow is a doubtful visitor. Today is the fastest friend; hold fast to it."

divinely sent

Beauty tips...for ladies

A dear old lady was asked what she used to make her complexion so beautiful and her whole being so bright and attractive.

She answered:

"I use for my lips, truth; I use for my voice, kindness; I use for my ears, compassion; I use for my hands, charity; I use for my figure, uprightness; I use for my heart, love; I use for any who do not like me, prayer."

One who is constantly contemplating on God should be able to keep himself away from sinful acts and develop love for God...

Thyagaraja once prayed, "Oh! Lord, I am deeply concerned about the fear of sin. I am unable to surrender to your love. Please grant me the strength of conviction to bow down before your divine love. Please give me the strength to overcome the fear of difficulties. " What did we achieve in our life? What is the purpose of constant contemplation of God?

One who is constantly contemplating on God should be able to keep himself away from sinful acts and develop love for God.

We have to develop fear of sin, love of God and morality in society...

We have to develop fear of sin, love of God and morality in society.
Instead of developing fear of sin, we are enslaved by sin.
Instead of seeking refuge in God, we are submitting ourselves to difficulties. Morality in society will lead to love of God which will in turn lead to fear of sin. Hence, we should uphold morality in society and dedicate ourselves to God.

divinely sent

Once you have known and realized the right, adhere to it.

Once you have known and realized the right, adhere to it.
Let no threat nor fear break the bonds of its strength.

Death is the removal of the soiled shirt and birth, the putting on the fresh one...

A mother catches hold of a child that has soiled its shirt and puts on it a new one. Death is the removal of the soiled shirt and birth, the putting on the fresh one. Let the mother do her ‘will’; be a child in her hands. Have full faith in her love and wisdom. Be an instrument; submerge your will in the will of the Lord. That will save you from worry and pain.

God has come to light the lamp of love in your hearts, to see that it shines day by day with added lustre...

God has come to light the lamp of love in your hearts,
to see that it shines day by day with added lustre.

God has not come to speak on behalf of any particular righteousness,
like the Hindu Dharma. God has not come on any mission of publicity
for any sect or creed or cause; nor have God come to collect followers for any doctrine.

God has no plan to attract disciples or devotees into HIS fold or any fold.
God has come to tell you of this Universal unitary faith, this Aatmic principle, this path of love, this dharma of prema, this duty of love, this obligation to love.

divinely sent

I am in you and you are in Me - God

Iam in you and you are in Me - God

Everyone of you are not different from Me;
I am in you and you are in Me.
As I love you, you should also love one and all.

Then your love and my love will unite.
If you add love to love, it will increase immensely.
You develop love in you. This is the service you have to render.
Only when you develop love will you become deserving of God'slove and Grace.

divinely sent

There can be no greater fortune than having love for God...

There can be no greater fortune than having love for God. One must strive to achieve that great treasure. One should not be deterred by sorrows and difficulties in that Sadhana.

You have all gathered here to attain that great fortune of love for God. One should never be subdued by sorrows and difficulties. Sorrow and sin are obstacles in the path of spirituality. They are like the waves. When one gets into the water and attempts to swim, the surging waves must be pushed aside, so that one may move forward. Similarly, in the stream of life, if one wants to move forward, one has to push aside the surging waves of sorrow and sin.

divinely sent

God interacts only by the game of love - the more you will love, the more of Him will you be able to see...

God interacts only by the game of love -
the more you will love, the more of Him will you be able to see.

God does not cause either joy or grief, you are the designer of both these chains, that bind you...

God ia always aware of the future, the past
as well as the present of every one of you.
So, God is not moved so much by mercy.
Not that God is hard hearted or that God has no mercy.

If you bolt the doors fast, how can
the rays of God's grace be available to you?

Since God knows the past, God's reaction is different;
if only you knew, you too will react differently.

It is the consequence of evil,
deliberately done in the previous birth,
and so, God has to allow the suffering to continue,
often modified by some little compensation.

God does not cause either joy or grief;
you are the designer of both these chains, that bind you.

divinely sent

Cultivate that attitude of oneness, between men of all creeds, all countries and all continents...

All religions teach one basic discipline:
the removal from the mind of the blemish
of egoism, of running after little joy.

Every religion teaches man to fill
his being with the Glory of God and
evict the pettiness of conceit.

It trains him in methods of detachment
and discrimination, so that he may aim
high and attain liberation.

Believe that all hearts are motivated
by the One and Only God; that all faiths
glorify the One and Only God; that all names
in all languages and all forms man can conceive,
denote the One and Only God;
His adoration is best done by means of love.

Cultivate that (attitude of oneness),
between men of all creeds, all countries and all continents.

That is the message of love, God brings. That is the message God wishes you to take to heart.

divinely sent

Have faith in yourself... you have a capacity to adhere to a strict time-table of spiritual exercises and your ability to reach the goal of realisatio

Have faith in yourself, your own capacity to adhere to a strict time-table of spiritual exercises and your ability to reach the goal of realisation. Obstacles that come in the way are often treated with a certain amount of resentment by the pilgrims on the spiritual path; but these tests are to be treated as ensuring safety. You drive a nail into the wall to hang a picture thereon; but before hanging the picture, you try to see whether the nail has been well driven by shaking it; when you are certain it does not shake even when all your strength is used, you become bold enough to hang the picture on it. You must welcome tests because it gives you confidence and hastens your promotion.

divinely sent

Look upon joy and grief as teachers of hardihood and balance. Grief is a friendly reminder, a good taskmaster, even a better teacher than joy...

Look upon joy and grief as teachers of hardihood and balance. Grief is a friendly reminder, a good taskmaster, even a better teacher, than joy. The Lord grants both protection and punishment; for, how can He be the Lord, if He does not insist on strict accounting and strict obedience?

Your spiritual discipline that matters....

A ladder has to be as tall as the height of the wall you want to reach; your Spiritual Discipline has to be as long as the time taken to reach the goal. When the walls are completed, the scaffolding is removed. When the vision of reality is attained all forms of spiritual discipline can be stacked away.

divinely sent

Build the strength to walk long distances only to make each gap smaller and smaller towards spiritual journey...

Those that have undertaken the spiritual journey must realize
that they must build the strength to walk long distances,
only to make each gap smaller and smaller -
until each difference is completely dissolved!

How to keep in constant contact with the Higher Self within us?

How to keep in constant contact with the Higher Self within us? The
best means is the simple exercise of the repetition of
any one of the glorious Names of the Lord. People indulge in all
types of purposeless gossip and scandal; they find time and interest
in these degrading pursuits; but, they have no inclination to awaken
the Divine in them by constant dwelling on the splendour of Creation
and the Creator. See only such scenes as will foster this discipline;
speak only of elevating subjects; listen only to ennobling topics;
think and feel only pure thoughts and emotions. That is the way to
develop the Divinity inherent in each one.

divinely sent

Do not, in the blindness of your jealousy,

Do not, in the blindness of your jealousy,
refuse the touch of the instrument I have sent to heal you.

Be led by the heart, and one day, you will find the love of the Master

Be led by the heart, and one day, you will find the love of the Master

Do not attach yourself too much to this body, or to the things that bring comfort to it...

Do not attach yourself, too much to this body, or to the things that bring comfort to it. You earn three friends in this life, the first the riches you accumulate, refuse to come with you when you move out of this life. The second, kith and kin, accompanying your body up to the burial ground. The third, the merit and demerit, you have earned, accompanying to the last.

Share with others the knowledge and skills one have earned, the ideas and ideals one have benefited ....

Bliss has to be sought not through
accumulation of material wealth,
but through sacrifice and promotion
of the welfare of one's fellow beings.

Sacrifice is recommended as the only path to immortality.
Give in plenty, give gladly, and with gratitude to God.

Selfishness is the canker that destroys charity.
Though one is aware that a certain act is wrong,
selfishness does not allow him to desist.
But, this weakness can be overcome by steady determination.

Share with others the knowledge and skills you have earned,
the ideas and ideals you have benefited from and the joy
you have won by discipline and dedication.
Sharing will not diminish them or devalue them.

On the other hand, they will shine with added splendour.

divinely sent

Those who loose their properties will be free from bother of kinsmen..

Those who loose their properties
will be free from bother of kinsmen,
they can rush to God for succor, unhampered;
they have no burden to bear.

When a man dies indigent no one
would claim kinship with him.
But, if he leaves behind, some property,
many will fight over his corpse for the
privilege of performing the last rites.

divinely sent

One must realizes his own self to be the life of God...

The search and loss of several life times can be found in the one golden moment -
Yes! The moment in which one realizes his own self to be the life of God.

The body is the car in which one is riding....

The body is the car in which you are riding to death.
You may meet death any moment, while riding.

Remember that time is running out every moment, while riding.
Remember that time is running out every moment; then,
you will not be tempted to waste time in idle talk
or vain pursuits, or vulgar entertainment.

Travel in the car carefully, slowly,
with due regard to the needs of others
on the road; do not greedily try to overtake others,
or compete in speed; know the limitations
of the vehicle and the road! and then,
you will not meet with any accident.

Your journey will be a happy experience
for you and the rest of the people.

divinely sent

A good soul will express his every response with either a few soft and sweet chosen words...

A good soul will express his every response
with either a few soft and sweet chosen words,
or by an all knowing, loving and tolerant silence.

Today is a sacred day which has to be spent in sacred thoughts and deeds and not in cheap debilitating sensual pleasures and pastimes...

Today is a sacred day which has
to be spent in sacred thoughts and
deeds and not in cheap debilitating
sensual pleasures and pastimes.

Of course, people in their ignorance
resort to these hollow hilarities,
urged by their innate and inescapable urge for supreme bliss.
The supreme bliss within seeks supreme bliss pure and undefiled.

It can be secured only through the satisfaction of higher and more
sublime desires like realizing the Ultimate. Each festival has been
designed by the sages as a step in the progress of man towards this

Nevertheless, we are casting many a New Year Day behind us,
unmindful of its significance. Year after year is wasted in
misdirected effort at attaining supreme bliss,
and in the consequent misery and despair.

divinely sent

Spiritual progress is not merely intellectual exercise....

Spiritual progress is not merely intellectual exercise. It is right living, good conduct, moral behavior. These attitudes are the automatic consequences of belief in good, just, compassionate God, who is watching and witnessing every act. So, faith in an omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent God, is the first pre-requisite of a good life.

Do not try to find God - find yourself and He will appear, everywhere, before you...

You can only find that which is lost.
Do not try to find God - find yourselves!
And He will appear, everywhere, before you.

Love is the only path that can take you to God...

Love is the only path that can take you to God.
When you develop love, God will give Himself up
to you and will protect you always.

There is an intimate and inseparable
relationship between the love of a devotee
and the grace of God.

Only love can win divine grace.
You have to practise righteousness and tread
the path of sacrifice to experience everlasting happiness.

The name and principle of Jesus will give
you tremendous strength and power.

The divine principle underlying the God
can neither be explained in words nor
understood with the help of worldly education.

Only through love can one understand them.
Fill your heart with love and chant the name of Jesus.

divinely sent

The screen is the truth and the images that flit across it is un-real...

The screen is the Truth and the images
that flit across, it is un-real;
when you see the film you do not
see the screen as screen; you forget
its existence and you think that there
is just the picture, nothing else as its base;
but, the screen is there all the time
and it is only the screen that makes
you experience the pictures.

God is the screen and Nature is the film;
when the play is on, the screen is the base.
The screen is the Truth and the story is life.

divinely sent

Everything material undergoes changes.... nothing remain the same...

Every thing material undergoes change.
Nothing can remain the same. Today merges into tomorrow.
Any thing which undergoes change can not be Truth.
Truth must remain as Truth, in the past, present and future.

Now, the world and all objects of nature
are constantly being subjected to change –
building up or breaking down, evolving or mutating,
flowing or festering, growing or dying.

How then can it be true? So, there must be
some thing stable and permanent and eternal
as the background, the base, the foundation,
for this changing scene to appear on.

Appearance is untrue; reality is eternal.

Be aware and conscious that God is aware at all times -

Be aware and conscious that God is aware at all times -
and it will instantly stop every worry.

You are the core, the center of your world...

You are the core, the center of your world.
Without you there is no world for you.
Unless you know yourself, you can not
know the world, which is your creation.

Now you ask every one you meet “How do you do?”
But, have you ever asked the question to yourself,
“How do I do?” You ask every third person, “

Who is he?” But, have you asked the first person,
“Who am I?” and searched for the answers.

Rest completely on the lap of faith -

Rest completely on the lap of faith -
None other will give you the comfort, support and protection

Until the mind stays fickly and unchannelled, one can never experience the purity of universal love for the mind....My child, analyzes love and weighs

Until the mind stays fickle and unchannelled,
one can never experience the purity of universal love,
for the mind, My child,
analyzes love and weighs its gains and losses.

Faith can grow only from the root of inquiry. Faith is made firmer by inquiry...

Faith can grow only from the root of inquiry.
Faith is made firmer by inquiry.

Therefore steady inquiry is essential;
do not be led by others; awaken your reason,
amass your own experience; and decide for yourself, your own path.

Then only can you get joy in treading it;
if you are forced to take a path by others
or persuaded into it by some one else, then,
when the first obstacle turns up, you will get dispirited and turn back.

divinely sent

Quietness, simplicity, humility... cultivate these instead of noise, complexity or conceit...

The car is driven by means of a
wheel which is inside it; when that wheel is turned,
the outer wheels move.

So also, the inner wheel has to be turned
in man, so that he may progress. T

Trying to move to outer wheels is a sign of ignorance;
it is a waste of precious energy.

Inner concentration is to be developed
in preference to outer distraction.
Quietness, simplicity, humility…
cultivate these, instead of noise, complexity, conceit.

divinely sent

Praise God less, for that, too, is building a distance between us -

Praise God less, for that, too, is building a distance between us -
strive hard, recognize the ideals and become God.

Engage yourselves in selfless service....

Engage yourselves in selfless service.
The reward for it will come of its own accord.
Do not have any doubts on this score.

Whatever you undertake,
do it with all your heart
and to your full satisfaction.

That satisfaction is all the reward
and recompense that you will need.

It will confer great strength on you.
This is the virtue that you have to cultivate.
Acquire this true wealth.

Without goodness, all other richness are no avail!

divinely sent

Without self confidence no achievement is possible...

Without self confidence no achievement is possible.
If you have confidence in your strength and skill,
you can draw upon the inner springs of courage and
raise yourselves to a higher level of joy and peace.
For, confidence in yourselves arises through Soul which is your inner reality.