We have a life span, we too have a spiritual span. We are mortal, yet we are also immortal, our soul, our spirit. Who are you? Why are you here? Where are you going? Can you understand our immortal spirit that is encased inside a mortal body? Can you accept that I am you and you are me? No matter what name you all call yourselves, we all call ourselves "I"... That "I" is the gift of the Divine, we are all a spark of the Divine!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Monday, September 5, 2011
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
The world is itself a great teacher, a constant guide and inspiration...
God is installed, whether the owner of the body recognizes it or not...
God is installed, whether the owner
of the body recognizes it or not.
It is God that inspires you to good acts,
that warns you against the bad.
Listen to that Voice. Obey that Voice and
you will not come to any harm.
A lady wept that her necklace was lost or stolen;
she searched everywhere and became inconsolably sad.
Then, when she passed across a mirror,
she found the lost necklace around her neck.
It was there all the time. Similarly, God is there,
as the Inner Dweller whether you know it or not.
of the body recognizes it or not.
It is God that inspires you to good acts,
that warns you against the bad.
Listen to that Voice. Obey that Voice and
you will not come to any harm.
A lady wept that her necklace was lost or stolen;
she searched everywhere and became inconsolably sad.
Then, when she passed across a mirror,
she found the lost necklace around her neck.
It was there all the time. Similarly, God is there,
as the Inner Dweller whether you know it or not.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Exterior charm attracts the animal, internal charms resulting from character, pleases LORD..
Exterior charm attracts the animal;
internal charm, resulting from character,
pleases the Lord.
Do not be tempted by the low tastes of the world
and the cheap regard that people bestow.
Strive for the holy grace and love of the Lord.
The affection that people shower is not constant,
for it depends on their likes and dislikes.
Those who are enamored of the external
will tumble into disappointment and sorrow
every now and then.
But the love that the Lord bears to you
depends on your good qualities alone.
It also gives you permanent joy.
Beauty consists in character, not in anything else.
There is nothing more charming than that.
internal charm, resulting from character,
pleases the Lord.
Do not be tempted by the low tastes of the world
and the cheap regard that people bestow.
Strive for the holy grace and love of the Lord.
The affection that people shower is not constant,
for it depends on their likes and dislikes.
Those who are enamored of the external
will tumble into disappointment and sorrow
every now and then.
But the love that the Lord bears to you
depends on your good qualities alone.
It also gives you permanent joy.
Beauty consists in character, not in anything else.
There is nothing more charming than that.
What is the best way to serve God?
Q : What is the best way to serve God?
Serve the poor, the weak,
the downtrodden
and the underprivileged.
There is divinity in each of us,
hence love and serve fellow human beings selflessly.
Give those around you pure love.
Religion can be best pursued through the axiom
"There is only one religion -- the religion of love; one caste -- the caste of humanity; one language -- the language of the heart; one law -- the law of sow and reap and there is only one God -- He is omnipresent."
All of us should remember these
simple yet profound truths. These truths lead us to God.
Chant God's name with all love and faith...
God's Name must be chanted
with all Love and Faith.
Then negatives drop out of the mind
automatically, without any effort.
God comes to the devotee
when he cries to Him, just
as a mother goes to her child.
It is perfectly true to say
that the easiest, shortest and
quickest path to reach God,
it is the repetition of His sweet
and glorious Name, which makes
the mortal immortal and changes man into God ".
with all Love and Faith.
Then negatives drop out of the mind
automatically, without any effort.
God comes to the devotee
when he cries to Him, just
as a mother goes to her child.
It is perfectly true to say
that the easiest, shortest and
quickest path to reach God,
it is the repetition of His sweet
and glorious Name, which makes
the mortal immortal and changes man into God ".
Offer HIM services with a pure heart...
You attach importance to quantity;
but, the Lord considers only quality.
He does not calculate how many
measures of "sweet rice" you offered,
but, how many sweet words you uttered,
how much sweetness you added in your thoughts.
Offer Him services with a pure heart
and He will give you everything
that you have ever wanted.
but, the Lord considers only quality.
He does not calculate how many
measures of "sweet rice" you offered,
but, how many sweet words you uttered,
how much sweetness you added in your thoughts.
Offer Him services with a pure heart
and He will give you everything
that you have ever wanted.
Always discuss the good in others...
Always discuss the good in others.
Never think about the evil actions of others.
If you can, keep trying to turn them to
good ways and give them good advice.
You should cultivate peace of mind,
the charitableness and eagerness
to promote the welfare of all that
is necessary for the attitude.
These can come only through repetition
of the Divine Name and meditation.
The wealth derived from repetition of the
Lord's Name and meditation is good qualities.
Good qualities clean the exterior
and also purify and ennoble the inner tendencies.
Direct this love to God...
Every being needs love,
inhales and exhales love. \
For love is the basic breath;
everyone is the embodiment of love.
Love knows no fear and
so love need not have falsehood to support it.
It is only fear that makes people warp the face
of truth to make it unpleasant to those whom they fear.
Love also seeks no reward;
love is its own reward.
That is the sole gain,\
the joy of loving and being loved.
Direct this love to GOD....
inhales and exhales love. \
For love is the basic breath;
everyone is the embodiment of love.
Love knows no fear and
so love need not have falsehood to support it.
It is only fear that makes people warp the face
of truth to make it unpleasant to those whom they fear.
Love also seeks no reward;
love is its own reward.
That is the sole gain,\
the joy of loving and being loved.
Direct this love to GOD....
How can we discover the motives behind our friends or our LOrd?
You do not know the real reasons
behind the actions of the Lord.
You cannot understand the motives
of other men who are almost like you
in everything, actuated by the same motives
and having the same likes and dislikes!
But yet, how easily you discover
the motives of One who is far, far above the level of man!
behind the actions of the Lord.
You cannot understand the motives
of other men who are almost like you
in everything, actuated by the same motives
and having the same likes and dislikes!
But yet, how easily you discover
the motives of One who is far, far above the level of man!
3 types of activities that reach God and earn His Grace..
Three types of activity reach God
and earn His Grace:
(1) those not prompted by personal desire,
(2) those emanating from unselfish love and
(3) prayer arising from pure hearts.
They reach the Lord directly and
He pays heed to them. The rest are the
concern of the various deities who preside
over their disposal.
Therefore, prayers have to be unselfish,
saturated with love, and free from the
taint of attachment to the gift that the prayer would bring.
and earn His Grace:
(1) those not prompted by personal desire,
(2) those emanating from unselfish love and
(3) prayer arising from pure hearts.
They reach the Lord directly and
He pays heed to them. The rest are the
concern of the various deities who preside
over their disposal.
Therefore, prayers have to be unselfish,
saturated with love, and free from the
taint of attachment to the gift that the prayer would bring.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
The seedling wants water and manure to grow and yield rich harvest...
The seedling wants water and manure,
to grow and yield rich harvest.
The tiny sapling of spiritual yearning
for liberation from bondage also needs these two.
That is the real cultivation you must undertake.
That is the mark of the wise farmer.
to grow and yield rich harvest.
The tiny sapling of spiritual yearning
for liberation from bondage also needs these two.
That is the real cultivation you must undertake.
That is the mark of the wise farmer.
More than all, set right your habits,
purify your conduct, cleanse your behavior,
One bad habit that has taken
deep root in this area is the smoking
of tobacco, an evil that is fast becoming universal.
It destroys health, happiness, energy and even charm.
Smoke will not quench your thirst
or fill the hungry stomach.
It disfigures your face and
denigrates your lungs.
It debilitates you and makes you diseased.
Control yourself and do not yield
to the snares of friends or society or,
what is miscalled social convention,
and become a prey to this and other bad habits.
purify your conduct, cleanse your behavior,
One bad habit that has taken
deep root in this area is the smoking
of tobacco, an evil that is fast becoming universal.
It destroys health, happiness, energy and even charm.
Smoke will not quench your thirst
or fill the hungry stomach.
It disfigures your face and
denigrates your lungs.
It debilitates you and makes you diseased.
Control yourself and do not yield
to the snares of friends or society or,
what is miscalled social convention,
and become a prey to this and other bad habits.
The body is the temple of the Lord;
keep it in good and strong condition.
It is damaged by food and drink of
the behaviour and also by anger, hatred,
greed, etc., and behaviour like sloth,
sleep and inactivity.
When you get violent and angry
with any one, quietly repeat the
name of the Lord to overcome it
or drink a glass of cold water or
spread your bed and lie down until
the fit of fury passes.
While angry, you abuse another
and he does the same; and tempers rise,
heat is generated and lasting injury is done.
Five minutes of anger damages the relationship
for five generations, remember.
Remember always that it is easy
to do what is pleasant; but it is
difficult to be engaged in what
is beneficial.
Not all that is pleasant is profitable.
Success comes to those who give up
the path strewn with roses, and
brave the hammer-blows and sword-thrusts
of the path fraught with danger.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Post 2153 ... To surrender means to turn your thoughts away from troubles...
To surrender means: To turn your thoughts away from troubles, to turn them away from difficulties you encounter and from all your problems. Leave everything into God's hands saying "Lord, Thy will be done. Thou think of it." That is to say: "Lord I thank you for you have taken everything in your hands, and you will resolve this for my highest good." Remember that thinking of the consequences of a thing is contrary to surrender. That is to say, when you worry that a situation has not had the desired outcome, you thus demonstrate that you do not believe in God's love for you. You will prove that you do not consider your life to be under God's control and that nothing escapes God. |
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Fate is the result of your actions...
Fate is the result of your actions.
Just as there will be reactions
in future for all your present actions,
there are reactions to your past actions.
They affect your body and mind.
Every thought, word and deed will bounce back to you.
Therefore, it is not that fate controls you;
conversely, you control the fate.
Just as there will be reactions
in future for all your present actions,
there are reactions to your past actions.
They affect your body and mind.
Every thought, word and deed will bounce back to you.
Therefore, it is not that fate controls you;
conversely, you control the fate.
Sacrifice, love, compassion and forbearance are the sterling human qualities that should be fostered...
Some say knowledge is valuable,
but character is more valuable than knowledge.
One may be a learned scholar,
one may hold high positions of authority,
one may be very wealthy or be an eminent scientist
but if one has no character, all the other acquisitions
are of no use at all.
Sacrifice, love, compassion and forbearance
are the sterling human qualities that should be fostered,
shedding jealousy, hatred, ego and anger, which are animal qualities.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
True spirituality is to love all and serve all....
"True spirituality is to love all and serve all"
"But, before loving others, you have to Love yourself first. This means that you shouldn't have any bad habits and bad thoughts about yourself first and you should be very much self confident that you should Love yourself to the fullest. For that to happen, you should be perfect in everything.
If you could love yourself completely, you can also Love others completely.
What an answer! Do we really love ourselves fully? Are we sure that there is no quality in us which we detest?.
Let us all think about it.
Never even try to even a single person...
“ Never even try to hate even a Single person . If you hate anyone you are only trying to kill the Divine Goodness in you. Hatred or ill feeIings only make the Divine within you to go further away from you" .
“If you meet and discuss the faults of everyone else, then How can you ever have the time to correct your own faults? Also what can you do by points faults at others when you yourself are at Fault by Discussing about others"
“In times of unhappiness each and everyone should always remember the Lord's Divine Strength and Greatness, But also in your times of Great Happiness and Joy, You should remember the Lord’s generosity.”
“ Never argue with anyone that you alone are correct and that you always are right. Think deeply that if you are correct, then what is the need to argue at all ?”
“God is always with you at all times. He is always speaking to you in Different ways. He is forever Showering HisDivine Grace upon everyone. The moment you believe this , you will experience all of it immediately.”
Repeating the Name of the Lord is the safest, surest and easiest spiritual practice...
Fish nurture their newly hatched young ones
first in a safe and shallow spot.
Then, they send them out into the
wide open sea with its monstrous denizens.
Only then can the young ones survive courageously
and grow without fear.
If they were bred in the open sea right from the beginning,
they would certainly be swallowed up! In the same way,
the practice of the contemplation of the name,
repetition of the name, and meditation are
to be practised with a great deal of care
according to a set routine in the initial stages,
until you become an expert who contemplates
on the name constantly and repeats
it with concentration.
Repeating the Name of the Lord
is the safest, surest and easiest spiritual practice.
first in a safe and shallow spot.
Then, they send them out into the
wide open sea with its monstrous denizens.
Only then can the young ones survive courageously
and grow without fear.
If they were bred in the open sea right from the beginning,
they would certainly be swallowed up! In the same way,
the practice of the contemplation of the name,
repetition of the name, and meditation are
to be practised with a great deal of care
according to a set routine in the initial stages,
until you become an expert who contemplates
on the name constantly and repeats
it with concentration.
Repeating the Name of the Lord
is the safest, surest and easiest spiritual practice.
The agony of the devotee to attain their beloved Lord is the true sign of devotion...
Neither liberation from the cycle of birth
and death nor purity of intellect and emotions
is possible without devotion to the Lord.
Those who have the spring of ecstatic devotion
to the Presence of the Lord within them do not need
any texts to ponder over.
The very contemplation on the beauty,
grace, and power of the Lord will give them
the bliss they seek.
In that ecstatic mood,
they discard all self-consciousness
and yearn to become the beloved of God,
and remain in blissful Union with Him.
They dance and sing aloud and
merge with Him in genuine joy and bliss.
The agony of the devotee to attain
their beloved Lord is the true sign of devotion.
All relationships come and go...
All relationships come and go just
like moving pictures on a cinema screen.
Do not be deluded by the pictures
that appear on the screen.
Have the picture of God imprinted on your heart.
Develop strong conviction and consider Him
as your sole refuge. Only then can you have the vision of God ".
like moving pictures on a cinema screen.
Do not be deluded by the pictures
that appear on the screen.
Have the picture of God imprinted on your heart.
Develop strong conviction and consider Him
as your sole refuge. Only then can you have the vision of God ".
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