Sunday, February 6, 2011

Service is the most difficult of the nine steps to inner reality.....

Service is the most difficult of the nine steps to inner reality. It is basically action arising out of the yearning to win the grace of God. It is the most important step to erase ego... Through service alone can man attain mastery of senses, the passions and predilections, and through that, reach divinity itself. I have come to teach you the proper attitude of service - for love expresses as service, and God is Love. Service to man leads to the discovery of man as God.

It is difficult to describe anything in words.....

To describe anything in words is difficult; 
it might even cause boredom.
But to demonstrate it by deed is easier 
and more pleasant! 
Through meditation, spiritual aspirants 
are able to cast off sheaths of ignorance,
layer after layer. 
They withdraw their sense perceptions
from contact with worldly experiences.
The process that aims at this holy 
consummation alone deserves to be called meditation.
For this process, you must be equipped 
with good habits, discipline, and high ideals. 
You must be full of renunciation towards
worldly things and their attractions. 
Whatever the situation, you should conduct 
yourself with enthusiasm and joy. 
Whatever is done must be dedicated
not to eke out a livelihood but for earning bliss  
You should train yourself to adopt a good sitting pose
 to avoid tension of the body, and to ease the mind
from the weight and pressure of the body.
If you thus truly meditate, you will achieve
oneness with the Divine and experience the joy of realizing the Self within yourself.

God says....

"The more you come close to me, the more you earn my love, you become more likely to 'burn'."  What will be burnt are our evils, defects and impurities.  Such a burning leads to spiritual purification, to refinement.  As the process of burning is accompanied by God's love, which acts a shield, the aspirant is able to withstand the fiery ordeal.

Pray for happiness, and what is right....

If you feel you must have something to be happy, pray to God; "God! You have the responsibility to keep me healthy, happy, good and intelligent; give me this thing, which I believe is necessary for my happiness; but, if you think, I am wrong, give me whatever you think best." God will never desert His obligation; He will feed you and foster you.

Living is either pleasant or unpleasant depending upon your basic attitude towards life,,,

Living is either pleasant or unpleasant depending upon your basic attitude towards life. See how the same object becomes pleasant once and unpleasant on another occasion? The thing welcomed with great fondness at one time becomes hateful at another time and there is not even the desire to see it. The condition of the mind at those times is the cause of this state. Therefore, it is necessary to train the mind to be always pleasant.