Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Do not hate anybody in this world for their appearance, their manners, their habits, their interaction with society..

There are certain simple truths,
if followed scrupulusly will lead us to the goal.

As each and every thought arise in your mind,
simply be a witness to the thoughts and do not react in any manner.

Do not hate anybody in this world
for their appearance, their manners,
their habits, their interaction with society etc.

Simply observe the world without
passing any comments in the mind,
without judging others in any manner.

Help the poor, the distressed,
the maimed, the blind and the old
to the extent possible by you.

All the happenings in this world
is a passing show just like clouds in the sky.

They are never static.
All that happens to you is the sweet will of god.
Do not react negatively for your troubles and trivials.

It is meant for educating you better through examples.
After every theory class, the students are taken
to the laborataries for practical imparting of lessons.

Each student should have first hand knowledge
of handling various gadgets in the lab.
He should independently carry out each experiment.

Then only he will gain self confidence.
Likewise in life, God enables us to learn the lessons
though bitterly, by placing us in very complex situations.

He watches our inner as well as outer reactions.
We may stumble a humptin number of times.

But with each fall, we become more careful
to tread the spiritual path slowly but steadily.

Remember Him in the heart while living in the world.
Stay focussed in the present moment alone.

Do not drift to the past or future.
If you follow the above, success in spirituality is ensured.

divinely sent