Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Majority of the people suffer due to comparison...

Majority of the people
suffer due to comparison.
An affluent person may acquire
several things and expose his wealth.

The poor are unhappy that
they are not capable of possessing
such wealth and in turn they blame their fate.

If we are able to live in a contended way,
we won't compare ourselves with others.

In the same house, each child grows differently
and their lives become entirely different according
to their past actions in previous births.

Hence, we witness that one child
become a famous man in life,
whereas the other remain an illeterate.

One possess physical strength,
the other suffer from various illness.
If each one starts comparing their life
with other family members, only sufferings will ensue.

We should always be thankful
for all the blessings God has bestowed on us.
If at all we feel like comparing, we may do so
by comparing with people who are less fortunate than us.