Monday, August 25, 2008

Cast the pebble of good thoughts in the lake of your heart...

First of all, one should develop right vision.
If the vision is good and pure, the thoughts will also be pure.

If you throw a pebble in a lake,
it will create ripples.

How far will the ripples spread?
They will go up to the edge of the lake.

In the same way, cast the pebble of
good thoughts in the lake of your heart.

The ripples of good thoughts will then
express themselves through all parts of your body,
viz., eyes, ears, hands, legs, etc.

When these ripples of good thoughts
go to the eyes, you will see only good,
when they go to the ears, you will hear only good,
when they go to the tongue, you will speak only good,
when they go to the legs, the legs will go only to good places.

Thus, the lake of the human body
becomes full of ripples of pure thoughts,
purifying the body from top to toe.