Permanent happiness can be secured only through one form of knowledge. That is the science of God-realisation, the teachings of Holy Men and God. That alone can
save man and grant him peace. There is nothing higher that. Whatever
be the subjects you have specialised in for a profession or living,
have your eyes always focussed on this knowledge.
We have a life span, we too have a spiritual span. We are mortal, yet we are also immortal, our soul, our spirit. Who are you? Why are you here? Where are you going? Can you understand our immortal spirit that is encased inside a mortal body? Can you accept that I am you and you are me? No matter what name you all call yourselves, we all call ourselves "I"... That "I" is the gift of the Divine, we are all a spark of the Divine!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
If people do not love you, be sure, that it is your fault!
If people do not love you, be sure, that it is your fault. It is disgruntled people that find fault with the world. It is those who have no peace in their hearts that cause disturbances in the world.
They are restless, so they, in turn, engender restlessness in others, and then think that it is a rotten world. You should know what to do; have the right knowledge, the right judgement and the right action. If you want to see the whole world coloured green, then you should not try to paint everything green, you should simply wear green tinted glasses.
Many people declare, "I am an individualised soul, I am a spark of consciousness, I am an embodied spirit", but declarations such as these do not reveal a true understanding of the life principle.
The individualised soul is Divine Consciousness, installed in a chariot, the body. It is not a bundle of inert stuff, moulded into a form and labelled with a name. There is only one all-pervading Consciousness, but Man experiences It in fragments and, mistaking It as many, he gropes around in the confusion caused by his own ignorance.
Many scripture have instructed Man of the truth that God dwells in his body along with the ego, with God inducing him to aspire for the heights, and the ego advising him to be content with the low. The ego has faith in the reality of the world and of itself.
The Divine Principle, on the other hand, asserts that It is ever present, both close to Man as well as far from him. The fact is that people only feel that God is far away, because they are not aware of God being near them, nay in their own hearts.
The truth that the scripture teach is that God is everywhere, both near and far, both above and below, both inside and outside. God is one, Indivisible and Omnipresent.
They are restless, so they, in turn, engender restlessness in others, and then think that it is a rotten world. You should know what to do; have the right knowledge, the right judgement and the right action. If you want to see the whole world coloured green, then you should not try to paint everything green, you should simply wear green tinted glasses.
Many people declare, "I am an individualised soul, I am a spark of consciousness, I am an embodied spirit", but declarations such as these do not reveal a true understanding of the life principle.
The individualised soul is Divine Consciousness, installed in a chariot, the body. It is not a bundle of inert stuff, moulded into a form and labelled with a name. There is only one all-pervading Consciousness, but Man experiences It in fragments and, mistaking It as many, he gropes around in the confusion caused by his own ignorance.
Many scripture have instructed Man of the truth that God dwells in his body along with the ego, with God inducing him to aspire for the heights, and the ego advising him to be content with the low. The ego has faith in the reality of the world and of itself.
The Divine Principle, on the other hand, asserts that It is ever present, both close to Man as well as far from him. The fact is that people only feel that God is far away, because they are not aware of God being near them, nay in their own hearts.
The truth that the scripture teach is that God is everywhere, both near and far, both above and below, both inside and outside. God is one, Indivisible and Omnipresent.
God shows the way, He guides...
"The study of sacred books and listening to religious discourses is meant to develop self-control and peace. I am not for indiscriminate reading of books however valuable they may be.
Much reading tends to confuse the mind. It fosters argumentation and intellectual pride. What I insist upon is putting the things read into practice, if not all, a least a thing or two.
Moreover, remember that a book is only a pointer, a guide, a signpost. Reading alone cannot be the completion of the journey. It is only the first step; read for the sake of practising, not for reading's sake.
Too many books in a room indicates that a person is suffering from intellectual illnesses, just as too many tins, capsules and bottles of medicines in a cupboard indicate that the person is suffering from physical illness."
Much reading tends to confuse the mind. It fosters argumentation and intellectual pride. What I insist upon is putting the things read into practice, if not all, a least a thing or two.
Moreover, remember that a book is only a pointer, a guide, a signpost. Reading alone cannot be the completion of the journey. It is only the first step; read for the sake of practising, not for reading's sake.
Too many books in a room indicates that a person is suffering from intellectual illnesses, just as too many tins, capsules and bottles of medicines in a cupboard indicate that the person is suffering from physical illness."
Right is right even if nobody does it, wrong is wrong even if everybody does it!
Many feel that it is human to err and that God should forgive their lapses whereas, in fact, if they are truly human, they should not commit mistakes at all. Even if sometimes a mistake is committed, wittingly or unwittingly, it should not be repeated.
It is a grievous error to think that it is natural for a human being to err. Such a feeling should not be entertained at all by anyone. Every man should realize, " I am not weak, I am not an animal. I am not a demon, I am a man ". When a man has this conviction he will not commit mistakes.
Man is the very embodiment of the spirit or Atma and the Atma cannot be affected by any taint. It is the attachment to the body, which is the cause of bad thoughts, bad desires and bad actions. It is the one who is a slave to his senses that is a prey to such impulses.
To follow the directive of the senses is a mark of the animal. To be guided by the Atma is the real sign of the human. No one should attempt to justify his weaknesses and lapses as being natural to a human being. They should be regarded as signs of mental debility.
You should continually strive to master your senses. When you have truly acquired sense-control, you will experience the power of the Divine within you. Right is right even if nobody does it, wrong is wrong even if everybody does it.
It is a grievous error to think that it is natural for a human being to err. Such a feeling should not be entertained at all by anyone. Every man should realize, " I am not weak, I am not an animal. I am not a demon, I am a man ". When a man has this conviction he will not commit mistakes.
Man is the very embodiment of the spirit or Atma and the Atma cannot be affected by any taint. It is the attachment to the body, which is the cause of bad thoughts, bad desires and bad actions. It is the one who is a slave to his senses that is a prey to such impulses.
To follow the directive of the senses is a mark of the animal. To be guided by the Atma is the real sign of the human. No one should attempt to justify his weaknesses and lapses as being natural to a human being. They should be regarded as signs of mental debility.
You should continually strive to master your senses. When you have truly acquired sense-control, you will experience the power of the Divine within you. Right is right even if nobody does it, wrong is wrong even if everybody does it.
Friday, February 27, 2009
What is essential for a steady mind is the control of the 5 senses and a ceiling on desires...
God is immanent in the five elements - Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and
Ether. Since there is no place in creation where the five elements do
not exist, it can be concluded that God is all-pervasive. And yet,
why is man unable to experience this divinity? Though water reflects
objects, the image, unlike the object, is not steady. Similarly, man
cannot be a perfect image of God if he has a wavering mind. Such a
mind leads to confusion and depression, and with such a mind, a
seeker can never realise the divinity within. What is essential for a
steady mind is the control of the five senses and a ceiling on desires.
Ether. Since there is no place in creation where the five elements do
not exist, it can be concluded that God is all-pervasive. And yet,
why is man unable to experience this divinity? Though water reflects
objects, the image, unlike the object, is not steady. Similarly, man
cannot be a perfect image of God if he has a wavering mind. Such a
mind leads to confusion and depression, and with such a mind, a
seeker can never realise the divinity within. What is essential for a
steady mind is the control of the five senses and a ceiling on desires.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
To a person who has no faith in righteousness, the joy derived from its observance is incomprehensible...
To a person who has no faith in righteousness,
the joy derived from its observance is incomprehensible.
To dilate upon it before such a person
is as useless a venture as blowing a conch
before a person who is stone deaf.
So when righteousness is taught to a person,
ascertain whether that person has faith and earnestness,
and the eagerness to practise it. Only such persons must be dealt with.
the joy derived from its observance is incomprehensible.
To dilate upon it before such a person
is as useless a venture as blowing a conch
before a person who is stone deaf.
So when righteousness is taught to a person,
ascertain whether that person has faith and earnestness,
and the eagerness to practise it. Only such persons must be dealt with.
Only faith in the self can protect you...
Having been born from the Self,
man should always contemplate on the Self.
He will become restless and face hardships
if he forgets the Self.
So, never forget the Self,
the source of your origin.
Treat the Self as the basis of your life.
This is the righteousness that man should adhere to.
You may occupy positions of authority,
you may have wealth and prosperity,
but none of them can protect you.
Only faith in the self can protect you.
man should always contemplate on the Self.
He will become restless and face hardships
if he forgets the Self.
So, never forget the Self,
the source of your origin.
Treat the Self as the basis of your life.
This is the righteousness that man should adhere to.
You may occupy positions of authority,
you may have wealth and prosperity,
but none of them can protect you.
Only faith in the self can protect you.
To follow righteousness is itself a source of joy, it is the path least beset with hurdles. This is the teaching of God.
Of course, it is hard to effect
this full surrender. But if man
makes but the slightest effort towards it,
the Lord Himself will confer the courage
to pursue it to the end.
He will walk with him and
help him as a friend;
He will lead him as a Guide;
He will guard him from evil and temptation;
He will be his staff and support.
He has said, "This course of action,
if followed even to a small extent,
will save him from terrifying fear".
To follow righteousness is itself
a source of joy; it is the path least
beset with hurdles. That is the Teaching of the Lord.
this full surrender. But if man
makes but the slightest effort towards it,
the Lord Himself will confer the courage
to pursue it to the end.
He will walk with him and
help him as a friend;
He will lead him as a Guide;
He will guard him from evil and temptation;
He will be his staff and support.
He has said, "This course of action,
if followed even to a small extent,
will save him from terrifying fear".
To follow righteousness is itself
a source of joy; it is the path least
beset with hurdles. That is the Teaching of the Lord.
Even the most heinous sinner can become pure by surrendering to the Lord in anguished repentance...
Righteouness is not laid down or
recommended for the extraordinary among men.
It is within the reach of all,
for all have the hunger for God,
all have the discrimination to
discover that there is something
basic behind all this change.
Even the most heinous sinner can
quickly cleanse his heart and
become pure by surrendering
to the Lord in anguished repentance.
Therefore, the Lord's Command is
that each should pursue the special
righteousness laid down for him;
each person should plan his life
according to the spiritual foundations
of his culture; he should give up the
'objective' vision and listen to the Voice of God.
recommended for the extraordinary among men.
It is within the reach of all,
for all have the hunger for God,
all have the discrimination to
discover that there is something
basic behind all this change.
Even the most heinous sinner can
quickly cleanse his heart and
become pure by surrendering
to the Lord in anguished repentance.
Therefore, the Lord's Command is
that each should pursue the special
righteousness laid down for him;
each person should plan his life
according to the spiritual foundations
of his culture; he should give up the
'objective' vision and listen to the Voice of God.
See good, hear good, talk good and do good...
A paper has no smell of its own.
If it is used for wrapping pakodas
or dry fish or jasmine flowers,
it acquires the smell of the item wrapped in it.
The heart may be compared to paper.
If good feelings are packed in it,
you will certainly develop good tendencies.
See good, hear good, talk good and do good
If it is used for wrapping pakodas
or dry fish or jasmine flowers,
it acquires the smell of the item wrapped in it.
The heart may be compared to paper.
If good feelings are packed in it,
you will certainly develop good tendencies.
See good, hear good, talk good and do good
Post 1555 Chanting the Lord's name is essential for crossing the turbulent ocean of life..
One should realize that just
as the body can be healthy only
so long as the blood is pure,
real bliss can be experienced
only when the mind is filled with thoughts of God.
Divinity cannot be discovered by experiment.
To realize this inherent divinity in man the
royal path is the path of spirituality.
The nine forms of devotion mentioned
in the scriptures may not directly reveal God,
but they do show the path to God-realization.
Of these, chanting the name
of the Lord is the simplest.
Whatever form of worship, penance
or meditation one may adopt,
the foundation is the Lord's name.
Chanting the Lord's name is essential
for crossing the turbulent ocean of life
as the body can be healthy only
so long as the blood is pure,
real bliss can be experienced
only when the mind is filled with thoughts of God.
Divinity cannot be discovered by experiment.
To realize this inherent divinity in man the
royal path is the path of spirituality.
The nine forms of devotion mentioned
in the scriptures may not directly reveal God,
but they do show the path to God-realization.
Of these, chanting the name
of the Lord is the simplest.
Whatever form of worship, penance
or meditation one may adopt,
the foundation is the Lord's name.
Chanting the Lord's name is essential
for crossing the turbulent ocean of life
Strange, isn't it?
STRANGE...Isn' t it?
Isn't it strange how a 20 dollar note
seems like such a large amount when
you donate it to church, but
such a small amount
when you go for shopping?
Isn't it strange how 2 hours seem so long when
you're at church or temple , and how
short they seem when you're
watching a good movie?
Isn't it strange that you can't
find a word to say when
you're praying,
but you have no trouble
thinking what to complain to God?
Isn't it strange how difficult
and boring it is to read
one chapter
of the Bible, but how easy
it is to read 100 pages of
a popular novel ?
Isn't it strange how everyone
wants front-row-tickets
to concerts or
games, but they do whatever
is possible to sit at the last
row in Church?
Isn't it strange how we need to
know about an event for
Church in advance so we can
include it in our agenda, but we can
adjust it for other events in
the last minute?
Isn't it strange how difficult it
is to learn a fact about God & to share it
with others, but how easy
it is to learn, extend and repeat gossip?
Isn't it strange how we
believe everything
that magazines and newspapers
say, but we question the words in the
Religious Scriptures?
Isn't it strange how everyone
wants a place in
heaven, but they don't want
to believe, do, or say anything
to get there?
Isn't it strange how we send
jokes in e-mails
and they are forwarded
right away,
but when we are going to send
messages about God, we think
about it twice before we share
it with others?
STRANGE...Isn' t it?
Isn't it strange how a 20 dollar note
seems like such a large amount when
you donate it to church, but
such a small amount
when you go for shopping?
Isn't it strange how 2 hours seem so long when
you're at church or temple , and how
short they seem when you're
watching a good movie?
Isn't it strange that you can't
find a word to say when
you're praying,
but you have no trouble
thinking what to complain to God?
Isn't it strange how difficult
and boring it is to read
one chapter
of the Bible, but how easy
it is to read 100 pages of
a popular novel ?
Isn't it strange how everyone
wants front-row-tickets
to concerts or
games, but they do whatever
is possible to sit at the last
row in Church?
Isn't it strange how we need to
know about an event for
Church in advance so we can
include it in our agenda, but we can
adjust it for other events in
the last minute?
Isn't it strange how difficult it
is to learn a fact about God & to share it
with others, but how easy
it is to learn, extend and repeat gossip?
Isn't it strange how we
believe everything
that magazines and newspapers
say, but we question the words in the
Religious Scriptures?
Isn't it strange how everyone
wants a place in
heaven, but they don't want
to believe, do, or say anything
to get there?
Isn't it strange how we send
jokes in e-mails
and they are forwarded
right away,
but when we are going to send
messages about God, we think
about it twice before we share
it with others?
STRANGE...Isn' t it?
To think that someone is your friend and another your enemy is an error!
To think that someone is your friend
and another your enemy is an error.
Such a delusion has to be given up.
The Lord who is the embodiment of love
is the only true and constant companion,
friend, guide and protector.
Know this and live in this knowledge.
This is the way to lead a life of righteousness.
Theis way of life is the road to Self-realization.
Those who walk along it are dear to the Lord.
He dwells with all who are truthful
and whose deeds spring from righteousness.
and another your enemy is an error.
Such a delusion has to be given up.
The Lord who is the embodiment of love
is the only true and constant companion,
friend, guide and protector.
Know this and live in this knowledge.
This is the way to lead a life of righteousness.
Theis way of life is the road to Self-realization.
Those who walk along it are dear to the Lord.
He dwells with all who are truthful
and whose deeds spring from righteousness.
There is no greater blessing than human birth, to call oneself a human, first & foremost, one must show humanness in action!

There is no greater blessing than
human birth. To call oneself a human,
first and foremost, one must
show humanness in action.
Having been born and brought up in society
and having earned one's wealth from it,
one should show gratitude to
it by working for its welfare.
The world is facing problems because
man does not show his gratitude to society.
Society's well-being is
your well-being too.
Give up selfishness and
work for the welfare of the society.
The world will enjoy peace and security only when
everyone serves society and has devotion towards God.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Speak what is good and listen to good words...
You should always speak what is good and listen to good words. If you happen to hear something evil, do not tell it to others. What is the purpose of making others restless by telling them something which has robbed you of your peace? Today there are people who not only lend their ear to evil talk but also spread the same to the rest of the society causing a great deal of unrest.
Spiritual practice must be done with complete faith and without any room for doubt...
Spiritual practice must be done with complete faith and
without any room for doubt. Cultivate love for God. There is nothing
greater than that.
As your love grows stronger, the Spirit in you
will shine brighter. Spiritual growth calls for restraint on desires.
In addition, you also have to get rid of attachments and aversions.
The three great enemies of man are desire, anger and greed.
Desire destroys devotion, anger annihilates wisdom,
and greed poisons every action. These three vices are deleterious to
good deeds, devotion and spiritual wisdom.
The only way to get rid of them is to burn them in the fire of Divine Love
without any room for doubt. Cultivate love for God. There is nothing
greater than that.
As your love grows stronger, the Spirit in you
will shine brighter. Spiritual growth calls for restraint on desires.
In addition, you also have to get rid of attachments and aversions.
The three great enemies of man are desire, anger and greed.
Desire destroys devotion, anger annihilates wisdom,
and greed poisons every action. These three vices are deleterious to
good deeds, devotion and spiritual wisdom.
The only way to get rid of them is to burn them in the fire of Divine Love
All are brothers and sisters, all should live with love and unity..All are one, be alike to everyone! This is God's message!

People keep distance among one another due to differences of opinion. In fact, you are not different from others. Today they may appear to be different, but tomorrow they may come close to you.
All are brothers and sisters! Hence, all should live like brothers and sisters with love and unity. "All are one; be alike to everyone." This is My special Message.
If only all can understand that the colors of skin doesn't matter on spirituality...
It is more useful for the student to search for his own faults, with a view to removing them, than to seek excellences so that he might exult over them. A student who does this can progress fast; he is not dragged behind by fear or anxiety; he can move on, with faith in the Lord, on whom he has placed all his burdens. He reaches a state of mental calm, which is the sign of the true aspirant. Arjuna arrived at that stage and then Krishna gave him.... (and, through him, to all mankind) the teaching that confers Immortality.
For whom was the Geetha spoken? Just think of that for one moment. Milk is not taken from the udder for the sake of the cows, for cows do not drink their own milk; Arjuna, the calf, has had his fill; Krishna is ever-content and He needs nothing, not to mention, milk! For whose sake was it that the Upanishads were milked by Krishna to get this Geetha? Krishna says it is for the "Sudhee-jana, " the persons who have "Su-dhee". Intelligence that is moderated by Goodness; Intelligence that is controlled by Virtue.
And what of the place where the Teaching was given? Between two opposing armies! Therein lies the great significance of the Geetha. On one side, the forces of Dharma; on the other, the forces of Adharma; on one side, the Good, on the other, the Bad; between these two pulls, the Individual, unable to decide which course to adopt, weeps in despair. And the Lord speaks the Geetha to all such and grants them light and courage. Do not think that the distress of Arjuna was just his affair, his problem and no more. It is a universal human problem.
For whom was the Geetha spoken? Just think of that for one moment. Milk is not taken from the udder for the sake of the cows, for cows do not drink their own milk; Arjuna, the calf, has had his fill; Krishna is ever-content and He needs nothing, not to mention, milk! For whose sake was it that the Upanishads were milked by Krishna to get this Geetha? Krishna says it is for the "Sudhee-jana, " the persons who have "Su-dhee". Intelligence that is moderated by Goodness; Intelligence that is controlled by Virtue.
And what of the place where the Teaching was given? Between two opposing armies! Therein lies the great significance of the Geetha. On one side, the forces of Dharma; on the other, the forces of Adharma; on one side, the Good, on the other, the Bad; between these two pulls, the Individual, unable to decide which course to adopt, weeps in despair. And the Lord speaks the Geetha to all such and grants them light and courage. Do not think that the distress of Arjuna was just his affair, his problem and no more. It is a universal human problem.
An Indian story about faith...
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived Any, a pretty little girl and Dadi, a wise old woman. When Any was a tiny baby, Dadi found her, abandoned in a sugar-cane field. It was love at first sight! Dadi brought Any to her cottage and lovingly raised her as her own daughter.
As time passed and Any grew up, she became very fond of reading story books and also, of day dreaming. She loved Fantomas and Tarzan, but her real hero was Rama from the book the 'Ramayana'.
Rama was God. He was a very handsome and very sweet warrior prince. He loved his father, his mothers, his three brothers, his lovely wife Sia and, not to forget his monkey friend, Hanuman. He loved every human being, every animal and every living creature. He was LOVE incarnate. He helped everybody always and in all ways. He never hurt anybody in thought, word or action. He fought against the demon King Ravana and he killed him. He was the perfect hero. He was the Prince Charming of Any.
Any spent long hour's day dreaming of Rama and of his valiant exploits against the bad and the evil. At night, Rama came in her dreams. Rama became her constant imaginary companion.
One day, somebody knocked at the door when Any was in the midst of a beautiful dream. She opened the door. A handsome young man stood in front of her.
'Hello! Who are you?'
'I am Rama, your hero!'
'No! You aren't! If you are my Rama, why aren't you wearing the dhoti? Where is your Janev thread? Where are your bow and arrows? Why are you dressed like a cowboy?'
'Yes! I am Rama, little lady. Things have changed since I returned from exile in the forest. I travelled a lot, not by astral flying any more but by airplane. One day, I landed in America and I decided to stay. This is why I am dressed like this.'
'Rama! My hero! Please come in! Dadi, look who is here! It is Rama, my hero!'
'Where beta? I don't see anybody.'
Dear readers, Rama was visible to Any alone. She had the Faith.
As time passed and Any grew up, she became very fond of reading story books and also, of day dreaming. She loved Fantomas and Tarzan, but her real hero was Rama from the book the 'Ramayana'.
Rama was God. He was a very handsome and very sweet warrior prince. He loved his father, his mothers, his three brothers, his lovely wife Sia and, not to forget his monkey friend, Hanuman. He loved every human being, every animal and every living creature. He was LOVE incarnate. He helped everybody always and in all ways. He never hurt anybody in thought, word or action. He fought against the demon King Ravana and he killed him. He was the perfect hero. He was the Prince Charming of Any.
Any spent long hour's day dreaming of Rama and of his valiant exploits against the bad and the evil. At night, Rama came in her dreams. Rama became her constant imaginary companion.
One day, somebody knocked at the door when Any was in the midst of a beautiful dream. She opened the door. A handsome young man stood in front of her.
'Hello! Who are you?'
'I am Rama, your hero!'
'No! You aren't! If you are my Rama, why aren't you wearing the dhoti? Where is your Janev thread? Where are your bow and arrows? Why are you dressed like a cowboy?'
'Yes! I am Rama, little lady. Things have changed since I returned from exile in the forest. I travelled a lot, not by astral flying any more but by airplane. One day, I landed in America and I decided to stay. This is why I am dressed like this.'
'Rama! My hero! Please come in! Dadi, look who is here! It is Rama, my hero!'
'Where beta? I don't see anybody.'
Dear readers, Rama was visible to Any alone. She had the Faith.
Meditation, penance and contemplation are the sources of inner illuminations, only then men can experience the vision of Divine Glory...
Visit to temples,churches,
with the company of holy men,
the continuous recital of the Divine
Name, the adoration of the Divine Form
- these are all external sources of Light.
Meditation , penance, contemplation
- these are the sources of inner illumination. Devoid
of both, how can men experience the vision of Divine Glory?
with the company of holy men,
the continuous recital of the Divine
Name, the adoration of the Divine Form
- these are all external sources of Light.
Meditation , penance, contemplation
- these are the sources of inner illumination. Devoid
of both, how can men experience the vision of Divine Glory?
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
He, the Almighty, by His wish and touch takes away the worldly attractions gradually to bring one to a blissful, peaceful state...

He, the Almighty, by His wish and touch takes away the worldly attractions gradually to bring one to a blissful, peaceful state. A person cannot realize this state on his or her own due to the intensity of illusory worldly desire. You do everything, see everything, listen to everything, but do not get so deeply involved as to invite sufferings through them. Of course, He will ensure this, you don't have to make any effort for it. Just keep Him in your remembrance.
He gives us jolts so that we can be ready to taste real happiness with Him, to make us free...

He gives us jolts so that we can be ready to taste real happiness with Him, to make us free of maya, or mind and attachments. We do not know His Will, so we grieve over all He does, but He always does everything for the best. Do not worry. Never try to understand. Only accept as a gift whatever He gives, take it as His blessing. When one feels, "I am helpless, my strength fails" He comes to hold the rudder. Being always in the midst of people with their selfishness, jealousy and hatred, the mind is afflicted with pain. These afflictions are shaken off like dust through devotion and remembrance of God's Name within.
If you have devotion, you need fear nothing....

If you have devotion, you need fear nothing. Devotion is never devoid of strength. So many varied problems and hindrances must come, otherwise people will not understand and realize how and why He is the best of all friends and companions. He is the Dearest One, who keeps us protected in all calamities and adversities, which are unpredictable. People falter in life and suffer by discarding Him. But, they can't do anything without Him. Have faith in Him, unflinching faith. Love Him. Hazards take care of themselves. Remembering and depending on Him make one fearless in life, whatever may happen.
The smiles and frowns of life are His token of love... bear them with loving patience...

When you have the shelter of God within, He will test you in various ways. Your duty is not to get agitated when these sorts of events hurt you. There is a saying of God, "You look to Me, I look to you. Even then, if they do not leave Me and still seek Me, I then become their humble servant."
The smiles and frowns of life are His tokens of love. Bear them with loving patience, you have to forsake nothing. Neither indulge, nor restrain.
Unhappiness is part of the ego...

Do not be obsessed with any wish. Shake off sadness. Unhappiness is part of the ego. Beyond it, no such thing exists. That you have forgotten Truth (that God is within) is the root cause of your misery. A painful blow becomes bearable to a great extent by His remembrance. As He inflicts blows on you, so also He gives you the capacity for bearing the suffering. As one tolerates unbearable situations with patience, a time comes when He resolves all problems. Whenever you have tumults in mind, try to remember this very often. You can do this. The key is with Him. Truth wins. He is your shield. Destiny still comes but He eases the suffering.
Take refuge in none but Him...
God or His Name is the sole strength in living against all odds and uncertainties.

God or His Name is the sole strength in living against all odds and uncertainties. If one is not at cross purposes with Him, one finds His manifestation in every happening. But, one has to bear with patience the onrush of the forces one has let loose. Yoke yourself unto Him and He will bear the brunt.
The Lord will release you from whatever the bondage you may find yourself...

The Lord will release you from what ever the bondage you may find yourself, He will end the captive of the strong men and women that had held ur life to a stand still, your name will be deleted from the evil book in Jesus name, every evil tongue against your destiny will be cut off instantly, the Lord will release his power over your situations, and every one will glorify God in your life
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