Saturday, October 31, 2009


“If you want anything, come to Me.
I will give.”

God doesnt hate anybody...

"I do not hate anybody, I do not doubt anyone.
I love even those who do not believe in Me.
That is My nature. Some tend to doubt My power,
because I repose faith in them, though they
themselves do not have faith in Me.
That is a mistaken notion. My love is the same for all,
I desire that all be blissful."

Even if you were to hate God, he shall love you..

"Even if you were to hate Me, I shall love you.
That is My nature. That is My divine quality.
You may worship Me today
and censure Me tomorrow and vice versa.

When drunk, one talks in a certain manner,
while sober, in another.
When you are deeply drunk with worldly desires,
your mind oscillates from one side to another.

But one who is filled with wholesome and unsullied
love remains the same under any circumstance.
You may forget Me, but I will never forget you.
I am always with you, in you, around you and above you.

People who are in divine proximity are extremely fortunate.
It is a culmination of merit acquired in various births.
It has not come in this birth.

Therefore, do not waste your energy brooding over
what pleases God and what displeases Him.
Do not entertain such doubts.

I am pleased with whatever you undertake
with purity of heart.
With pure love in your heart,
you may undertake any type of service.

Have total faith in God's words,
Implicitly obey His commands.
I do not misguide anyone at anytime.
Whatever I say is for your own good.

Whatever I tell, whatever I do is for your good,
not for Me. I do not have any work of My own.
Everything is done for your sake. On no account,
should you entertain the thought
That I do not have love for you.

Fight against bad thoughts and bad deeds...

"Fight against bad thoughts and bad deeds,
Run away from bad company and join good company.
Develop good thoughts, good feelings,
and undertake good actions and attain Divinity."

Don't hide...

"You are bound to experience the pain and pleasure that you are destined to, even if you hide yourself in the dense forest. When the time comes, your body is bound to perish, in spite of utmost precautions. "

Neither one will suffer...

"Just as dogs bark at the mighty elephant,
Some people may heckle the noble souls.
Neither the elephant nor the noble souls
suffer any loss on this account."

Man is mortal and the divine is immortal...

Man is mortal and the Divine is immortal.
In the mortal human being,
there is the immortal Divine Spirit.

In the field of the heart, there
is a wish-fulfilling tree. The tree is surrounded by
bushes and briars. When these are removed
the tree will become visible.

This wish-fulfilling tree is within each person, but it is
encompassed by the bad qualities in man. When these qualities are
eliminated, the celestial tree will be recognised.

This is the spiritual exercise that each one has to perform. This is
not the quest for something new. It is to experience what is yours.
The entire cosmos is within you.

Where there is confidence, there is love...

"Where there is confidence, there is love,
Where there is love, there is peace,
Where there is peace, there is truth,
Where there is truth, there is bliss,
Where there is bliss, there is God."

Forbearance is truth

"Forbearance is truth,
Forbearance is righteousness,
Forbearance is non-violence.
Forbearance is the teaching of the bible.
Forbearance confers happiness and heavenly bliss."

Think for a while...

"O Man, think for a while whether you have really
attained happiness by forgetting God and struggling
incessantly from dawn to dusk to eke out a livelihood."

A greedy man can never be happy..

"A pompous egoistic person will not be loved by anybody,
not even by His wife and children.
Only when he gives up these evil qualities,
he will be loved by one and all.

Anger is one of the main cause of man's misery.
A man filled with anger can never experience
happiness in his life.
He will always be steeped in misery.
So long as one is filled with desires,
one can never attain peace.

A greedy man can never be happy.
Therefore, ego, anger, desire and greed are mainly
responsible for man's misery, anxiety and restlessness. "

The moon illumines the world at night....

"The moon illumines the world at night
and the sun during the day.
Righteousness illumines the three worlds,
and a noble son illumines his entire clan."

Try to love, want to love...

Behind every virtue,
lies the backbone of love.
Truth is important in a relationship of love.

You cannot lie or be deceitful,
for your love also becomes a lie.
Behind patience, also, lies the foundation of love.

Why else would you bear or endure,
if there is no love?

You forgive the faults of someone close,
only because of love. You are humble,
because you want to please the one you love.
You will want to give away the best you have, only out of love.

Even if one hurts you,
you will not hurt back and
you will swallow the anger and pride, only out of love.

Try to love, want to love,
for love will make you a better person.
Your virtues are the compartments that follow the engine of love.

Be slow to anger and arguments...

The spiritual aspirant must be vigilant not to lose his
temper on trivial and petty matters, for that will retard his
progress. Anger must be sublimated by systematic effort. One must
resist the impulse to enter into discussions and arguments, for this
breeds a spirit of rivalry and leads one towards feelings of anger
and vengeance. Anger is at the root of all wrong behaviour. Hence,
cultivate love towards all beings and thus keep undesirable habits
and tendencies at bay...

The sign of wisdom is to trust...

When hardships overwhelm you, know that it is the consequence of your
own past deeds. Do not blame the Lord and develop a grouse against
Him. Do not pay heed to trouble or take it as such. Rather engage
yourself in the service of others and perform meritorious deeds.
Continue relying on the name of the Lord for support. That is the
sign of wisdom

Our nature, there is no 'birthright', we were never born, just that we need to drive away the clouds that cover it...

Blessedness, eternal peace arising from perfect freedom, is the highest conception of religion, underlying all the ideas of God, absolutely free Existence, not bound by anything, no change, no nature, nothing that can produce a change in Him. This same freedom is in you and in me and is the only real freedom.

Worship of God, worship of holy ones, concentration and meditation and unselfish work, these are the ways of breaking away from illusion's net; but we must first have the strong desire to get free. The flash of light that will illumine the darkness for us, is in us; it is the knowledge that is our nature (there is no "birthright" , we were never born). All that we have to do is to drive away the clouds that cover it.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Jealous obsession is dangerous emotion...

Let your love for God be most intense,
the intensity of this love can moderate
all other forms of love and eliminate your passions.

If your love is intense for something
or someone in this world, then that love
turns into a jealous obsession,
and the presence of God gets masked in your insanity.

Accept all with love for God's love is all for you...

In the same way,
you may undergo circumstances
in life that inflict pain and suffering,
but this is just God's procedure
to correct your imperfections.

God's love, which is the cure
for your mental illnesses,
may sometimes be sweet and calming,
and at other times, be strict with discipline.
Accept all with love, God's love for you.

Consider God to be your doctor...

Consider God to be your doctor,
and love your medicine.

The doctor may perform procedures
that may be unpleasant and painful,
but your faith in him allows him to do his work
that is needful, without any complaints.

The medicine itself is sometimes bitter
and sometimes sweet, but you know that
the cure for your illness lies in it.

Love not the beauty of the body....

Love not the beauty of the body,
for its beauty is like that of a flower,
a beauty that is short lived.

Work hard instead,
to emit the beauties that lie in the self,
for the beauty of the self can change you
and touch the lives of several others.

Know, that beauty lies in a simple truth,
beauty shines in an act of sacrifice,
beauty awakens in the one that is patient,
and the beauty of love, is love like that of God.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Worship God in any form or with any name..He has thousands of names..

Worship God in any form or with any name.
In fact, God has thousands of names and a myriad forms.

While worshipping the Lord with a thousand names,
you should be fully aware that it is the same Divinity
you are addressing. Rama, Krishna, Allah, Jesus, etc.,
all are names denoting the same Divinity.

Unity alone is the reality.
Truth is one, but the wise ones refer to it by many names.
Hold this faith firmly in your heart and make
your life worthwhile and remain ever in bliss.

Man wastes his ...

"Man wastes his childhood in fun and frolic.In youth, his life is wasted by indulging in sensual pleasures.In middle age, man immerses himself in materialisticpursuits and struggles all the time to earn wealth.In old age, he laments over the lack of this or thatand does not think of God.Without any interest in the path of devotion,he is bogged down in the cycle of cause and effectand thus ruins his life."