We have a life span, we too have a spiritual span. We are mortal, yet we are also immortal, our soul, our spirit. Who are you? Why are you here? Where are you going? Can you understand our immortal spirit that is encased inside a mortal body? Can you accept that I am you and you are me? No matter what name you all call yourselves, we all call ourselves "I"... That "I" is the gift of the Divine, we are all a spark of the Divine!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
You need not go anywhere searching for God, Divinity is within you...
You need not go any where
searching for God. Divinity is within you.
Just as there are many limbs in the body,
which are activated by one heart inside,
the same God is the life force for all beings.
The entire universe is a reflection of the SUPREME BEING.
searching for God. Divinity is within you.
Just as there are many limbs in the body,
which are activated by one heart inside,
the same God is the life force for all beings.
The entire universe is a reflection of the SUPREME BEING.
that God is every where as the
witness of every act of yours,
that God is in every being you meet and serve,
then, you will certainly be rewarded by a vision of the Lord.
When you have the brilliant chance,
do not let it go, through ignorance
or negligence; grasp the opportunity and advance.
The best way to win the Grace is to obey instructions, to follow the advice.
The language of the heart is the same, but when it comes to the tongue, it may take various forms...
We should do our might to enhance
the reputation of our country, its culture,
and language. But, let not that pride lead you
to dislike other languages and cultures.
The languages by which thoughts are expressed
may be varied, but the thoughts, emotions and feelings are the same.
The language of the heart is the same,
but when it comes to the tongue, it may take various forms.
the reputation of our country, its culture,
and language. But, let not that pride lead you
to dislike other languages and cultures.
The languages by which thoughts are expressed
may be varied, but the thoughts, emotions and feelings are the same.
The language of the heart is the same,
but when it comes to the tongue, it may take various forms.
In the pursuit of the spiritual, one should not have any rewards in view...
In the pursuit of the spiritual,
one should not have any rewards in view.
One who has mercenary motives becomes a wage earner.
He cannot be a master.
One who works for wages will not
have a deep interest in the work
and what he does will not be perfect.
He will only be a clock-watcher.
He considers himself an outsider
in relation to his job. On the other hand,
in his own house, see how his wife and children work.
They receive no wages.
Their work is filled with love,
purity and earnestness.
They are masters of themselves and work in freedom.
One who prays to God for
something in return is like a wage-laborer.
The devotee who regards God as his own kinsman
and serves the Lord is like a master of the household.
Conduct yourselves as masters,
and not as mercenary employees.
one should not have any rewards in view.
One who has mercenary motives becomes a wage earner.
He cannot be a master.
One who works for wages will not
have a deep interest in the work
and what he does will not be perfect.
He will only be a clock-watcher.
He considers himself an outsider
in relation to his job. On the other hand,
in his own house, see how his wife and children work.
They receive no wages.
Their work is filled with love,
purity and earnestness.
They are masters of themselves and work in freedom.
One who prays to God for
something in return is like a wage-laborer.
The devotee who regards God as his own kinsman
and serves the Lord is like a master of the household.
Conduct yourselves as masters,
and not as mercenary employees.
Everyday is good when you spend it for God....
Every day is good when you spend it for God. Every star is good, provided its light guides your feet to God. Remember always that it is easy to do what is pleasant; but it is difficult to be engaged in what is beneficial. Not all that is pleasant is profitable.
If only the agony and toil now being spent by man for keeping himself and his family in comfort and to accumulate the symbols of wealth and power, are directed towards God, man can be infinitely more happy. The veil of Maya (Illusion) however hides from him, the face of God, which is shining from every being and thing around him. Maya has no beginning, but, it has an end, for him, who wins the light, by which the darkness can be negated.
If only the agony and toil now being spent by man for keeping himself and his family in comfort and to accumulate the symbols of wealth and power, are directed towards God, man can be infinitely more happy. The veil of Maya (Illusion) however hides from him, the face of God, which is shining from every being and thing around him. Maya has no beginning, but, it has an end, for him, who wins the light, by which the darkness can be negated.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
You should not collect money in devious ways for good causes...
Employ yourself usefully;
earn, but do not clasp the riches with frantic zeal.
Be like a trustee holding things on trust,
on behalf of God, for purposes which He likes and approves.
You should not collect money
in devious ways for good causes.
Help should come from pious hearts,
from well earned money,
from persons who know and
appreciate the purpose, for which they give.
Let each one give out of the fullness of his heart,
on his own initiative, whatever he can give gladly,
after studying well the cause.
Your duty is only to inform,
not persuade; begging, for the sake of work
which is inherently good, is an insult, to human nature;
the man who asks and the man who is asked, both are demeaned.
earn, but do not clasp the riches with frantic zeal.
Be like a trustee holding things on trust,
on behalf of God, for purposes which He likes and approves.
You should not collect money
in devious ways for good causes.
Help should come from pious hearts,
from well earned money,
from persons who know and
appreciate the purpose, for which they give.
Let each one give out of the fullness of his heart,
on his own initiative, whatever he can give gladly,
after studying well the cause.
Your duty is only to inform,
not persuade; begging, for the sake of work
which is inherently good, is an insult, to human nature;
the man who asks and the man who is asked, both are demeaned.
Every life is a new chance, a fresh opportunity for realizing the truth...
Every life is a new chance, a fresh
opportunity for realizing the truth.
Yesterday is gone; today is the fresh chance,
the new opportunity is Now, tomorrow,
you cannot be sure of.
Every minute is to be welcomed
as unique and as valuable, precious infact.
Do not pine over chances of time
you have wasted, Seize the moment
that has come within your grasp.
opportunity for realizing the truth.
Yesterday is gone; today is the fresh chance,
the new opportunity is Now, tomorrow,
you cannot be sure of.
Every minute is to be welcomed
as unique and as valuable, precious infact.
Do not pine over chances of time
you have wasted, Seize the moment
that has come within your grasp.
Love is one quality that is common to all human beings, animals, birds, beasts and insects...
Love is one quality that is common
to all human beings, animals, birds,
beasts and insects.
Every living being loves its progeny.
Love is Divine. Whoever cultivates such love,
God manifests in them.
It is only the divine quality of love,
that saves us from sorrows, difficulties and calamities.
Unfortunately, people do not cultivate
love and instead go after transient things.
Real love manifests from the depth of one's own heart.
You must attain such Divine Love.
Wherever you go, whatever activity
you may undertake, let your heart be filled with Divine Love.
Such a person, wherever he/she may be...
whether in the town or in the forest or in the sky
or in a deep sea will surely be protected.
to all human beings, animals, birds,
beasts and insects.
Every living being loves its progeny.
Love is Divine. Whoever cultivates such love,
God manifests in them.
It is only the divine quality of love,
that saves us from sorrows, difficulties and calamities.
Unfortunately, people do not cultivate
love and instead go after transient things.
Real love manifests from the depth of one's own heart.
You must attain such Divine Love.
Wherever you go, whatever activity
you may undertake, let your heart be filled with Divine Love.
Such a person, wherever he/she may be...
whether in the town or in the forest or in the sky
or in a deep sea will surely be protected.
Beware of the pride of wealth, of scholarship, of status, that drag you into egoism...
Beware of the pride of wealth, of scholarship,
of status, that drag you into egoism.
Do not seek the faults of others; seek your own.
Be happy when you see others prosper; share your joy with others.
Egoism will be destroyed,
if you constantly tell yourself,
"It is HE not I." "He is the force, I am but the instrument."
If your thoughts center around the body,
you will have worries about pains
and illnesses, real or imaginary.
If they center on riches,
you will be worried about profit and loss,
tax and exemptions, investment and insolvency;
if they roam around fame, then you are bound
to suffer from the ups and downs of scandal,
calumny and jealousy.
So, let them center around the seat
of power and love which deserve willing submission
and let your whole being surrender to it. Then, you will be happy for ever.
of status, that drag you into egoism.
Do not seek the faults of others; seek your own.
Be happy when you see others prosper; share your joy with others.
Egoism will be destroyed,
if you constantly tell yourself,
"It is HE not I." "He is the force, I am but the instrument."
If your thoughts center around the body,
you will have worries about pains
and illnesses, real or imaginary.
If they center on riches,
you will be worried about profit and loss,
tax and exemptions, investment and insolvency;
if they roam around fame, then you are bound
to suffer from the ups and downs of scandal,
calumny and jealousy.
So, let them center around the seat
of power and love which deserve willing submission
and let your whole being surrender to it. Then, you will be happy for ever.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Moral and spiritual values should be honored more...
Moral and spiritual values
have to be honoured as much as,
if not more than, economic and material values.
Life must be a harmonious blend
of these values with emphasis on moral strength.
The honour of a nation depends on the morality of that nation.
A nation without morality will be doomed.
Morality has to be grown in the heart by feeding it with love.
Then only can we have justice, security, law and order.
If love declines among the people, nations will weaken and mankind will perish.
have to be honoured as much as,
if not more than, economic and material values.
Life must be a harmonious blend
of these values with emphasis on moral strength.
The honour of a nation depends on the morality of that nation.
A nation without morality will be doomed.
Morality has to be grown in the heart by feeding it with love.
Then only can we have justice, security, law and order.
If love declines among the people, nations will weaken and mankind will perish.
As pilgrims yourselves, to the holy temple of righteous acrtion, keep away your luggage [EGOISM] and enter the shrine, to purify your heart...
As pilgrims yourselves, to the holy temple of righteous action, keep away your luggage (EGOISM) and enter the shrine, to purify the heart. Deposit your luggage in the vaults of surrender. Remember, the persons whom you serve are temples, where God is installed. Worship them with the flowers of good words, timely help and vigilant care.
Serve others gladly; do not serve with an air of superiority or the sour face or disgust. Let people know that you are genuinely glad at the chance of help. Do every thing as for Him (GOD). Leave every thing to the Lord. Be an instrument. An instrument has no likes and dislikes. It is just a tool; be an efficient tool.
Serve others gladly; do not serve with an air of superiority or the sour face or disgust. Let people know that you are genuinely glad at the chance of help. Do every thing as for Him (GOD). Leave every thing to the Lord. Be an instrument. An instrument has no likes and dislikes. It is just a tool; be an efficient tool.
A part of God takes the form of life, life must then live being a part of God....
There will, and there must always
be the need of change in your life.
Being bored of your humdrum routine,
you make plans and take a vacation.
A vacation to a place that
you have never seen before -
yet you seem to experience no fear.
In fact, you are excited
and you wait with anticipation
for your day of departure.
You choose to visit this place,
and you make this long unknown journey,
upon the mere suggestion of an acquaintance or a friend.
Yes! You are happy to find
this temporary peace in this journey,
and you have complete faith in the decision
that you have made to make this journey.
You even pack, only the things
that are really needed, so that you can travel light,
and you leave the rest behind, without any kind of worry or hesitation.
You endure the discomfort and fatigue in the journey,
with no complaints and look forward just to your arrival.
This, too, is the journey of the unknown, yet you seem
comfortable and ready to accept it.
But still the journey of life is fearful to you.
God lives on earth, today, comforts you of all your fears,
explains every detail of your journey to you;
He is even prepared to walk every step with you,
He is generous to make all your payments,
He is ready to be your provider in life,
He vows of your receiving peace forever,
upon completion of this journey - but alas!
He still senses your disbelief, He still senses your fear,
He still loses to your love for your attachments,
He still remains separated from His own self - you!
It is time, My dears,
for the change in your lives to come.
It is time to listen to your best friend,
and remain loyal to Him.
The journey of life, too, begins and then ends.
You call it the end of your time, but to Me,
it is another end to your opportunity of finding Me.
To Me, it is the end of another human, still staying human.
No! This end must change for you.
A part of God takes the form of life -
life must then live being a part of God,
life must end too, to live the part of God, forever.
be the need of change in your life.
Being bored of your humdrum routine,
you make plans and take a vacation.
A vacation to a place that
you have never seen before -
yet you seem to experience no fear.
In fact, you are excited
and you wait with anticipation
for your day of departure.
You choose to visit this place,
and you make this long unknown journey,
upon the mere suggestion of an acquaintance or a friend.
Yes! You are happy to find
this temporary peace in this journey,
and you have complete faith in the decision
that you have made to make this journey.
You even pack, only the things
that are really needed, so that you can travel light,
and you leave the rest behind, without any kind of worry or hesitation.
You endure the discomfort and fatigue in the journey,
with no complaints and look forward just to your arrival.
This, too, is the journey of the unknown, yet you seem
comfortable and ready to accept it.
But still the journey of life is fearful to you.
God lives on earth, today, comforts you of all your fears,
explains every detail of your journey to you;
He is even prepared to walk every step with you,
He is generous to make all your payments,
He is ready to be your provider in life,
He vows of your receiving peace forever,
upon completion of this journey - but alas!
He still senses your disbelief, He still senses your fear,
He still loses to your love for your attachments,
He still remains separated from His own self - you!
It is time, My dears,
for the change in your lives to come.
It is time to listen to your best friend,
and remain loyal to Him.
The journey of life, too, begins and then ends.
You call it the end of your time, but to Me,
it is another end to your opportunity of finding Me.
To Me, it is the end of another human, still staying human.
No! This end must change for you.
A part of God takes the form of life -
life must then live being a part of God,
life must end too, to live the part of God, forever.
Do good when you feel like doing it, do not delay...
Service to others is the medicine
one needs to alleviate the distress, which fills one,
at the sight of distress in another being.
Really speaking, only those who are
afflicted with agony, equal agony,
at the sight of pain and suffering,
distress or disease, have the right to offer service.
For, they are not serving others,
they are serving themselves, serving to remove,
as fast and as intelligently as they can, their agony.
Do good when you feel like doing it; do not delay.
If death comes while serving, do not pause;
if you are so determined, God will not allow it to approach you.
one needs to alleviate the distress, which fills one,
at the sight of distress in another being.
Really speaking, only those who are
afflicted with agony, equal agony,
at the sight of pain and suffering,
distress or disease, have the right to offer service.
For, they are not serving others,
they are serving themselves, serving to remove,
as fast and as intelligently as they can, their agony.
Do good when you feel like doing it; do not delay.
If death comes while serving, do not pause;
if you are so determined, God will not allow it to approach you.
Man is born for a high destiny, as the inheritor of a rich heritage....
Life on earth is, as on the ocean, ever restless, with the waves of
joy and grief, and of loss and gain, the swirling currents of desires
and the whirlpools of passion, greed and hate.
To cross the ocean,
the only reliable raft is a heart filled with the Love of God and
Man is born for a high destiny, as the inheritor of a rich
heritage. He should not fritter away his days in low pursuits and
vulgar vanities. His destiny is to know the Truth, live in it and for
The Truth alone can make man free and happy. If he is not
prompted by this high purpose, life is a waste and a mere tossing on
the waves, for the sea of life is never calm.
joy and grief, and of loss and gain, the swirling currents of desires
and the whirlpools of passion, greed and hate.
To cross the ocean,
the only reliable raft is a heart filled with the Love of God and
Man is born for a high destiny, as the inheritor of a rich
heritage. He should not fritter away his days in low pursuits and
vulgar vanities. His destiny is to know the Truth, live in it and for
The Truth alone can make man free and happy. If he is not
prompted by this high purpose, life is a waste and a mere tossing on
the waves, for the sea of life is never calm.
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