Wednesday, December 9, 2009

As pilgrims yourselves, to the holy temple of righteous acrtion, keep away your luggage [EGOISM] and enter the shrine, to purify your heart...

As pilgrims yourselves, to the holy temple of righteous action, keep away your luggage (EGOISM) and enter the shrine, to purify the heart. Deposit your luggage in the vaults of surrender. Remember, the persons whom you serve are temples, where God is installed. Worship them with the flowers of good words, timely help and vigilant care.

Serve others gladly; do not serve with an air of superiority or the sour face or disgust. Let people know that you are genuinely glad at the chance of help. Do every thing as for Him (GOD). Leave every thing to the Lord. Be an instrument. An instrument has no likes and dislikes. It is just a tool; be an efficient tool.