Friday, February 19, 2010

God seeks quality, the quality of the heart, the purity of the mind, the holiness of the motive...

Service helps you to remove the ego.
So, do not pay heed to what others might
say when you engage in service activities.

When you are doing good acts, why hesitate,
why feel ashamed, why fear?

Let Compassion and Sacrifice be your two eyes;
let Egolessness be your breath and Love be your tongue.

Let Peace reverberate in your ears.
These are the five vital elements you have to live upon.
God will not ask you, when and where did you do service?

 He will ask, "With what motive did you do it?
What was the intention that prompted you?"
You may weigh the seva and boast of its quantity.

But, God seeks quality, the quality of the heart,
the purity of the mind, the holiness of the motive.