Monday, April 21, 2008

Today is a sacred day which has to be spent in sacred thoughts and deeds and not in cheap debilitating sensual pleasures and pastimes...

Today is a sacred day which has
to be spent in sacred thoughts and
deeds and not in cheap debilitating
sensual pleasures and pastimes.

Of course, people in their ignorance
resort to these hollow hilarities,
urged by their innate and inescapable urge for supreme bliss.
The supreme bliss within seeks supreme bliss pure and undefiled.

It can be secured only through the satisfaction of higher and more
sublime desires like realizing the Ultimate. Each festival has been
designed by the sages as a step in the progress of man towards this

Nevertheless, we are casting many a New Year Day behind us,
unmindful of its significance. Year after year is wasted in
misdirected effort at attaining supreme bliss,
and in the consequent misery and despair.

divinely sent