Friday, May 29, 2009

Where unity, purity and divinity go together, life will be happy...

When you develop pure thoughts,
your life will be happy and peaceful.
Where there is purity, there Divinity is.

Unfortunately, today, Divinity
is being divided and differentiated
in the name of religion.

Where unity, purity,
and divinity go together,
life will be happy.

All are one's own making....

God is not responsible for either
your good thoughts or your bad thoughts.

Only you are responsible for both.
If you have bad thoughts, that is your own making.
All are one's own making.
The same is the case with good thoughts.

Pray...5 fingers


1. Your thumb is nearest you. So begin your prayers
by praying for those closest to you. Like your Family & Relatives.

2. The next finger is the pointing finger. Pray for those who teach,
instruct and heal. This includes teachers, doctors, and ministers.
They need support and wisdom in pointing others in the right direction.
Keep them in your prayers.

3. The next finger is the tallest finger. It reminds us of our leaders.
Pray for the president, leaders in business and industry,
and administrators. These people shape our nation and guide public opinion.
They need God's guidance.

4. The fourth finger ! is our ring finger. Surprising to many is
the fact that this is our weakest finger, as any piano teacher will testify.
It should remind us to pray for those who are weak, in trouble or in pain.
They need your prayers day and night. You cannot pray too much for them.

5. And lastly comes our little finger - the smallest finger of all
which is where we should place ourselves in relation to God and others.
As the Bible says, "The least shall be the greatest among you."
Your pinkie should remind you to pray for yourself. By the time you
have prayed for the other four groups, your own needs will be put into
proper perspective and you will be able to pray for yourself more effectively

Saturate every breath of yours with love....

Saturate every breath of yours with love.
Love knows no fear. Fear drags man into falsehood, injustice and evil.

Love does not crave for praise.
Only those who have no Love in them
itch for reward and reputation.

Love is its own reward.
When you are eager to place offerings before the Lord,
let it be love instead of mere material objects.

Love is no merchandise;
do not bargain about its cost.
Let it flow clear from the heart,
as a stream of Truth,
a river of wisdom.

Let it not emanate from the head,
nor from the tongue. Let it emerge,
full and free, from the heart.

I am in You, You are in me...

One may claim to have surrendered
all his wealth, power and position
to God. But, when one truly surrenders,
one realizes one's relationship with God saying,

"I am in You, You are in me." The sense
of separation between God and the
individual should vanish. Devotion
does not consist merely in offering
worship in various ways.

It means offering oneself to the Lord with
dedication and unsullied love. You
have come from the Divine who is
the embodiment of love. Hence, base
your life on that love.

For a beginner.... listen to learn....

No one can understand God's mystery.
The best you can do is to get immersed in it.
It is no use arguing about the pros and cons;
dive and know the depth; eat and know the taste.

Then you can discuss about God to your heart's content.
Develop Truth and Love and then you need not even
pray to God to grant you this and that.
Everything will be added unto you, unasked.

Monday, May 25, 2009

You may give up everything but never give up God...

There are rocks on many seashores.
Huge waves constantly dash against
these rocks but the rocks remain firm.

You must be like those boulders.
You may be constantly bombarded
by worldly problems, but your faith
n God
must remain firm like a rock.

That is true devotion.
You may give up everything
but never give up God!

Never Forget God!
Engrave this truth in your heart.
That will protect you in every possible way.

The body....

This thirst after body is
the greatest bane of human life.
Body is the name of series of changes.
Not one body is constant.

All the forces that are working
in this body have been produced out of food.
Body is an unreal dream, and we think we are all bodies.

Bodies come and go, but the soul does not change.

Body is the name of a stream of matter continuously changing.

The body is our enemy, and yet it is our friend.

The body is mortal and the mind is mortal;
both being compounds, must die.
There is but one temple - the body.
It is the only temple that ever existed.

Can a house be built without brick and mortar?

"Can the mind concentrate on the contemplation of God
without good qualities and good thoughts?
Can a house be built without brick and mortar?"

As long as we require someone else to make us happy, we are slaves....

A golden chain is as
much a chain as an iron one.
Free will is a misnomer.

The ghosts of past thoughts,
past lives hold us down.

We think in time;
our thoughts are bound by time;
all that exists, exists in time and space.

We must learn not only to
attach the mind to one thing exclusively,
but also to detach it at a moment's notice
and place it upon something else.

Bondage brings only misery.
Desire, ignorance and inequality -
this is the trinity of bondage.

As long as we require
someone else to make us happy, we are slaves.

We are all slaves to our senses,
slaves to our minds, conscious and subconscious.

He whose senses rule him is worldly - is a slave.

What one has done, one must suffer...

The cause of today is the
effect of the past and the cause for the future.
The finer is always the cause, the grosser the effect.
Something cannot be made out of nothing.
All virtuous actions bring pleasure,
and all vicious actions bring pain.
What one has done one must suffer.
We are in this world by our own actions.
What we are now is the result of our past practice.
No one is to blame for our miseries but ourselves.

Progress in education???

"Biting the hand that feeds and reviling the preceptor who imparts knowledge,
this is the 'progress' in education today."

Upon ages of struggle, a character is built...

Character is repeated habits,
and repeated habits alone can reform character.

It is character that cleaves its way
through adamantine walls of difficulties.

It is character that pays everywhere.

Upon ages of struggle a character is built.

Perfect love, the heart never reacting,
this is what builds character.

Character has to be established through a thousand stumbles.

Man is sometimes blind to the fact that he is part of the Divine Creator...

Caught in the coils of the creation,
man is blind to the fact that he
is part of the Divine Creator.

Identifying himself with the physical sheath
in which he is encased, he is blind to the unity
of all beings in the One Universal Absolute.

Man has written and studied countless texts
on spiritual discipline and discovery, and
confounded the confusion indulging in
dialectical rivalries and argumentation.

But, he who has put at least a page
or two of these tomes into practise,
is rendered silent and innocent of
any desire for fame or victory.

He is happy in the depths of his being.
He ploughs the field of his heart,
sows the seeds of love and reaps
the harvest of fortitude and equanimity.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

One wants the fruits of heaven without planting the seed of 'goodness'...

The true success behind every good work is the peace one derives from it!

Remember, My child, that one does not know only when he chooses not to hear!

If you truly are the seeker of peace...

If you truly love someone, you will set him free....

The rule of life... sacrifice....

Until you are able to truly understand yourself, until then....


"Character and morality are confined to words.
The mind is totally polluted.
All actions are based on selfishness.
This is the 'Progress in today's education."

Social norms have vanished...

"Social norms have vanished;
Contentment among men has disappeared;
Character and moral values have been shattered;
Humanness has been degraded in mankind."

Every moment is an opportunity...

Every moment is an opportunity
to correct myself,
to understand
to realize
to love more
to serve more
I am thankful
for every little moment I have

Read little,
Speak little,
Experience more
Expect nothing
Observe continuously
Be aware
Do your duty
Live in the presence of God
Come closer to the Lord
every moment.....


“Religion teaches self-discipline and promotes one’s well-being; It enhances one’s spiritual power and makes one effulgent; If people live without knowing its inner secret, The community and its culture decline and suffer.”

Lead your life without the feelings of 'I' and 'mine' and offer everything to God...

A true devotee should not have desires.
But, is it possible for you, endowed
as you are with a body, mind and senses,
to be without desires?

One is bound to have some desire or the other.
On the one hand, there are desires pertaining
to the senses that confer momentary joy.

On the other hand, there is a desire
to transcend the senses. Thus, people
are filled with many desires.

There is nothing wrong in having desires,
but all of them must be pleasing to God.
You should practice the eternal principles
based on Truth, and dedicate all your activities to God.

Lead your life without the feelings
of 'I' and 'mine' and offer everything to God.

Marks of parental love...

“The father, to teach the child truth, may chide, reprove or beat, The mother may pinch the cheeks to make the child drink milk, Forget not at any time these marks of parental Love.”

Do not serve for the sake of rewards....

Do not serve for the sake of rewards,
attracting attention, or earning gratitude,
or from a sense of pride at your own
superiority in skill, wealth, status or authority.

Serve because you are urged by love.
When you succeed, ascribe the success
to the Grace of God, who inspired you
as the Love principle within you.

When you fail, ascribe the failure
to your own inadequacy, insincerity or ignorance.

Examine the springs of action,
disinfect them from all traces of ego.
Do not blame the recipient of the service,
or your collaborators and co-workers, or God.

Post 1620 The cosmos is the creation of God...

The cosmos is the creation of the Divine.
It is surcharged with energy.
This energy is not localized at
a particular point in space or time.

Though this energy is all-pervading,
man is unable to recognize its divine nature.
As he cannot recognize it, he presumes
that it does not exist.

Electrical energy flows
continuously in the wires.
But, its presence is recognized only
when a bulb is fitted and switched on.

Likewise, though God is omnipresent.
His divine effulgence will shine only
in those who adore Him with a pure heart.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Man will be happy when he refuses to barter the purity of the self for his worldly gains!

The power of God arises and expresses from within you, when you are at the peak of purity!

God give the Divine gift only to those that are able to part with it...

God gives the

Feel blessed, My child when it is your turn to pay the debts, for every payment brings you closer to your natural state...

What wealth is greater than God's love?

“What gift is greater than the gift of food?
Is there a greater deity than one’s parents?
What virtue is greater than compassion?

What is more valuable than good company?
Is there a worse enemy than anger?
Is any disease worse than infamy?

What can be greater than a good name?
What wealth is greater than God’s love?”