Monday, May 25, 2009

As long as we require someone else to make us happy, we are slaves....

A golden chain is as
much a chain as an iron one.
Free will is a misnomer.

The ghosts of past thoughts,
past lives hold us down.

We think in time;
our thoughts are bound by time;
all that exists, exists in time and space.

We must learn not only to
attach the mind to one thing exclusively,
but also to detach it at a moment's notice
and place it upon something else.

Bondage brings only misery.
Desire, ignorance and inequality -
this is the trinity of bondage.

As long as we require
someone else to make us happy, we are slaves.

We are all slaves to our senses,
slaves to our minds, conscious and subconscious.

He whose senses rule him is worldly - is a slave.