Monday, May 25, 2009

Man is sometimes blind to the fact that he is part of the Divine Creator...

Caught in the coils of the creation,
man is blind to the fact that he
is part of the Divine Creator.

Identifying himself with the physical sheath
in which he is encased, he is blind to the unity
of all beings in the One Universal Absolute.

Man has written and studied countless texts
on spiritual discipline and discovery, and
confounded the confusion indulging in
dialectical rivalries and argumentation.

But, he who has put at least a page
or two of these tomes into practise,
is rendered silent and innocent of
any desire for fame or victory.

He is happy in the depths of his being.
He ploughs the field of his heart,
sows the seeds of love and reaps
the harvest of fortitude and equanimity.