Thursday, November 19, 2009

YOU are as distant from the Lord, as you think you are, BUT as near Him as you feel you are...

When fruit juice is poured into a cup, the cup does not know its taste. If you hold in the palm, you don't get the taste. You have to drink it with the straw, the senses; then, intellect, the tongue experiences the sweetness. The fruit juice is the nature around us. Taste is sweetness namely, the divinity that is immanent in it; that is the purpose and rationale.

Move forward towards the light and the shadow falls behind; you move away from it and you have to follow your own shadow. Go every moment one step nearer to the Lord and then, the shadow will fall back and will not delude you at all. You are as distant from the Lord, as you think you are, as near Him as you feel you are.