Monday, May 31, 2010

Evil qualities such as hatred, envy, greed and ostentation should be uprooted...

Evil qualities such as hatred, envy, greed 
and ostentation should be uprooted. 

These traits are vitiating not only common 
people but even ascetics, monks and heads of institutions. 

Among these, envy and greed have gone unchecked. 
What the world needs today is not a new order, a new 
educational system, a new society or a new religion. 

Holiness must take root and grow in the minds 
and hearts of youth and children everywhere: 
this is the need of the hour. 

The good and godly must endeavour to promote this
as the greatest spiritual practice that everyone must undertake.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The sweetest, the most nutritious, the most delicious... my Lord, to your pleasing offerings that I dare humbly 'provide' here...

Our love for you, our Lord will be permanent and growing big... accept our humble offerings... so tiny yet it is full of love, my Lord...

We offer you, our Lord, our humble hearts, purify us so that we will one day merge with greater love, our Lord...

We commit ourselves to you, Lord, the past, the present and the future into Your Hands... accept us as what we are and what we have... Lord

Lord, flowers for you, my Lord.. in remembrance of your divine motherly love to all of us..Thank you, thank you, Lord...

God knows that the one you love, the one you hate, the one you fear, the one you accept, the one you reject, the one your praise or blame are all God...God...

Develop the strength of devotion by knowing
and realizing the one-ness of all. It is the same
body and same spirit that may be the daughter 
of one, the sister of another, the wife - the mother - 
the grandmother - the friend. 

The role of the soul may differ -
the duty of each role may differ, 
but the one that stands behind 
each role is one - only one!

In the same way, each divine current 
or energy has manifested to take the
form of a body - each one is bestowed 
with certain duties - each one has his 
own role to play, but within the body 
of each, lies the energy that is universal - 
that is one -

God! Know, My dears, that the one you love - 
the one you hate - the one you fear - the one you accept - 
the one you reject - the one you praise - the one you blame 
are all Me - Me - Me!!!

A must to read and understand... The fire of jealousy will melt you to nothing but ashes....

The poisons of even the smallest envy 
or jealousy will assault the home of peace 
and will make you only burn in the pyre of death -
for death has shown its early signs, 
when life will continue in the absence 
of good will to all around you. 

The fire of jealousy will melt you, 
My dears, to nothing but ashes. 

The mind, once intoxicated with envy, 
will only become the dagger that will 
pierce the goodness of your heart. 

The wound lies within, and yet, 
in desperation and in your very own ignorance, 
you will seek the cure externally with the spiteful
medicine of stinging hatred. 

The hatred of pride will bring with it the 
hypocrisy of devotion, and in this hysteria of envy,
one will separate his own God from another!

But tell Me, My dears, can God be broken 
into pieces for one to own?

Know that each streamlet and all rivers 
will travel their course - will meet with all their ups
and downs, and at the end of this journey, 
they will merge their existence into the wide ocean.

However much the course of the river
may differ from the stream, they both, will, 
one day, meet to empty all their contents into
the mother water body, without any traces of differences.

In the same way, O child of God, dissolve 
all the differences that lie within you, and
know that each one's travel, whatever their mode, 
however much they lag behind, whichever the form -
all, My dears, will, one day, flow with their divine 
currents to reach Me and be one with the mother 
current that flows in all.

Yes! It is all Me - I am the pure rain that 
pours and brings the existence of the rivers 
and streams - I am the current that allows 
it to flow in the right direction - 
it is My energy that lies in the stones, 
pebbles and mud that obstruct the flow, 
at times - I am the salt that changes the 
nature of the fresh water into one taste 
and one form - the ocean -

I am the energy that lies in the sun 
that evaporates the water - I am the cloud
that holds this water - 

Yes! The nectar of grace that will, 
one day, pour again with the rain of 
divine life to continue its existence.

Fear pleasures, My child, for it will only lead to the doors of its separation, it is only pleasure that brings path

Practice meditation and derive from your own self the secret method to communicate with the divine voice...

Yes, God is with us, He is with us, with us....

If God is not your very first priority, pitifully, truth will never be either....

Once you have connected with the power lines of communication, you will enjoy the company of the divine strength in the biggest of crowds...

Hold on to the Lord as the Universal Goal and make Him the destination of your life's journey.

Look at the crane - it walks about pretty 
fast in water. But, during that walk, it cannot 
catch any fish. 

It must, for that purpose, become slow a
nd quiet and stand motionless. So also, 
if one proceeds with greed, anger and other 
evil qualities, one cannot secure the fish of 
truth, love and peace. 

You must chant the Name of the Lord. 
Then, you will surely overcome the natural 
traits of greed and anger. 

Hold on to the Lord as the Universal Goal 
and make Him the destination of your life's journey. 

Practice control of speech and constant contemplation 
of the Lord. Then you will be able to subdue your mind 
that makes you restless, and gradually you will be filled 
with all the good qualities!

Silence, is not a weakness but is the strength that can swallow all weaknesses and is the control that can bind all temptations of the ego...

Each word that leaves the tongue must
be only meaningful and must contain the 
wisdom of truth and love. 

The truth that depicts no love but only spite,
must never escape the tongue and must be 
compressed, forever, between the gates of your life.

Silence, My dears, is not a weakness but 
is the strength that can swallow all weaknesses 
and is the control that can bind all temptations of the ego. 

The wolf that defends himself by howling all night 
will only awaken to sunrise with the fatigue of no sleep 
and he will be compelled to sleep in the brightness of daylight, 
ignoring each task or duty to be performed.

Let the prayer, My dears, become your conversation with the LORD...that will ties the bond between you and HIM...

Let the prayer, My dears, become your 
conversation with the Lord - the conversation 
that ties the bond between you and Him every moment - 
all day - all night - all your life! 

The plea of the true seeker will hear the 
voice of God that will respond to his every 
difficulty that lies in his duty and in his spiritual quests. 

The joy that you will experience in spending 
every moment with Me, will, automatically, 
give you the strength to react, with the silence
of bliss to any bullet that may be fired in the heat
of another's ignorance. 

The "dam" of silence will obstruct and break the 
flow of any uncontrolled verbal assault and will force
the one that instigates this flood of words to withdraw and accept defeat.

You will only tire yourselves when you revolve around the world, stay with the confidence of contentment and watch the world revolve around you...

The ones that indulge in constant blabber
are the ones that have drained all their divine energies 
in the futility of worldly merriments, and today, lead the 
lives of complete laziness. 

They have only exhausted themselves in trying 
to socialize and attain fame in joining organizations 
that have no goal, and in this fatigue, they have lost
the peace of even a moment to sit back and enjoy 
the beauty of God that surrounds them. 

You will only tire yourselves when you will revolve 
around the world - stay with the confidence of contentment, 
and then watch the world revolve around you.

His hand will only stoke with love and compassion, his eyes shine with tears of your downfall, his language of silence will speak the volumes of ..

The power of speech must remain in control, 

for once the tongue has lashed its whip of harsh angry words, 
it will leave a bruise of your untamed brutality, forever.

The response with silence will relieve the heart 
of several "heart aches" and will drown the fire of
arguments in the stillness of an even minded one. 

Know that the might of the Lord prevails, 
for He will accept the slap of evil with His humbleness 
and humility; and will never raise His divine hand 
in response to scar the cheek of evil.

No! His hand will only stroke with love 
and compassion, His eyes will shine with 
the tears of your downfall, and His language 
of silence will speak the volumes of knowledge 
that will, some day, touch the very core of your heart.

Let the practice of silence be your penance, for silence bares the sacrifice of words and speaks the calmness that saturates love...

Let the practice of silence be your penance,
for silence bares the sacrifice of words and 
speaks the calmness that saturates love.

Know that the language of the eyes 
communicate much more effectively 
than that of the tongue, and it is only 
in serene quietness that one can concentrate
and contemplate on the glory of the Lord.

It is only in this atmosphere of unspoken words 
that one can carry Me with him, constantly, and 
can perform the acts of sacrifice with the restfulness 
of an unagitated mind that will not seek the pettiness 
of self defense and will sustain the pressures of 
external and internal attacks of any accusation or blame.

In this world, there is no penance higher than fortitude, no happiness greater than contentment, no blessing holier than mercy....

In this world, there is no penance 
higher than fortitude, no happiness 
greater than contentment and no 
blessing holier than mercy and no 
weapon more effective than patience. 

Devotees should consider the body as a field, 
the good deeds as seeds and cultivate the Name of the Lord. 

Take the help of the Heart as the farmer 
in order to get the harvest - which is the Lord Himself.
Like cream in the milk, fire in the fuel, the Lord is in everything. 
Have full faith in this.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Food should be considered as medicine for the illness of hunger and as the sustenance fror life...

Eating food is a holy ritual.
It should not be performed 
during moments of anxiety 
or emotional upheavals. 

Food should be considered 
as medicine for the illness of hunger 
and as the sustenance for life. 

Treat each trouble you encounter 
as a fortunate opportunity to develop 
your strength of mind and toughen you spiritually.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Post 2042 Those who aspire to attain God must cultivate good habits, discipline and noble qualities...

The taste of food cannot be appreciated
if the person is ill or if the mind is immersed in something else. 

Similarly, even if you are engaged in spiritual practices
you will not experience joy if your heart is filled with evil qualities. 

You can taste sweetness so long as there is 
sugar on the tongue. However, if there is even a tinge 
of bitterness on the tongue, your whole mouth tastes bitter. 

Therefore, those who aspire to attain 
the Holy Presence of the Lord must cultivate good habits, 
discipline and noble qualities. 

The usual accustomed ways of life will not lead you
to God automatically. You must perform spiritual practices to modify it suitably.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

There will be a lot of sacrifice, a lot of pain to endure....

Know that when the lion is confined to a small cage in the zoo and is fed a large meal without him having to hunt - he, too, will lose his fierceness and ability to stand in the domain of independence - and that lion that could once fight any danger to survive, will become lazy and will, one day, be the victim of a much weaker and smaller animal. In the same way, you, too, must sustain every attack of the mind and ego, for your true nature dwells in the strength of divinity that can fight any attack of weakness and dependence.

It is a short life, My dears - there is less time, and you have a lot to accomplish - a lot to sacrifice - a lot of pains to endure - a lot of confusions to sort - a lot of strengths to develop - a lot of weaknesses to trample - Yes! You may think it is a lot to give up - Give it up, O child of truth, for there is a lot more to attain!

No work will be done, until you will allow the self to walk the steps ahead and lead the mind with its command of the self supremacy....

No work will be done, until you will allow the self to walk the steps ahead and lead the mind with its commands of the self supremacy. The mind, My dears, will cowardly admit its inferiority over the true you, but know that the ego will resist every step of yours and will drag in its pain of rejection - slowing the drive in you to walk this marathon of eternal bliss. Pay no attention to the threats of the ego leaving you - in fact, know that to be your truest blessing, for once it has said its sorrowful goodbye - you, My dears, have come closer to attain Me.

The words 'want to try' is the language of the one that holds in his one hand the key to unlock the self but still the other hand...

The words, "want to try", is the language of the one that holds in his one hand the key to unlock the self from the prison of misery, but still, on the other hand, has tightly closed his fist to the string that holds the balloon of desires afloat. In these riots of confusion, the mind will superimpose its evil powers upon you, discouraging and ridiculing every step you take towards the self. The self holds in its arms the potential of all divine strengths, where the mind contains only the laziness of excuses that convince you to stay spiritually inert.

The fear of the unknown lies in the minds of the ignorant...

Each lifetime gives you the opportunity
to open the doors and escape from the grave walls 
of solitary confinement - yet, you choose to refuse 
the help of the many hands of God and remain 
hopelessly dependent and enslaved - in fact,
truly compelled to serve the evil hands of your ego. 

The fear of the unknown lies in the minds of the ignorant - Yes! 
The ones that fear the world of God and have convinced themselves 
in finding a moment's joy in their reality of untruths! 

The one that dreams, while still awake, will never complete 
his given tasks and will lag further behind with the stresses 
and pressures to face tomorrow. 

Tomorrow will come, My dears, and he will dream again -
for he has developed a fear to work and finds his security 
and feels successful in his wishful fantasies. 

One can aspire, and one can dream, 
but until he makes true effort in the waking state, 
nothing can be accomplished. 

It's time that your dream of meeting with God 
and becoming Him became the purpose of this life -
Yes, this lifetime, this moment on, begin the work that y
ou have ignored and made excuses with - 
and with all seriousness accept Him as the 
only true reality, and let the dreamer wake up,
just this once, into the reality of his dreams.

Behind a face that fears, is a mind that desires...

Yes,, God is with you... with you... with you..

Once the Lord is the inspirer, the devotee becomes the inspiration...

See God everywhere, anywhere, .....

When you have one pointed devotion towards the Lord, you see Him everywhere. When your thoughts, vision and words are sacred, you are verily God yourself. Then, you don't need to search for God. God Himself will come searching for you. God is every where; one need not search for Him. In fact, God Himself is in search of a good man. One who is a recipient of God's love is a good man. Such good man is God man.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The time has come to grow and mature... dont look with greed and rob that toy that belongs to your own brother or sister or mother...

The time has come to grow and mature - 
it's time that you stopped crying like a child 
that is envious with greed for the toy that belongs 
only to his own brother. 

Maturity will come, only when sacrifice will 
enter the hearts of the ones that are "obsessed to possess". 

No possession, nor attachment, will ever give 
you the complete fulfillment of peace. 

The Lord, My dears, has come to take all 
from you, only to give you back that which you 
lost in the temporary blindness of worldly delusions. 

Offer Him, Me sweet, all the evils of your possessions,
and take from Him the light heartedness - the golden wings 
like that of an imprisoned bird that has found, to its joy,
its new freedom and flies to the skies where the heavens smile with its welcome.

Simplicity is a jewel that will sparkle on its own and will never need the polish of material wealth

Simplicity is a jewel that will sparkle 
on its own and will never need the polish of material wealth. 

In sweetness, alone, lies its strength - 
in its contentment, alone, will it speak of its true independence. 

The joy of freedom will reflect in the hands 
that carry the least burdens of worldly possession. 

Know that one will not be able 
to live in peace amongst the several imperfections of human love, 
once he has experienced even a speck of God's love. 

The needs of the body are only a few - 
Yes! A piece of bread will satisfy the grueling hunger pains -
a cup of water will quench the burning thirst - but the mind will r
emain unsatisfied, however much you may meet its evil challenges - 
the ego will only rise higher each time you bow to it with 
the shame of your failure to withstand the agony of its dominating powers. 

Thus, all your energies must be directed 
towards controlling the mind into a "speechless silence" 
ignoring its taunts of your "true strengths" and hushing it 
into a forced silence of sleep from which it will never awaken. 

Direct the energies to wage a fierce battle 
with the false pride of dignity that has only degraded 
and devalued every divine virtue that lives within you. 

Direct the energies to strengthen the body 
against the whims of laziness, learn to endure the pains 
of selflessness, and be that body that serves with every limb, 
only to bring the light of joy in others.


One live, today to pamper the body, indulging time in wasteful habits and have been truly inattentive to the needs of the SOUL..

You live, today, to pamper the body,
indulging time in wasteful habits and 
have been truly inattentive to the needs
of the soul. In this vanity, you have 
become the owner of a car that sparkles 
as new, but yet, has an engine within that 
is rusted and nonfunctional!

Your superficiality has left you hollow within, 
and this void of emptiness has compelled 
you to run the race of "simple treats" and desires. 

Each temporary fulfillment will only 
bring the need to another desire, yet to be fulfilled, 
and will only instigate a selfish demand from another
to serve your so-called "needs".