Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A must to read and understand... The fire of jealousy will melt you to nothing but ashes....

The poisons of even the smallest envy 
or jealousy will assault the home of peace 
and will make you only burn in the pyre of death -
for death has shown its early signs, 
when life will continue in the absence 
of good will to all around you. 

The fire of jealousy will melt you, 
My dears, to nothing but ashes. 

The mind, once intoxicated with envy, 
will only become the dagger that will 
pierce the goodness of your heart. 

The wound lies within, and yet, 
in desperation and in your very own ignorance, 
you will seek the cure externally with the spiteful
medicine of stinging hatred. 

The hatred of pride will bring with it the 
hypocrisy of devotion, and in this hysteria of envy,
one will separate his own God from another!

But tell Me, My dears, can God be broken 
into pieces for one to own?

Know that each streamlet and all rivers 
will travel their course - will meet with all their ups
and downs, and at the end of this journey, 
they will merge their existence into the wide ocean.

However much the course of the river
may differ from the stream, they both, will, 
one day, meet to empty all their contents into
the mother water body, without any traces of differences.

In the same way, O child of God, dissolve 
all the differences that lie within you, and
know that each one's travel, whatever their mode, 
however much they lag behind, whichever the form -
all, My dears, will, one day, flow with their divine 
currents to reach Me and be one with the mother 
current that flows in all.

Yes! It is all Me - I am the pure rain that 
pours and brings the existence of the rivers 
and streams - I am the current that allows 
it to flow in the right direction - 
it is My energy that lies in the stones, 
pebbles and mud that obstruct the flow, 
at times - I am the salt that changes the 
nature of the fresh water into one taste 
and one form - the ocean -

I am the energy that lies in the sun 
that evaporates the water - I am the cloud
that holds this water - 

Yes! The nectar of grace that will, 
one day, pour again with the rain of 
divine life to continue its existence.