Sunday, May 2, 2010

The time has come to grow and mature... dont look with greed and rob that toy that belongs to your own brother or sister or mother...

The time has come to grow and mature - 
it's time that you stopped crying like a child 
that is envious with greed for the toy that belongs 
only to his own brother. 

Maturity will come, only when sacrifice will 
enter the hearts of the ones that are "obsessed to possess". 

No possession, nor attachment, will ever give 
you the complete fulfillment of peace. 

The Lord, My dears, has come to take all 
from you, only to give you back that which you 
lost in the temporary blindness of worldly delusions. 

Offer Him, Me sweet, all the evils of your possessions,
and take from Him the light heartedness - the golden wings 
like that of an imprisoned bird that has found, to its joy,
its new freedom and flies to the skies where the heavens smile with its welcome.