Thursday, March 27, 2008

One must develop a pure unsullied mind, unsullied by egoism and its progeny, lust, greed, envy, anger, hatred ...

One must develop a pure unsullied mind,
unsullied by egoism and its progeny---
lust, greed, envy, anger, hatred and the rest.

For this, you must seek good company,
perform good deeds, entertain only
good thoughts and read good books.

You may see a thousand good things
or listen to a thousand good words
or read a thousand good books---
but unless you put at least one into practice,
the blemishes in the mirror of your heart
will not be wiped off.

The Lord cannot be reflected therein.

Constant practice with full faith
will transmute man into God;
for God is your real nature,
God is your real essence.
You are but a wave of the sea; know it, and you are free.

divinely sent