Thursday, July 29, 2010

Every living being responds to some kind of love...

Every living being responds to some kind of love, 
and hence, every heart that beats, any existence 
that survives to stay alive is a part of the 
divine creation and will, one day, 
focus its growth towards the only true light 
that really exists. 

In spiritual growth, one widens the walls 
of one's own little world that excludes 
most and includes only some and expands 
it by tearing down these walls, by breaking 
open each shut door and allowing the breeze 
of cool winds to soothe the heat and intensity 
of pride, anger, greed, lust, malice and envy, 
curing one's own burns that have slowly 
gnawed like the vulture on one's divine attributes. 

Know, My dears, that the vulture only 
feeds on dead bodies and will never have
the courage to attack the one that is alive. 

Be spiritually alive and alert, at all times, 
and do not become the victim or the prey 
of the evil eye that hunts.