Friday, November 19, 2010

All prayers must be born out of love and not out of habit, competitiveness or compulsion.

I say leave your world behind, 
for when the prayer, itself, becomes worldly, 
your search for the world that lies beyond and above, 
will become futile. 

The prayer, My dears, must be born out 
of love and not out of habit, competitiveness or compulsion. 
The prayer must awaken the awareness of purity and 
goodness and, must invoke within, the fear of evil. 

Until you are the doer, I will be the witness - 
once you have witnessed Me, My child, I will, 
automatically, become the doer. 

One must bravely encounter the travel in a dark tunnel, 
before he is able to experience the light on the other side. 
Prayer, My child, is that tunnel that one must cross with
his faith and My promise. 

The one that manages to see his way through
this darkness, will reach the light. Stop fearing the unknown, 
instead, walk ahead and experience it - challenge it, 
My dears, by facing it and thereby, reveal its hushed secrets.

from a divine source...