Friday, November 19, 2010

God lives in the bliss of loving us, love HIM once... and we will live the bliss too...

The prayer that reflects Me, is bound to see the true image. 
Carry the loot of prayers back with you, when you re-enter 
the world so that the transformation within can recognize, 
at all times, its fake face, and slowly, My dears, 
the world will fade and only the prayer will remain.

I live in the bliss of loving you - love Me once, 
My dears, and you will live the bliss, too! 
Let the tears shed, and wash the impure stains; 
the stains of the tears, I will wipe. 

Let the cry be loud so that every evil voice that dwells, 
will shudder with your pain - the racking of the sobs,
I will silence with My presence - My presence, 
My child, is your first vision of love.

from a divine source..