'Truly, once you are free of jealousy,
you will be able to conquer anything.
But it cannot be emphasized too strongly,
that jealousy will destroy all your good qualities.
You may think that it will destroy others,
but in fact, it will destroy you, not others.
It will make you sick.
You will not be able to sleep well;
you will not be able to eat well.
Even if at first you were totally healthy,
this jealousy will soon develop all kinds
of physical ailments and diseases in you.
Jealousy is like an inner consumption;
just as tuberculosis creeps in and consumes,
jealousy will weaken you without your realizing it,
it can enter into you in any number of ways and ultimately, destroy you.'
divinely sent
We have a life span, we too have a spiritual span. We are mortal, yet we are also immortal, our soul, our spirit. Who are you? Why are you here? Where are you going? Can you understand our immortal spirit that is encased inside a mortal body? Can you accept that I am you and you are me? No matter what name you all call yourselves, we all call ourselves "I"... That "I" is the gift of the Divine, we are all a spark of the Divine!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Grasp sand in a tight fist and it runs from the side, hold sand in a cupped hand, and it will stay... an Arab saying...
God's imperative instruction
to progress spiritually is to
be vigilant for the slightest trace
of the fumes of such negative qualities
that may enter into our mind.
Watch the mind, next time
when you embrace circumstances and situations.
The dress someone else wears,
the hairstyle of someone else
that you always wanted,
the car your neighbor has,
the voice of the hymns singer you always dreamed of,
the high marks your friend obtained,
the promotion your colleague recently obtained,
etc., may trigger a slight mist of envy which caused restlessness.
However, before the mist becomes a thick fog,
we must clear away with rays of feeling joy
and happiness for what others have.
The Arabs have a saying :
'Grasp sand in a tight fist and it runs from the side; hold sand in a cupped hand and it will stay.'
By cutting the chords of possessive
relationships and developing interdependent relationships,
mutual love and respect confer sustainability to any relationship.
divinely sent
to progress spiritually is to
be vigilant for the slightest trace
of the fumes of such negative qualities
that may enter into our mind.
Watch the mind, next time
when you embrace circumstances and situations.
The dress someone else wears,
the hairstyle of someone else
that you always wanted,
the car your neighbor has,
the voice of the hymns singer you always dreamed of,
the high marks your friend obtained,
the promotion your colleague recently obtained,
etc., may trigger a slight mist of envy which caused restlessness.
However, before the mist becomes a thick fog,
we must clear away with rays of feeling joy
and happiness for what others have.
The Arabs have a saying :
'Grasp sand in a tight fist and it runs from the side; hold sand in a cupped hand and it will stay.'
By cutting the chords of possessive
relationships and developing interdependent relationships,
mutual love and respect confer sustainability to any relationship.
divinely sent
He who has no ill to any being, who is frendly and compassionate...
He who has no ill to any being, who is friendly and compassionate, free from egoism and attachment, even minded in pain and in pleasure and forgiving.
The verse is so beautiful and complete
in its instruction and to all seekers of God,
this verse becomes the springboard
one can jump to higher strata of consciousness.
Treat all creations of God with love.
Be like a friend to them.
One will always be kind, compassionate
and caring to his friend.
One will even go to the extent
of giving one's life for a friend.
The advice is to be friendly to all.
There are occasions when one gives
everything and trusts his friend so much,
but in return, the friend betrays or cheats.
Likewise, a nagging boss, an irritating wife,
an annoying neighbor - no doubt, all are God's creation
but how can one be a friend to such people.
Here the verse continues with an instruction
that to such obnoxious people, one must pour
out as a result of sympathy, compassion.
Flood them with compassion and pity
for their behavior are expressions of
symptoms that they want love.
Pure love can only flow from a heart
unstained with notions of 'I' and 'My'.
Hence, unbiased and detached heart send out
waves of unpolluted love.
Hence the verse concurs with
what God teaches......
Be alike to everyone is a call to live in the world without the notion of 'I' and 'My'. Hence selfless acts purge these tendencies and one can therefore be free from feelings of envy.
divinely sent
The verse is so beautiful and complete
in its instruction and to all seekers of God,
this verse becomes the springboard
one can jump to higher strata of consciousness.
Treat all creations of God with love.
Be like a friend to them.
One will always be kind, compassionate
and caring to his friend.
One will even go to the extent
of giving one's life for a friend.
The advice is to be friendly to all.
There are occasions when one gives
everything and trusts his friend so much,
but in return, the friend betrays or cheats.
Likewise, a nagging boss, an irritating wife,
an annoying neighbor - no doubt, all are God's creation
but how can one be a friend to such people.
Here the verse continues with an instruction
that to such obnoxious people, one must pour
out as a result of sympathy, compassion.
Flood them with compassion and pity
for their behavior are expressions of
symptoms that they want love.
Pure love can only flow from a heart
unstained with notions of 'I' and 'My'.
Hence, unbiased and detached heart send out
waves of unpolluted love.
Hence the verse concurs with
what God teaches......
Be alike to everyone is a call to live in the world without the notion of 'I' and 'My'. Hence selfless acts purge these tendencies and one can therefore be free from feelings of envy.
divinely sent
He who has no ill to any being, who is frendly and compassionate...
He who has no ill to any being,
who is friendly and compassionate,
free from egoism and attachment,
even minded in pain and in pleasure and forgiving.
divinely sent
who is friendly and compassionate,
free from egoism and attachment,
even minded in pain and in pleasure and forgiving.
divinely sent
When you treat any one harshly, you are treating Me harshly....
When you treat any one harshly,
you are treating Me harshly.
When you are insulting any one,
you are insulting Me.
Behave towards others as
you wish them to behave towards you.
It is the heart of stone
that blinds the eye to the
pain that others endure.
Learn to adjust your likes
and dislikes to those of others,
learn the gentle art of sacrifice and service.
divinely sent
you are treating Me harshly.
When you are insulting any one,
you are insulting Me.
Behave towards others as
you wish them to behave towards you.
It is the heart of stone
that blinds the eye to the
pain that others endure.
Learn to adjust your likes
and dislikes to those of others,
learn the gentle art of sacrifice and service.
divinely sent
Tough times pass away like clouds, what is needed on your part is patience, do not grieve...
Do not feel anxious.
every little bit
is known to him who
is seated in all hearts.
Tough times pass away like clouds.
what is needed on your part is patience.
do not grieve.
It is a test and you
have to come through the test.
hence do not do anything. simply
remain with thougts on God
and say 'oh lord, oh lord' whenever your
thoughts force you to dwell on the past.
attend some singing hymns session
conducted any where near.
help the poor and needy. if possible
participate in poor feeding.
do everything wholeheartedly.
The Lord
is already aware of your condition.
divinely sent
every little bit
is known to him who
is seated in all hearts.
Tough times pass away like clouds.
what is needed on your part is patience.
do not grieve.
It is a test and you
have to come through the test.
hence do not do anything. simply
remain with thougts on God
and say 'oh lord, oh lord' whenever your
thoughts force you to dwell on the past.
attend some singing hymns session
conducted any where near.
help the poor and needy. if possible
participate in poor feeding.
do everything wholeheartedly.
The Lord
is already aware of your condition.
divinely sent
Cultivate the virtues of reverence and humility...
You do not wait with folded hands
for the cup of coffee to cool down
to the required warmth; you ask for
an extra cup and you start pouring
the coffee from one cup to the other, is it not?
The same anxiety, the same spiritual practices
has to be shown in spiritual matters also,
to take in the beverage of Divine Grace...
Cultivate the virtues of reverence and humility...
the more we subject ourselves to discipline,
the more joy and peace we can enjoy.
divinely sent
for the cup of coffee to cool down
to the required warmth; you ask for
an extra cup and you start pouring
the coffee from one cup to the other, is it not?
The same anxiety, the same spiritual practices
has to be shown in spiritual matters also,
to take in the beverage of Divine Grace...
Cultivate the virtues of reverence and humility...
the more we subject ourselves to discipline,
the more joy and peace we can enjoy.
divinely sent
Only when there is no ego or at least less ego, can peace, happiness, cooperation and love flourish...
Only when there is no ego,
or at least, less ego, can peace,
happiness, co-operation and love flourish.
Man cannot claim to be a
man until this ego which urges
him to destroy others is overcome by
the spiritual discipline of selfless service.
By saturating selfless service with love,
work is offered to God; it then gets
sanctified into worship.
This makes it free from ego. Only by
reducing his wants and overcoming
jealousy and envy can man reduce
his ego, since to overpower the ego
otherwise is well-nigh impossible.
divinely sent
or at least, less ego, can peace,
happiness, co-operation and love flourish.
Man cannot claim to be a
man until this ego which urges
him to destroy others is overcome by
the spiritual discipline of selfless service.
By saturating selfless service with love,
work is offered to God; it then gets
sanctified into worship.
This makes it free from ego. Only by
reducing his wants and overcoming
jealousy and envy can man reduce
his ego, since to overpower the ego
otherwise is well-nigh impossible.
divinely sent
Monday, January 28, 2008
Do not fill the void of God in your lives with worldly filth,
Be a bee drinking the nectar not the mosquito that sucks the blood...
Be a bee drinking the
nectar of every flower;
not the mosquito drinking
blood and distributing disease in return.
If you want to attain God,
cultivate love, give up hatred,
envy, anger, cynicism and falsehood.
Be yourself what you tell the other man to be.
divinely sent
nectar of every flower;
not the mosquito drinking
blood and distributing disease in return.
If you want to attain God,
cultivate love, give up hatred,
envy, anger, cynicism and falsehood.
Be yourself what you tell the other man to be.
divinely sent
'Salute even those who criticize you because divinity is present in all. Do not spoil your mind by harboring the feelings of anger, etc.'
The path to the goal of life need not be smooth and easy...
Here, the Teacher gives us a clear
picture of the reality. This is
true of any field of endeavor.
Once a goal is reached,
everyone notices us.
The true well wisher will
shed a tear or two of happiness
recalling our long journey of struggle and sweat
in reaching this goal.
The envious ones will be restless.
They will defame or injure the person
by bad mouthing or criticizing.
Life stories of this nature are
reminded by the Teacher only to
indicate that the path to the Goal
of life need not be smooth and easy.
divinely sent
picture of the reality. This is
true of any field of endeavor.
Once a goal is reached,
everyone notices us.
The true well wisher will
shed a tear or two of happiness
recalling our long journey of struggle and sweat
in reaching this goal.
The envious ones will be restless.
They will defame or injure the person
by bad mouthing or criticizing.
Life stories of this nature are
reminded by the Teacher only to
indicate that the path to the Goal
of life need not be smooth and easy.
divinely sent
Hurt further distorts understanding and fuels arguments, generating stress...
Aspiring for excellence and
leading a life noble and worthy
will bring its share of material rewards.
Envy and jealousy may arise from our peers,
friends, relatives and almost everyone who watches our progress.
When such feelings arise, their
perception gets blurred and understanding colored,
hence, their interactions to us may not be right.
Hurt further distorts understanding
and fuels arguments, generating stress.
Science journals and books scream
testimonies that stress lowers immunity
and promotes aging.
Hence, scientific evidences confirms
the declarations by God that envy and other
negative emotions do cause damage to the body.
divinely sent
leading a life noble and worthy
will bring its share of material rewards.
Envy and jealousy may arise from our peers,
friends, relatives and almost everyone who watches our progress.
When such feelings arise, their
perception gets blurred and understanding colored,
hence, their interactions to us may not be right.
Hurt further distorts understanding
and fuels arguments, generating stress.
Science journals and books scream
testimonies that stress lowers immunity
and promotes aging.
Hence, scientific evidences confirms
the declarations by God that envy and other
negative emotions do cause damage to the body.
divinely sent
Your life span is prolonged when you are full of joy, when you are calm and filled with pure thoughts..
'Your life span is prolonged
when you are full of joy,
when you are calm and filled with pure thoughts.
When you are filled with envy,
anger, hatred and conceit,
your life span gets shortened.
Sleeplessness ruins the health
even more than lack of food.
Envy torments a man all the time.
These troubles lead to shortening one's life...
Envy drives man crazy by depriving him of his sleep.
In that condition, he cannot relish his food.'
when you are full of joy,
when you are calm and filled with pure thoughts.
When you are filled with envy,
anger, hatred and conceit,
your life span gets shortened.
Sleeplessness ruins the health
even more than lack of food.
Envy torments a man all the time.
These troubles lead to shortening one's life...
Envy drives man crazy by depriving him of his sleep.
In that condition, he cannot relish his food.'
Who are the thieves that steal into man and steal away his peace and joy?
'Who are the thieves that
steal into man and steal
away his peace and joy?
It is the thieves of Desire,
Pride, Greed, Infatuation,
Anger and Jealousy, who rob
man of his riches.
But the worst of all thieves
who inflicts the worst damage is envy.
That is why it is said,
'You can befriend an angry man,
you can sleep beside a serpent,
but you should not befriend an envious one.'
divinely sent
steal into man and steal
away his peace and joy?
It is the thieves of Desire,
Pride, Greed, Infatuation,
Anger and Jealousy, who rob
man of his riches.
But the worst of all thieves
who inflicts the worst damage is envy.
That is why it is said,
'You can befriend an angry man,
you can sleep beside a serpent,
but you should not befriend an envious one.'
divinely sent
Envy is a deadly poison, it will contaminate character, ruin health and rob you of peace...
'Envy is a deadly poison;
it will contaminate character,
ruin health and rob you of peace.
Be unaffected by envy and
you can subdue the Gods of Creation,
Protection and Destruction.
Like a pest that destroys growing crops,
envy enters slowly and spreads quickly.
So even in small matters,
you must be vigilant, do not become envious.'
divinely sent
it will contaminate character,
ruin health and rob you of peace.
Be unaffected by envy and
you can subdue the Gods of Creation,
Protection and Destruction.
Like a pest that destroys growing crops,
envy enters slowly and spreads quickly.
So even in small matters,
you must be vigilant, do not become envious.'
divinely sent
If you know that what is right, don't ask, do it! That is confidence, God's power..
Self-confidence is the first step towards self-realization.
God attributes everything to the possession of inner confidence. When one is confident, there will be swelling surges of contentment and joy. Hearts filled with satisfaction will pour out with love to others. Hence, self-satisfaction leads to self-sacrifice which ultimately confers self-realization. Hence, self-confidence is a very important quality to possess for not just spiritual progress but for any progress of any kind.
'If you know what is right, don't ask. Do it. That is confidence. God Power.'
God attributes God power to confidence. Confidence is the platform upon which all plays of life can be enacted and executed successfully. Hence, confidence will breed joy in oneself. It is the lack of confidence in oneself that make one feel unhappy at other people's gain. When one visits his old friend, he is taken aback by the luxurious palace-like looking house and instead of being joyous that his friend has made it in life, he wonders how he has been able to procure so much money. Such clouds of envy blocks the radiance of inner joy from gushing forth.
divinely sent
God attributes everything to the possession of inner confidence. When one is confident, there will be swelling surges of contentment and joy. Hearts filled with satisfaction will pour out with love to others. Hence, self-satisfaction leads to self-sacrifice which ultimately confers self-realization. Hence, self-confidence is a very important quality to possess for not just spiritual progress but for any progress of any kind.
'If you know what is right, don't ask. Do it. That is confidence. God Power.'
God attributes God power to confidence. Confidence is the platform upon which all plays of life can be enacted and executed successfully. Hence, confidence will breed joy in oneself. It is the lack of confidence in oneself that make one feel unhappy at other people's gain. When one visits his old friend, he is taken aback by the luxurious palace-like looking house and instead of being joyous that his friend has made it in life, he wonders how he has been able to procure so much money. Such clouds of envy blocks the radiance of inner joy from gushing forth.
divinely sent
One must cultivate the quantity of always being joyful, with a smile on the face...
The wheels of the chariot of life are good knowledge and good deeds...
How can any study be worthy,
if it does not confer good knowledge
and prompt one to do good work?
An education that helps you merely
to keep alive is no education at all.
The wheels of the chariot of life
are good knowledge and good deeds.
This alone is true spirituality -
virtue and humanitarian deeds.
Charity is spiritual;
good behaviour is spiritual;
keeping away from evil is spiritual
divinely sent
if it does not confer good knowledge
and prompt one to do good work?
An education that helps you merely
to keep alive is no education at all.
The wheels of the chariot of life
are good knowledge and good deeds.
This alone is true spirituality -
virtue and humanitarian deeds.
Charity is spiritual;
good behaviour is spiritual;
keeping away from evil is spiritual
divinely sent
Man's mind is too full of the world, his stomach is demanding too much of his time and energy...
Man's mind is too full of the world;
his stomach is demanding too much of his time and energy.
His desires and wants are multiplying too fast
for his capacity to satisfy them.
His dreams are far too real for him;
they lead him into false victories and absurd adventures,
Engrossed in the analysis of the material world,
he has lost all sense of spirit, sweetness and sublimity.
Under this new dispensation, truth has
become just a word in the dictionary.
Compassion is reduced to a meaningless travesty,
and humility, patience and reverence have become
invalid as a flameless lamp in the far distance.
The only hold that man has in this dreadful darkness is the Name of God.
That is the raft which will take him across the stormy sea darkened by hate and fear, churned by anxiety and terror.
divinely sent
his stomach is demanding too much of his time and energy.
His desires and wants are multiplying too fast
for his capacity to satisfy them.
His dreams are far too real for him;
they lead him into false victories and absurd adventures,
Engrossed in the analysis of the material world,
he has lost all sense of spirit, sweetness and sublimity.
Under this new dispensation, truth has
become just a word in the dictionary.
Compassion is reduced to a meaningless travesty,
and humility, patience and reverence have become
invalid as a flameless lamp in the far distance.
The only hold that man has in this dreadful darkness is the Name of God.
That is the raft which will take him across the stormy sea darkened by hate and fear, churned by anxiety and terror.
divinely sent
Religion is a matter of mind....
Religion is a matter of mind.
Based on the teachings
of the different faiths,
having regard to the requirements of the
time and circumstances of different countries,
and keeping in view the specific needs
of the people concerned, certain rules and
regulations were laid down. On this account,
one faith should not be
considered superior to another.
Man's primary duty is to bear in mind
the sacred truths enshrined in every
religion and practise them in his life.
divinely sent
Based on the teachings
of the different faiths,
having regard to the requirements of the
time and circumstances of different countries,
and keeping in view the specific needs
of the people concerned, certain rules and
regulations were laid down. On this account,
one faith should not be
considered superior to another.
Man's primary duty is to bear in mind
the sacred truths enshrined in every
religion and practise them in his life.
divinely sent
Forbearance and patience are the quantities of a steadfast devotee...
Forbearance and patience are the
qualities of a steadfast devotee.
If they can overcome all tests and tribulations,
they can also wash away all sins.
Difficulties will be driven away.
Hurdles will be removed.
Fears will be destroyed.
Ultimately there will be victory.
Patience is an asset.
It is one's seat of comfort,
one's transport for success and
sure means for realizing the SELF.
divinely sent
qualities of a steadfast devotee.
If they can overcome all tests and tribulations,
they can also wash away all sins.
Difficulties will be driven away.
Hurdles will be removed.
Fears will be destroyed.
Ultimately there will be victory.
Patience is an asset.
It is one's seat of comfort,
one's transport for success and
sure means for realizing the SELF.
divinely sent
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Self-surrender is a must to turn inwards, for self-realization, for internal purity...
Association with the devotees grants
us the ultimate liberation. That means
without God, one cannot get salvation.
Therefore go to God and surrender yourself.
When did you surrender before God?
When did you take refuge at his feet?
Any how, you have to go to him.
Why do you postpone your going?
Do not wait till everybody throws you out.
Anyhow, you will have to seek his protection.
Don't wait until you are insulted by everybody.
Seek God's protection even while
you enjoy social respect. Don't wait
until you are hated by everybody.
Go to God even when you are liked by all.
Don't wait until you are despised and
looked down upon by all.
Go to God, now, today itself.
He welcomes you. He is ready to bless you.
Don't wait until you become useless.
Go to God, when you are useful and capable.
Don't wait until you become sick and bed ridden.
Go to god when you are hale and healthy.
Don't wait till you become very old.
Go to God when you are young and strong.
Instead of going to God
when you are unemployed
Go to God when you are still
a student seeking employment.
Instead of going to God
when you are frustrated,
Go to God far ahead of frustration.
Instead of going to God
when a problem arises,
go to God even before the problem crops up.
Instead of thinking of God while dying,
think of God all through your lift and be happy.
"I don't want any thing. I want you and you alone."
Whoever says so sincerely is a real devotee of God and God surely protects him.
To get rid of the heaped up ignorance,
one should make self surrender.
For the internal purity, self-surrender is essential.
To turn inward, self surrender is necessary.
For self-realization, self surrender is needed.
To see the spirit, self surrender is a must.
Even to make self surrender, self surrender is essential.
If you are able to get into the abode of God,
you are sure to get his protection now and forever.
We will be freed from illusions
and we will get liberation.
This is the truthful assurance of God.
To go to God is to see the truth.
To make self surrender is to establish the truth.
The duty of God is to guide us on the
path of spirituality and grant us liberation.
Bow to God only - Peace be to all.
divinely sent
Association with the devotees grants
us the ultimate liberation. That means
without God, one cannot get salvation.
Therefore go to God and surrender yourself.
When did you surrender before God?
When did you take refuge at his feet?
Any how, you have to go to him.
Why do you postpone your going?
Do not wait till everybody throws you out.
Anyhow, you will have to seek his protection.
Don't wait until you are insulted by everybody.
Seek God's protection even while
you enjoy social respect. Don't wait
until you are hated by everybody.
Go to God even when you are liked by all.
Don't wait until you are despised and
looked down upon by all.
Go to God, now, today itself.
He welcomes you. He is ready to bless you.
Don't wait until you become useless.
Go to God, when you are useful and capable.
Don't wait until you become sick and bed ridden.
Go to god when you are hale and healthy.
Don't wait till you become very old.
Go to God when you are young and strong.
Instead of going to God
when you are unemployed
Go to God when you are still
a student seeking employment.
Instead of going to God
when you are frustrated,
Go to God far ahead of frustration.
Instead of going to God
when a problem arises,
go to God even before the problem crops up.
Instead of thinking of God while dying,
think of God all through your lift and be happy.
"I don't want any thing. I want you and you alone."
Whoever says so sincerely is a real devotee of God and God surely protects him.
To get rid of the heaped up ignorance,
one should make self surrender.
For the internal purity, self-surrender is essential.
To turn inward, self surrender is necessary.
For self-realization, self surrender is needed.
To see the spirit, self surrender is a must.
Even to make self surrender, self surrender is essential.
If you are able to get into the abode of God,
you are sure to get his protection now and forever.
We will be freed from illusions
and we will get liberation.
This is the truthful assurance of God.
To go to God is to see the truth.
To make self surrender is to establish the truth.
The duty of God is to guide us on the
path of spirituality and grant us liberation.
Bow to God only - Peace be to all.
divinely sent
Do not waste of single moment of the allowed span of life, for time is the body of God. God is known as the form of time...
'Time should be used properly;
the minute that has elapsed
is beyond your grasp.
God wants you to be active, fully engaged.
For, if you have no activities,
time will hang heavily on your hands.
Our objective should be to recognize
the nature of time and utilize it in a sacred manner.
Do not waste a single moment
of the allowed span of life,
for Time is the body of God.
He is known as 'the Form of Time.'
Time is Divine, therefore,
we must utilize time for
performing good action without
aspiring for the fruit thereof.'
divinely sent
the minute that has elapsed
is beyond your grasp.
God wants you to be active, fully engaged.
For, if you have no activities,
time will hang heavily on your hands.
Our objective should be to recognize
the nature of time and utilize it in a sacred manner.
Do not waste a single moment
of the allowed span of life,
for Time is the body of God.
He is known as 'the Form of Time.'
Time is Divine, therefore,
we must utilize time for
performing good action without
aspiring for the fruit thereof.'
divinely sent
Get control over death and regard it as part and parcel of the evolution of the immortal element in you...
'Because you are so much entangled
with the aspects of the body,
mind and intelligence, you feel
that you are subordinate to time
and that time will swallow you.
However, if you can develop
an aspect by which you can feel
above the aspects of body, mind
and intelligence, it will be possible
for you to get control over death and
regard it as part and parcel of the
evolution of the immortal element in you.'
divinely sent
with the aspects of the body,
mind and intelligence, you feel
that you are subordinate to time
and that time will swallow you.
However, if you can develop
an aspect by which you can feel
above the aspects of body, mind
and intelligence, it will be possible
for you to get control over death and
regard it as part and parcel of the
evolution of the immortal element in you.'
divinely sent
The most important, the most needed factor is time. One should not waste time...
The most important,
the most needed factor is time.
One should not waste time.
Time should be spent in a useful manner.
Time should be sanctified
because everything in this
creation is dependent on time.
Even our scriptures say
that God is referred to as
time and as non-time.
God is not limited by time.
He is beyond time; He is time;
He restricts Time. Time is the embodiment of God.
Everything depends on Time.'
divinely sent
the most needed factor is time.
One should not waste time.
Time should be spent in a useful manner.
Time should be sanctified
because everything in this
creation is dependent on time.
Even our scriptures say
that God is referred to as
time and as non-time.
God is not limited by time.
He is beyond time; He is time;
He restricts Time. Time is the embodiment of God.
Everything depends on Time.'
divinely sent
I and you are one - wrong, it is I and you are we.....
'Many people come from different
places and gossip a lot.
In this way, energy is lost.
With loss of energy,
there is loss of memory.
All this talk takes you away from God.
Develop only spiritual talk.
Share love with at least 10 people.
I and you are one - wrong... I and you are we.'
divinely sent
places and gossip a lot.
In this way, energy is lost.
With loss of energy,
there is loss of memory.
All this talk takes you away from God.
Develop only spiritual talk.
Share love with at least 10 people.
I and you are one - wrong... I and you are we.'
divinely sent
Excessive talking must also be avoided as it is a waste of energy...
'Excessive talking must also
be avoided as it is a waste of energy.
When one gets weak due to wastage of energy,
he is prone to get angry and develop hatred.
You must, therefore, use the
God given energy for God purposes.
Energy is a Divine gift.
By curtailing unnecessary talk
and keeping silent, you can conserve energy.
Talk less and work more is the golden rule that must be adopted.'
divinely sent
be avoided as it is a waste of energy.
When one gets weak due to wastage of energy,
he is prone to get angry and develop hatred.
You must, therefore, use the
God given energy for God purposes.
Energy is a Divine gift.
By curtailing unnecessary talk
and keeping silent, you can conserve energy.
Talk less and work more is the golden rule that must be adopted.'
divinely sent
Time is the body of God, it is a crime to misuse time or waste it with idleness...
'Time is the body of God.
He is known as 'the form of time'.
It is a crime to misuse time
or waste it with idleness.
So, too, the physical and
mental talents given to you by God
as capital for the business of living
should not be frittered away.'
divinely sent
He is known as 'the form of time'.
It is a crime to misuse time
or waste it with idleness.
So, too, the physical and
mental talents given to you by God
as capital for the business of living
should not be frittered away.'
divinely sent
The habit of thinking is long standing...
'The habit of thinking is long standing.
Even if the habit is broken,
there is a slow cessation.
For example, a fan continues
to revolve for a time after the
switch is turned off.
But the train of thought can be changed.
One train of thought can stop another.
The best way is to divert the train of
thought to a spiritual topic.'
Even if the habit is broken,
there is a slow cessation.
For example, a fan continues
to revolve for a time after the
switch is turned off.
But the train of thought can be changed.
One train of thought can stop another.
The best way is to divert the train of
thought to a spiritual topic.'
Thoughts outlast the human body..
'Thoughts outlast the human body.
Thought waves radiate very much
like heat waves, radio waves and light waves.
The thought waves are the cause
of man's joy or sorrow, health or
disease, birth and death.
The potency of these waves has
to be understood by man and his
conduct has to be based on his awareness.'
Thought waves radiate very much
like heat waves, radio waves and light waves.
The thought waves are the cause
of man's joy or sorrow, health or
disease, birth and death.
The potency of these waves has
to be understood by man and his
conduct has to be based on his awareness.'
'Thoughts constitute the very basis of one's life. It is the mind that lends life, sustains it and ultimately brings it to an end.'
The whole cosmos is made up of thought waves...
'The whole cosmos is made up of thought waves.
Hence the scripture declares :
The mind is at the root of the cosmos.
There is no place or form or action
wherein the mind is absent.
Hence, all thoughts of man
should be turned in the right direction.
When good thoughts, good feelings
and good intentions are developed,
the mind becomes pure.
Only when the mind is pure can actions be pure.'
divinely sent
Hence the scripture declares :
The mind is at the root of the cosmos.
There is no place or form or action
wherein the mind is absent.
Hence, all thoughts of man
should be turned in the right direction.
When good thoughts, good feelings
and good intentions are developed,
the mind becomes pure.
Only when the mind is pure can actions be pure.'
divinely sent
Never accept any thing 'free' from others, pay it back in service or work..
Never accept any thing “free” from others,
pay it back in service or work.
That will make you self respecting individual.
Receiving a favor means getting bound to the giver.
Grow with self respect and dignity.
That is the best service you can do to yourself.
divinely sent
pay it back in service or work.
That will make you self respecting individual.
Receiving a favor means getting bound to the giver.
Grow with self respect and dignity.
That is the best service you can do to yourself.
divinely sent
Spending your life with God does not mean that one must stay solemn or serious... it is a complete joy and loving happiness...
The brick - a touching story
God didn't promise days without pain,
laughter without sorrow,
sun without rain, but ....
He did promise strength for the day,
comfort for the tears, and light for the way.
A young and successful executive was traveling down a neighborhood street, going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar. He was watching for kids darting out from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something. As his car passed, no children appeared.
Instead, a brick smashed into the Jag's side door! He slammed on the brakes and backed the Jag back to the spot where the brick had been thrown.
The angry driver then jumped out of the car, grabbed the nearest kid and pushed him up against a parked car shouting, "What was that all about and who are you?
Just what the heck are you doing? That's a new car and that brick you threw is going to cost a lot of money.
Why did you do it?" The young boy was apologetic.
"Please, mister...please, I'm sorry but I didn't know what else to do," he pleaded. "I threw the brick because no one else would stop..."
With tears dripping down his face and off his chin, the youth pointed to a spot just around parked car. "It's my brother," he said. "He rolled off the curb and fell out of his wheelchair and I can't lift him up. "Now sobbing, the boy asked the stunned executive, "Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He's hurt and he's
too heavy for me."
Moved beyond words, the driver tried to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat. He hurriedly lifted the handicapped boy back into the wheelchair, then took out a linen handkerchief and dabbed at the fresh scrapes and cuts. A quick look told him everything was going to be okay.. "Thank you and may God bless you, "the grateful child told the stranger. Too shook up for words, the man simply watched the boy push his wheelchair-bound brother down the sidewalk toward their home.
It was a long, slow walk back to the Jaguar. The damage was very noticeable, but the driver never bothered to repair the dented side door. He kept the dent there to remind him of this message "Don't go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention!"
God whispers in our souls and speaks to our hearts. Sometimes when we don't have time to listen, He has to throw a brick at us. It's our choice to listen or not.
divinely sent
laughter without sorrow,
sun without rain, but ....
He did promise strength for the day,
comfort for the tears, and light for the way.
A young and successful executive was traveling down a neighborhood street, going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar. He was watching for kids darting out from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something. As his car passed, no children appeared.
Instead, a brick smashed into the Jag's side door! He slammed on the brakes and backed the Jag back to the spot where the brick had been thrown.
The angry driver then jumped out of the car, grabbed the nearest kid and pushed him up against a parked car shouting, "What was that all about and who are you?
Just what the heck are you doing? That's a new car and that brick you threw is going to cost a lot of money.
Why did you do it?" The young boy was apologetic.
"Please, mister...please, I'm sorry but I didn't know what else to do," he pleaded. "I threw the brick because no one else would stop..."
With tears dripping down his face and off his chin, the youth pointed to a spot just around parked car. "It's my brother," he said. "He rolled off the curb and fell out of his wheelchair and I can't lift him up. "Now sobbing, the boy asked the stunned executive, "Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He's hurt and he's
too heavy for me."
Moved beyond words, the driver tried to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat. He hurriedly lifted the handicapped boy back into the wheelchair, then took out a linen handkerchief and dabbed at the fresh scrapes and cuts. A quick look told him everything was going to be okay.. "Thank you and may God bless you, "the grateful child told the stranger. Too shook up for words, the man simply watched the boy push his wheelchair-bound brother down the sidewalk toward their home.
It was a long, slow walk back to the Jaguar. The damage was very noticeable, but the driver never bothered to repair the dented side door. He kept the dent there to remind him of this message "Don't go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention!"
God whispers in our souls and speaks to our hearts. Sometimes when we don't have time to listen, He has to throw a brick at us. It's our choice to listen or not.
divinely sent
Speak so that your language is as sweet as your feelings are...
Speak so that your language is
as sweet as your feelings are.
Make the words true and pleasing.
But, for the sake of pleasing another,
do not speak falsehood or exaggerate.
Cynicism which leads you to speak about
a thing in a carping manner and in order
to bring it into disrepute is as bad as
flattery which makes you exaggerate
and cross the boundaries of truth.
divinely sent
as sweet as your feelings are.
Make the words true and pleasing.
But, for the sake of pleasing another,
do not speak falsehood or exaggerate.
Cynicism which leads you to speak about
a thing in a carping manner and in order
to bring it into disrepute is as bad as
flattery which makes you exaggerate
and cross the boundaries of truth.
divinely sent
Conserve your energy in all 5 senses for good purposes...
'Our physical, mental and spiritual
energies should never be wasted.
You might ask God, 'How are we wasting our energies?'
If you see bad things, your energy is wasted.
Hearing bad things, speaking evil, thinking
evil thoughts and doing evil deeds wastes your energy.
Conserve your energy in all these
five areas and make your life more meaningful.'
divinely sent
energies should never be wasted.
You might ask God, 'How are we wasting our energies?'
If you see bad things, your energy is wasted.
Hearing bad things, speaking evil, thinking
evil thoughts and doing evil deeds wastes your energy.
Conserve your energy in all these
five areas and make your life more meaningful.'
divinely sent
The existence of God is visualized by science in the form of electric, magnetic, laser, radio, heat and light waves...
'The existence of God is visualized by science in the form of electric, magnetic, laser, radio, heat and light waves. This is the direct evidence for the existence of God.'
There is infinite power within man....
'There is infinite power within man,
power that is beyond comprehension and
which is Divine. But he makes no effort
to recognize it. If man did not have
this power, how could he have gone to the moon?'
divinely sent
power that is beyond comprehension and
which is Divine. But he makes no effort
to recognize it. If man did not have
this power, how could he have gone to the moon?'
divinely sent
Hands that serve are holier than lips that pray...
Hands that serve are holier than lips that pray....
'God's Grace is as the shower of rain, as the sunlight.
You have to do some spiritual discipline to acquire it;
the spiritual discipline of keeping a pot upright is
to receive the rain, the spiritual discipline of opening
the door of your heart, so that the sun may illumine it....
Pray for Grace.... Grace will set everything right.'
divinely sent
'God's Grace is as the shower of rain, as the sunlight.
You have to do some spiritual discipline to acquire it;
the spiritual discipline of keeping a pot upright is
to receive the rain, the spiritual discipline of opening
the door of your heart, so that the sun may illumine it....
Pray for Grace.... Grace will set everything right.'
divinely sent
God is here to listen to you, to console you...
Do not thrust your sorrows,
your needs, your problems
into the ears of those who
come here with their own
bundle of such things.
They are not interested
in adding to their troubles.
God is here to listen to you,
to console you. Meditate if possible,
yourselves alone, read spiritual books if you can,
write the name of the Lord in the quietness
of your corner; if you can not do these,
at least do not disturb others who are doing these.
Encourage one another to march along the path of God.
divinely sent
your needs, your problems
into the ears of those who
come here with their own
bundle of such things.
They are not interested
in adding to their troubles.
God is here to listen to you,
to console you. Meditate if possible,
yourselves alone, read spiritual books if you can,
write the name of the Lord in the quietness
of your corner; if you can not do these,
at least do not disturb others who are doing these.
Encourage one another to march along the path of God.
divinely sent
The true name of each one is 'God', yet none respond when God beckon...
When one know that all is Dvine, you look upon all creation with reverence and true love....
Men try to know everything
about everybody else; but they do not try
to know about themselves!
The attempt to know about the Self is
important. It is only through
that knowledge that man can
live in peace.
For, when you know that
all is Divine, you look upon
all Creation with reverence
and true Love; your heart is filled with
supreme joy and the assertions of the ego
are rendered ineffective.
Man seeks joy in far places
and peace in quiet spots; but the spring
of joy is in his heart, the haven of
peace is within him.
Have faith
in God, and in the
correctness of moral living.
Then you can have
peace and joy, whatever
may be the fare that fortune offers you.
divinely sent
about everybody else; but they do not try
to know about themselves!
The attempt to know about the Self is
important. It is only through
that knowledge that man can
live in peace.
For, when you know that
all is Divine, you look upon
all Creation with reverence
and true Love; your heart is filled with
supreme joy and the assertions of the ego
are rendered ineffective.
Man seeks joy in far places
and peace in quiet spots; but the spring
of joy is in his heart, the haven of
peace is within him.
Have faith
in God, and in the
correctness of moral living.
Then you can have
peace and joy, whatever
may be the fare that fortune offers you.
divinely sent
Friday, January 25, 2008
When you are at the level of supermind, you think that you are different from others... this is dualism...A MIND WITH A DUAL MIND IS HALF BLIND....
'When you are at the level of Super Mind,
you think that you are different from others.
This is dualism. It is said,
'A mind with a dual mind is half blind.'
Gradually, go up to the Higher Mind
where you understand your true nature.
Then you reach Illumination Mind.
Once you experience this unity
in totality, you attain Over Mind.
That is your goal.
That is everything for you.
All the spiritual practices
are meant to attain this goal.'
divinely sent
you think that you are different from others.
This is dualism. It is said,
'A mind with a dual mind is half blind.'
Gradually, go up to the Higher Mind
where you understand your true nature.
Then you reach Illumination Mind.
Once you experience this unity
in totality, you attain Over Mind.
That is your goal.
That is everything for you.
All the spiritual practices
are meant to attain this goal.'
divinely sent
Learn to let all conflicts spawned by the mind to play them out and cancel each other out...
'Learn to let all conflicts spawned
by the mind to play them out and cancel
each other out.
Be the witness to the holocaust.
The ultimate solution to the conflict
is not decision or even choice, but passive being.
Dare to remain inconclusive.
See the endless quandaries of
the mind as saints, His sport,
as the natural function of the bundle
of desires called mind.
Do not believe in mind;
do not rally to its assertions and appetites.
Watch the mind from a distance,
do not get involved in its tumblings and turns.
Then everything becomes insignificant.
When everything recedes into meaninglessness,
you are in the hub, in equanimity'. ..
divinely sent
by the mind to play them out and cancel
each other out.
Be the witness to the holocaust.
The ultimate solution to the conflict
is not decision or even choice, but passive being.
Dare to remain inconclusive.
See the endless quandaries of
the mind as saints, His sport,
as the natural function of the bundle
of desires called mind.
Do not believe in mind;
do not rally to its assertions and appetites.
Watch the mind from a distance,
do not get involved in its tumblings and turns.
Then everything becomes insignificant.
When everything recedes into meaninglessness,
you are in the hub, in equanimity'. ..
divinely sent
'You must not ask for reward when good work is done, since it is your duty to do correct work. Its reward is its completion.'
'You must not ask for reward when good work is done, since it is your duty to do correct work. Its reward is its completion.'
By not getting excited over the angry words of a critic, one becomes superior to the critic...
'By not getting excited over
the angry words of a critic,
one becomes superior to the critic.
Otherwise one descends to
the same level as the critic.'
divinely sent
the angry words of a critic,
one becomes superior to the critic.
Otherwise one descends to
the same level as the critic.'
divinely sent
Without scorn and display of contempt, greatness will not shine and spread....
'When I am defamed, I never get incensed,
for it is only the tree full of edible fruits
that is attacked with sticks and stone.
Moreover, without scorn and display of contempt,
greatness will not shine and spread.'
divinely sent
for it is only the tree full of edible fruits
that is attacked with sticks and stone.
Moreover, without scorn and display of contempt,
greatness will not shine and spread.'
divinely sent
The teacher teaches and says....
The teacher teaches and says...
My dear one,
I received the communication
that you wrote and sent.
I found in it the surging floods
of devotion and affection, with the
undercurrents of doubts and anxiety.
Let me tell you it is impossible
to plumb the hearts and discover
the holy ones, ascetics, saints,
sages and the like.
People are endowed with a variety
of characteristics and mental attitudes;
so, each one judges according to his own angle,
talks and argues in the light of his own nature.
But we have to stick to our path,
our own wisdom, our own resolution
without getting affected by popular appraisal.
As the proverb says,
it is the fruit laden tree that
receives the shower of stone from passers-by.
It is not the way of the great to swell
when people offer worship, and shrink when people scoff.
I have my own definition of devotion.
I expect that those who are devoted to God
have to treat joy and grief, gain and loss, with equal fortitude.'
divinely sent
My dear one,
I received the communication
that you wrote and sent.
I found in it the surging floods
of devotion and affection, with the
undercurrents of doubts and anxiety.
Let me tell you it is impossible
to plumb the hearts and discover
the holy ones, ascetics, saints,
sages and the like.
People are endowed with a variety
of characteristics and mental attitudes;
so, each one judges according to his own angle,
talks and argues in the light of his own nature.
But we have to stick to our path,
our own wisdom, our own resolution
without getting affected by popular appraisal.
As the proverb says,
it is the fruit laden tree that
receives the shower of stone from passers-by.
It is not the way of the great to swell
when people offer worship, and shrink when people scoff.
I have my own definition of devotion.
I expect that those who are devoted to God
have to treat joy and grief, gain and loss, with equal fortitude.'
divinely sent
Learn in order to ensure equanimity...
'There are various habits which
can be learned in order to ensure equanimity.
When someone insults you or defames
you or ignores you, accept it with a smile;
this is the way of the world,
it is basically ungrateful,
ill-mannered, they are doing
me a good turn, my strength is on trial.
I shall not yield to anger or resentment.
Tell yourself such invigorating things,
and be quiet, with a smile of triumph on your lips.
There was a man once who was
roundly abused by a gang of mischievous young men.
He said, "Carry on! Enjoy yourselves!
I see that you are very happy at the chance.
This is exactly what I desire for you."
When you do not accept the insult
someone casts on you, it goes back to
the person who indulged in it first;
a registered letter that is not accepted
returns to the sender.
Do not damage you mental peace
by receiving the letter and reading the contents.
Refuse to read it.
You have a chance of correcting
the wrong doers too; accept it and
you join the gang of mischief-makers. So be warned!'
divinely sent
can be learned in order to ensure equanimity.
When someone insults you or defames
you or ignores you, accept it with a smile;
this is the way of the world,
it is basically ungrateful,
ill-mannered, they are doing
me a good turn, my strength is on trial.
I shall not yield to anger or resentment.
Tell yourself such invigorating things,
and be quiet, with a smile of triumph on your lips.
There was a man once who was
roundly abused by a gang of mischievous young men.
He said, "Carry on! Enjoy yourselves!
I see that you are very happy at the chance.
This is exactly what I desire for you."
When you do not accept the insult
someone casts on you, it goes back to
the person who indulged in it first;
a registered letter that is not accepted
returns to the sender.
Do not damage you mental peace
by receiving the letter and reading the contents.
Refuse to read it.
You have a chance of correcting
the wrong doers too; accept it and
you join the gang of mischief-makers. So be warned!'
divinely sent
The stage of equanimity is very essential for spiritual progress...
'The stage of equanimity so essential
for spiritual progress can be gained
only when the intellect is cleansed
of the blot of deluding attachments
and involvements.
Devoid of that serenity, the intellect
cannot proceed on the trail of God.'
divinely sent
for spiritual progress can be gained
only when the intellect is cleansed
of the blot of deluding attachments
and involvements.
Devoid of that serenity, the intellect
cannot proceed on the trail of God.'
divinely sent
Man should maintain equanimity in pleasure and pain, loss or gain...
'Man should maintain equanimity
in pleasure and pain, loss or gain.
Without pain, you cannot enjoy pleasure.
Sorrow is the royal road to joy.
Sufferings are the stepping stones
that lead man towards virtuous conduct.
One should never be elated by pleasure or dejected by pain.'
divinely sent
in pleasure and pain, loss or gain.
Without pain, you cannot enjoy pleasure.
Sorrow is the royal road to joy.
Sufferings are the stepping stones
that lead man towards virtuous conduct.
One should never be elated by pleasure or dejected by pain.'
divinely sent
'You have to become toughened by the hammer strokes of joy and sorrow until you are unaffected by the vicissitudes of fortune.'
'You have to become toughened
by the hammer strokes of joy
and sorrow until you are unaffected
by the vicissitudes of fortune.'
divinely sent
by the hammer strokes of joy
and sorrow until you are unaffected
by the vicissitudes of fortune.'
divinely sent
Cultivate a sweet temper and a sweet speech which is its natural consequence...
Destiny is the only luggage you had packed in your past that will arrive on the rails of debt to the land of your present...
Education must aim at enlarging the heart and awakening the latent intelligence and skills and strengthening the character...
Value-based education is not merely
the gathering of scientific knowledge;
it should endow human with heroism in action.
It should instruct human to decide
on what has to be done and how.
Education must aim at enlarging the heart
and awakening the latent intelligence and
skills and strengthening the character.
If education is devoid of 'design'
students (and adults also) character,
it brings disaster.
It can then cause evil and wickedness.
Intelligence can be found to be
very high among clever thieves.
So, similarly, scientific knowledge
can be misused for destructive purposes.
The ancients attached the
highest value to good character.
They considered that if character was lost, all was lost.
But sad to say, today, people
consider that if wealth is lost all is lost!
divinely sent
the gathering of scientific knowledge;
it should endow human with heroism in action.
It should instruct human to decide
on what has to be done and how.
Education must aim at enlarging the heart
and awakening the latent intelligence and
skills and strengthening the character.
If education is devoid of 'design'
students (and adults also) character,
it brings disaster.
It can then cause evil and wickedness.
Intelligence can be found to be
very high among clever thieves.
So, similarly, scientific knowledge
can be misused for destructive purposes.
The ancients attached the
highest value to good character.
They considered that if character was lost, all was lost.
But sad to say, today, people
consider that if wealth is lost all is lost!
divinely sent
The duty of science is to promote love, sympathy, brotherhood and charity...
Many describe science today
as a powerful acquisition, but,
science holds before humanity
only a great opportunity.
The duty of science is to
promote love, sympathy, brotherhood and charity.
By bible to enter Heaven,
human must transform into
an innocent infant.
To enter the heaven of science,
human has to mould into a humble, unselfish seeker.
This is as true as the former statement.
divinely sent
as a powerful acquisition, but,
science holds before humanity
only a great opportunity.
The duty of science is to
promote love, sympathy, brotherhood and charity.
By bible to enter Heaven,
human must transform into
an innocent infant.
To enter the heaven of science,
human has to mould into a humble, unselfish seeker.
This is as true as the former statement.
divinely sent
God is beyond all defination and God's creation is most wonderful and mysterious...
There are innumerable stars in the sky.
Imagine the distance between the Earth and stars.
When the creation itself is such an infinite
and indescribable phenomenon, how mighty
and powerful must the Creator be!
He is beyond all definition and
God's creation is most wonderful and mysterious.
divinely sent
Imagine the distance between the Earth and stars.
When the creation itself is such an infinite
and indescribable phenomenon, how mighty
and powerful must the Creator be!
He is beyond all definition and
God's creation is most wonderful and mysterious.
divinely sent
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Intolerance is the product of anger, hate and envy
Intolerance is the product
of anger, hate and envy.
Try your best to suppress
the first appearance of anger.
It does not come upon you unaware.
The body becomes warm, the lips twitch,
the eyes redden – so, when you get
the intimation, drink a glass of cold water,
sip it slowly, close the door and relax
until the seizure passes away,
and you laugh at your folly.
This may appear difficult,
but you have to practice it,
for, the consequences of your
yielding to anger will be so
disastrous that you will have
to repent long for them.
divinely sent
of anger, hate and envy.
Try your best to suppress
the first appearance of anger.
It does not come upon you unaware.
The body becomes warm, the lips twitch,
the eyes redden – so, when you get
the intimation, drink a glass of cold water,
sip it slowly, close the door and relax
until the seizure passes away,
and you laugh at your folly.
This may appear difficult,
but you have to practice it,
for, the consequences of your
yielding to anger will be so
disastrous that you will have
to repent long for them.
divinely sent
When you love God, you love all, for you begin to feel, know and experience that God is in all...
When you love God, you love all;
for you begin to
feel, know and experience
that God is in all.
By means of meditation,
you can realise that God is
the resident in all hearts,
the urge, the motive,
the guide and the goal.
Yearn for that vision,
that awareness and make
it your priceless possession.
Then, you have what you often ask God
for direct vision of reality.
Your love has to be pure and free from the taint
of ego, so that it can merge in God.
divinely sent
for you begin to
feel, know and experience
that God is in all.
By means of meditation,
you can realise that God is
the resident in all hearts,
the urge, the motive,
the guide and the goal.
Yearn for that vision,
that awareness and make
it your priceless possession.
Then, you have what you often ask God
for direct vision of reality.
Your love has to be pure and free from the taint
of ego, so that it can merge in God.
divinely sent
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The mind is the source of all desire...
The mind is the source of all desire;
so, try to acquire, not diamond, but, 'die-mind.'
Let all desires for sense-objects die,
or, concentrate all desires on God.
Surrender all desires to Him.
Surrender all instincts, impulses,
attachments to Him.
When you surrender everything to God,
your welfare and happiness become God's responsibility."
so, try to acquire, not diamond, but, 'die-mind.'
Let all desires for sense-objects die,
or, concentrate all desires on God.
Surrender all desires to Him.
Surrender all instincts, impulses,
attachments to Him.
When you surrender everything to God,
your welfare and happiness become God's responsibility."
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
God is present in men like the unseen thread which holds a garland of gems together..
Reflections of the sun shining
in the sky can be seen in the oceans,
rivers, lakes and wells.
Though the reflections are varied,
there is only one sun.
The Divine is present
in man like the unseen thread
which holds a garland of gems together.
The entire cosmos is
permeated by the Divine and
is the visible manifestation of the
Nothing in the world, no object,
no human being, no creature
can be found wherein God is not present.
There is only one God and he
is "Being-Awareness- Bliss"
divinely sent
in the sky can be seen in the oceans,
rivers, lakes and wells.
Though the reflections are varied,
there is only one sun.
The Divine is present
in man like the unseen thread
which holds a garland of gems together.
The entire cosmos is
permeated by the Divine and
is the visible manifestation of the
Nothing in the world, no object,
no human being, no creature
can be found wherein God is not present.
There is only one God and he
is "Being-Awareness- Bliss"
divinely sent
Life is impermanent...
Life is impermanent.
Impermanent are wealth and youth.
Wife and children are also impermanent.
Only truth and good reputation are permanent.
Impermanent are wealth and youth.
Wife and children are also impermanent.
Only truth and good reputation are permanent.
The birth of God is shedding off the body, burying the mind, burning the senses...
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Listen to the language of the heart, it is expressed through sympathy, kindness, service, love and brotherliness
You should not attach so much
importance to the language you speak.
It is the meaning that is important,
the feelings you express, the behavior you adopt.
The language of the heart
is expressed through sympathy,
kindness, service, love, brotherliness.
That is the language that really matters;
that language can be understood by every one.
divinely sent
importance to the language you speak.
It is the meaning that is important,
the feelings you express, the behavior you adopt.
The language of the heart
is expressed through sympathy,
kindness, service, love, brotherliness.
That is the language that really matters;
that language can be understood by every one.
divinely sent
Love is the very nature of life, as burning is the nature of fire,
Society is a limb of mankind, and humanity is a limb of Nature and Nature is a limb of Divinity...
Just as the hands, ears, eyes
and legs are all limbs or organs
of individual human body,
the bodies of all human beings
are the limbs of society.
Again, society itself is
a limb of mankind.
And humanity is a limb of Nature
and Nature is a limb of Divinity.
One should understand this intimate limb
relationship between Divinity and
human beings, in the proper perspective.
divinely sent
and legs are all limbs or organs
of individual human body,
the bodies of all human beings
are the limbs of society.
Again, society itself is
a limb of mankind.
And humanity is a limb of Nature
and Nature is a limb of Divinity.
One should understand this intimate limb
relationship between Divinity and
human beings, in the proper perspective.
divinely sent
Thursday, January 17, 2008
The mind seeks refuge in holy thoughts and things, but the next moment it revels in some fearsome and foul ideas.... be aware of it...
part 2
Indeed, all those who seek to
manifest their inner Reality
should therefore prevent the stones (desires)
from disturbing the equanimity of the mind.
The fly rests one moment
on the sacred food-offerings on
the altar of God and the next moment on filth.
The mind seeks refuge in
holy thoughts and things; the next moment,
it revels in some fearsome, foul ideas.
The mind is like the elephant.
The mahout gives it a nice bath;
he scrubs it clean and chains it to a shady tree.
But it gathers dust with its trunk
and scatters it all over itself!
Man, too, urged by the senses,
pours in his mind dust and dirt.
divinely sent
Indeed, all those who seek to
manifest their inner Reality
should therefore prevent the stones (desires)
from disturbing the equanimity of the mind.
The fly rests one moment
on the sacred food-offerings on
the altar of God and the next moment on filth.
The mind seeks refuge in
holy thoughts and things; the next moment,
it revels in some fearsome, foul ideas.
The mind is like the elephant.
The mahout gives it a nice bath;
he scrubs it clean and chains it to a shady tree.
But it gathers dust with its trunk
and scatters it all over itself!
Man, too, urged by the senses,
pours in his mind dust and dirt.
divinely sent
Turn one's mind towards the objective world, you are BOUND! Turn it towards God, you are on the road to LIBERATION!
part 1
For liberation from bondage to desire,
the mind is the only instrument available to man.
Turn it towards the objective world,
you are bound; turn it towards God,
you are on the road to liberation.
The mind refuses to be calm even
for a fraction of a second.
When a continuous shower of stones
is falling on the waters of a lake,
how can the surface be calm and unruffled?
So, too, man is throwing stone
after stone of desire on the calm lake of the mind.
divinely sent
For liberation from bondage to desire,
the mind is the only instrument available to man.
Turn it towards the objective world,
you are bound; turn it towards God,
you are on the road to liberation.
The mind refuses to be calm even
for a fraction of a second.
When a continuous shower of stones
is falling on the waters of a lake,
how can the surface be calm and unruffled?
So, too, man is throwing stone
after stone of desire on the calm lake of the mind.
divinely sent
Man is forgetting the Divine who is the Sole Provider of everything, thus the reason for his falling prey to various difficulties and calamities...
Man is deriving innumerable
benefits from Nature and enjoying the
amenities provided by it in various ways.
But what is the gratitude
he is offering to Nature and God?
Man is forgetting the Divine who is
the Sole Provider of everything.
This is the reason for his falling
prey to various difficulties and calamities.
While he is receiving
countless benefits from Providence,
he is offering nothing in return
to Nature or God.
This shows how unnatural
and heartless man's behaviour is.
When we are enjoined
to return good for evil, how
unbecoming is it to fail even
to return good for good?
Man should
learn the great lesson Nature
is trying to teach him - the lesson of
doing service with no expectation of return.
divinely sent
benefits from Nature and enjoying the
amenities provided by it in various ways.
But what is the gratitude
he is offering to Nature and God?
Man is forgetting the Divine who is
the Sole Provider of everything.
This is the reason for his falling
prey to various difficulties and calamities.
While he is receiving
countless benefits from Providence,
he is offering nothing in return
to Nature or God.
This shows how unnatural
and heartless man's behaviour is.
When we are enjoined
to return good for evil, how
unbecoming is it to fail even
to return good for good?
Man should
learn the great lesson Nature
is trying to teach him - the lesson of
doing service with no expectation of return.
divinely sent
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
The wise will pause before judging, he will see all sides of the problem, relate it to his own experience and hesitate to accept or condemn it...

Those who know will not speak;
those who speak do not know, can not know.
It is the ignorant man who argues loudly
and angrily and talks cynically.
The wise man will pause before judging;
he will see all sides of the problem,
relate it to his own experience and
hesitate to accept it or condemn it.
He will hear less and taste more.
divinely sent
God is not the trophy of any competition, God is the gift to the one that renounces to run the worldly race...
Save yourself by yourself...
You are born for your own sake,
not for the sake of any one else.
You have to cure yourself of the
disease of ignorance, just as you
have to cure yourself of the disease of hunger.
No one else can save you from both.
"Save yourself by yourself."
divinely sent
not for the sake of any one else.
You have to cure yourself of the
disease of ignorance, just as you
have to cure yourself of the disease of hunger.
No one else can save you from both.
"Save yourself by yourself."
divinely sent
Too many people spend all their time in 'fencing', they have little left for attending to the crop, which the fence is designed to protect..

Do not be content merely with,
being in good company or thinking of God,
or listening to such discourses; they are
but preliminaries, helping to awake interest in “farming”.
Many people spend all their time in “fencing”;
They have little left for attending to the crop,
which the fence is designed to protect.
Each devotee will walk his own path..will face his own challenges and will learn to bend none other than his own head...
Divine Grace awaits individual arriving and spiritual practice...
Divine Grace awaits individual
striving and spiritual practice.
The doctrines and directives of
religion have to be assimilated
by means of actual experience.
It is not enough if one learns
to repeat them parrot like.
The Truth has to be identified;
this is the very first step.
The sooner we understand the Truth,
the faster will religious conflicts
and creedal dissensions disappear.
The Omniself, is nearer than the nearest;
other entities are all, though near, really far away.
Become aware of this fact.
Then alone can the knots,
in which the heart is entangled, be loosened.
divinely sent
striving and spiritual practice.
The doctrines and directives of
religion have to be assimilated
by means of actual experience.
It is not enough if one learns
to repeat them parrot like.
The Truth has to be identified;
this is the very first step.
The sooner we understand the Truth,
the faster will religious conflicts
and creedal dissensions disappear.
The Omniself, is nearer than the nearest;
other entities are all, though near, really far away.
Become aware of this fact.
Then alone can the knots,
in which the heart is entangled, be loosened.
divinely sent
Man's conduct is based on his thoughts and thoughts are based on desires...
Man's conduct
is based on his thoughts.
Thoughts are based on
Desires depend on
the company that one keeps.
The company of
noble people gives
rise to noble thoughts.
The mind by nature is
pure, but it gets polluted
by association with evil qualities.
Purification of the mind
is therefore the main spiritual practice
that one has to undertake.
Repent wholeheartedly for the mistakes
that have been committed. This penance
will purify your mind and make
it sacred.
divinely sent
is based on his thoughts.
Thoughts are based on
Desires depend on
the company that one keeps.
The company of
noble people gives
rise to noble thoughts.
The mind by nature is
pure, but it gets polluted
by association with evil qualities.
Purification of the mind
is therefore the main spiritual practice
that one has to undertake.
Repent wholeheartedly for the mistakes
that have been committed. This penance
will purify your mind and make
it sacred.
divinely sent
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Talk repeating the Name of God and picturing in themind the Glory of God....
By taking to repeating
the Name of God and picturing
in the mind the Glory of God
who has that Name, as well as
a thousand others, slowly the
cataract of the inner eye will
disappear and, one can see the God
who is in his/her innermost heart,
installed in the altar therein.
divinely sent
the Name of God and picturing
in the mind the Glory of God
who has that Name, as well as
a thousand others, slowly the
cataract of the inner eye will
disappear and, one can see the God
who is in his/her innermost heart,
installed in the altar therein.
divinely sent
The flame of a lamp has 2 significant qualities...
" The flame of a lamp
has two significant qualities.
One is to banish darkness;
the other is a continuous upward movement.
Even if a lamp is kept in a pit,
the flame is directed upwards.
The upward movement of the flame
denotes the path to wisdom and
the path to divinity.
However, the external
light can dispel only the
external darkness, but not
the darkness of ignorance in man...
God is present within and around. So one has to be pure both internally and externally. It is the water that helps to keep your body clean. But it is love that keeps your heart clean.
divinely sent
- From Swami's Divine Discourse on October 19th 1998.
has two significant qualities.
One is to banish darkness;
the other is a continuous upward movement.
Even if a lamp is kept in a pit,
the flame is directed upwards.
The upward movement of the flame
denotes the path to wisdom and
the path to divinity.
However, the external
light can dispel only the
external darkness, but not
the darkness of ignorance in man...
God is present within and around. So one has to be pure both internally and externally. It is the water that helps to keep your body clean. But it is love that keeps your heart clean.
divinely sent
- From Swami's Divine Discourse on October 19th 1998.
First be fixed in the consciousness that yourself is the immortal Self, which is indestructible, which is holy, pure and divine...

First be fixed in the consciousness that yourself is the immortal Atma, which is indestructible, which is holy, pure and divine. That will give you unshakable courage and strength. Then you must develop mutual love and respect. Tolerate all kinds of persons and opinions; all attitudes and peculiarities.
Know that you have not climbed the first step of spirituality if you believe yourself closer to God that another...
Devotion is the state of mind in which one has no separate existence apart from God...
Devotion is the state of mind
in which one has no separate
existence apart from God.
The devotee's very breath is God;
his every act is by God, for God;
his thoughts are of God; his words
are uttered by God, about God.
For, like the fish which can live only in water,
man can live only in God - in peace and happiness.
In other media, he has only fear,
frantic struggle, and failure...
It is only association with the Divine
that can confer value and significance.
The mind too gets illumined, and feels joy,
peace and calm, only because the peace, joy and calm,
which are the native characteristics of God
within are reflected on it.
divinely sent
in which one has no separate
existence apart from God.
The devotee's very breath is God;
his every act is by God, for God;
his thoughts are of God; his words
are uttered by God, about God.
For, like the fish which can live only in water,
man can live only in God - in peace and happiness.
In other media, he has only fear,
frantic struggle, and failure...
It is only association with the Divine
that can confer value and significance.
The mind too gets illumined, and feels joy,
peace and calm, only because the peace, joy and calm,
which are the native characteristics of God
within are reflected on it.
divinely sent
Difference of opinions must be like the 2 eyes, each giving a different picture of the same object, both of which when coordinated give a complete pc

Difference of opinion must be like the two eyes, each giving a different picture of the same object; both of which, when coordinated give a complete rounded picture. It is no use indulging in arguments and disputations; he who clamors aloud has not grasped the Truth, believe me. Silence is the only language of the realized.
Why worry?
Why should we spend time to worship and praying to God?
Worship is just a means
of educating the emotions.
Human impulses and emotions
have to be guided and controlled.
Just as the raging waters
of a river have to be curbed by bunds,
halted by dams, tamed by canals and led
quietly to the ocean, which can swallow
all floods without a trace,
so too the age long instincts
of man have to be trained and
transmuted by contact with higher ideals and powers.
When the fruit is ripe,
it will fall off the branch of its own accord.
Similarly, when renunciation saturates your heart,
you lose contact with the world and slip into the lap of the Lord.
divinely sent
of educating the emotions.
Human impulses and emotions
have to be guided and controlled.
Just as the raging waters
of a river have to be curbed by bunds,
halted by dams, tamed by canals and led
quietly to the ocean, which can swallow
all floods without a trace,
so too the age long instincts
of man have to be trained and
transmuted by contact with higher ideals and powers.
When the fruit is ripe,
it will fall off the branch of its own accord.
Similarly, when renunciation saturates your heart,
you lose contact with the world and slip into the lap of the Lord.
divinely sent
The world is a great teacher, a constant guide and source of inspiration...
The world is a great teacher,
a constant guide and source of inspiration.
That is the reason why man
is placed in the world. Every bird,
every animal, every tree, mountain and star
and each tiny worm has a lesson for man,
if he has but the thirst to learn.
These make a world a
veritable University for man;
it is but a school for spiritual learning
where he is a pupil from birth to death.
divinely sent
a constant guide and source of inspiration.
That is the reason why man
is placed in the world. Every bird,
every animal, every tree, mountain and star
and each tiny worm has a lesson for man,
if he has but the thirst to learn.
These make a world a
veritable University for man;
it is but a school for spiritual learning
where he is a pupil from birth to death.
divinely sent
Friday, January 11, 2008
Learn the 5 lessons from the 5 elements, earth, water, fire, air and sky..
Let us learn fine lessons
from the five elements:
Patience and forebearance
are the virtues taught by earth.
Whatever sacrilage man commits,
earth remain mute and never reciprocates.
Water finds its level.
It always seeks to flow through
the ground and finally it remains
either as a lake or joins in a river
and seeks its source, the ocean.
We must learn to remain humble
and always try to reach the source, i.e., God.
All impurities are burnt by the fire.
It raises high. It gives heat and light.
It converts everything into "Ash".
We should also emulate the fire in
scorching the bad traits in us and
reach a desireless stage which is represented by 'ash'.
If you further burn the ash, it remains still as 'ash' only.
Air never distinguishes between good or bad.
It blows equally to all. It gives
the life sustaining breath to all bereft
of which everything will be dead.
We should never discriminate
between good and evil and never
hate any being based on their form or traits.
All are embodiments of God.
This is a greatest teacher.
No reactions, no scars.
Let any number of jets pass through the sky.
In a few moments, even the white exhaust vanishes.
Our mind should resemble a sky.
Sky is blemishless. It never keeps anything.
Everymoment it maintains in vacuam for ever.
We should remain burdenless,
without any reactions to the world
and our own thoughts.
Be just a witness of everything.
A mute witness like a sky.
divinely sent
from the five elements:
Patience and forebearance
are the virtues taught by earth.
Whatever sacrilage man commits,
earth remain mute and never reciprocates.
Water finds its level.
It always seeks to flow through
the ground and finally it remains
either as a lake or joins in a river
and seeks its source, the ocean.
We must learn to remain humble
and always try to reach the source, i.e., God.
All impurities are burnt by the fire.
It raises high. It gives heat and light.
It converts everything into "Ash".
We should also emulate the fire in
scorching the bad traits in us and
reach a desireless stage which is represented by 'ash'.
If you further burn the ash, it remains still as 'ash' only.
Air never distinguishes between good or bad.
It blows equally to all. It gives
the life sustaining breath to all bereft
of which everything will be dead.
We should never discriminate
between good and evil and never
hate any being based on their form or traits.
All are embodiments of God.
This is a greatest teacher.
No reactions, no scars.
Let any number of jets pass through the sky.
In a few moments, even the white exhaust vanishes.
Our mind should resemble a sky.
Sky is blemishless. It never keeps anything.
Everymoment it maintains in vacuam for ever.
We should remain burdenless,
without any reactions to the world
and our own thoughts.
Be just a witness of everything.
A mute witness like a sky.
divinely sent
I am in you, I'm your self, your spirit, your truth and the voice of your conscience...
One day a poster of 'The Lord Jesus' was found marked by some naughty students. The teacher was angry but thought twice. Scolding was not the answer but instead the divinity in her wrote this:
"I return to you not as the
image on a poster that you pretend to destroy.
I return to you as the light which you cannot extinguish,
as the truth that you cannot destroy.
I return to you as the voice of
your conscience that you cannot silence,
because I am the essence of the universal truth.
Wash the dirt away from your heart
so that you can hear my voice.
Remove the blindfold that is covering
your eyes and you will be able to see Me.
I am in you, I'm your Self,
your spirit, your truth,
the voice of your conscience.
I am your beginning and your end.
You cannot destroy Me.
You can only achieve your own destruction."
The poster was replaced with this message and all the students read it in silence and walked away, touched.
divinely sent
"I return to you not as the
image on a poster that you pretend to destroy.
I return to you as the light which you cannot extinguish,
as the truth that you cannot destroy.
I return to you as the voice of
your conscience that you cannot silence,
because I am the essence of the universal truth.
Wash the dirt away from your heart
so that you can hear my voice.
Remove the blindfold that is covering
your eyes and you will be able to see Me.
I am in you, I'm your Self,
your spirit, your truth,
the voice of your conscience.
I am your beginning and your end.
You cannot destroy Me.
You can only achieve your own destruction."
The poster was replaced with this message and all the students read it in silence and walked away, touched.
divinely sent
Man did not come to this world to eat, sleep and indulge in sensory pursuits...
Man did not come to this world
to eat, sleep and indulge in sensory pursuits.
He has come to manifest the Divine in Him.
For this purpose, he has come
endowed with body, mind and the
intelligence needed to control it
and divert it to useful channels of activity.
You must achieve this by steady
pursuit of morality and good deeds.
divinely sent
to eat, sleep and indulge in sensory pursuits.
He has come to manifest the Divine in Him.
For this purpose, he has come
endowed with body, mind and the
intelligence needed to control it
and divert it to useful channels of activity.
You must achieve this by steady
pursuit of morality and good deeds.
divinely sent
Move forward towards the light and the shadow falls behind, you move away from it and you have to follow your own shadow...
Move forward towards the light
and the shadow falls behind;
you move away from it and you
have to follow your own shadow.
Go every moment one step
nearer to the Lord and then,
“MAYA” the shadow will fall back
and will not delude you at all.
You are as distant from the Lord
as you think you are, as near him as you feel you are.
divinely sent
and the shadow falls behind;
you move away from it and you
have to follow your own shadow.
Go every moment one step
nearer to the Lord and then,
“MAYA” the shadow will fall back
and will not delude you at all.
You are as distant from the Lord
as you think you are, as near him as you feel you are.
divinely sent
Purity of heart and selflessness are te hallmarks of human life...
In this modern age,
people have forgotten
human values and exhibit
animal qualities such as
lust, anger, greed and hatred.
One may study
all the scriptures,
perform all types of sacrifices,
go on extensive pilgrimages,
but it is not easy to
control the senses and the mind,
direct one's vision inward and
maintain equanimity.
In ancient times,
the sages and seers
maintained purity in thought,
truth in words and
righteousness in deeds.
Purity of heart and
selflessness are the
hallmarks of human life.
dvinely sent
people have forgotten
human values and exhibit
animal qualities such as
lust, anger, greed and hatred.
One may study
all the scriptures,
perform all types of sacrifices,
go on extensive pilgrimages,
but it is not easy to
control the senses and the mind,
direct one's vision inward and
maintain equanimity.
In ancient times,
the sages and seers
maintained purity in thought,
truth in words and
righteousness in deeds.
Purity of heart and
selflessness are the
hallmarks of human life.
dvinely sent
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Light that illuminates from this heart spreads joy and peace...
The Sun shines in every human body,
illuminating us, especially our heart.
One who is pregnant with gold.
A characteristic of gold is
that it remains unchanged.
(What is this gold?
It is a piece of earth.
But as earth is available freely everywhere,
it is treated as of no value.
But as gold is found somewhere
within the bowels of the earth,
it is accorded special value,
it is practically changeless.
Likewise, however long it may
remain on the Earth, the heart
is not subject to change.
This is not a reference to the physical heart,
but to the spiritual heart what has infinite potentialities.
Light that illumines from this heart spreads joy and peace.
divinely sent
illuminating us, especially our heart.
One who is pregnant with gold.
A characteristic of gold is
that it remains unchanged.
(What is this gold?
It is a piece of earth.
But as earth is available freely everywhere,
it is treated as of no value.
But as gold is found somewhere
within the bowels of the earth,
it is accorded special value,
it is practically changeless.
Likewise, however long it may
remain on the Earth, the heart
is not subject to change.
This is not a reference to the physical heart,
but to the spiritual heart what has infinite potentialities.
Light that illumines from this heart spreads joy and peace.
divinely sent
Knowledge gained from education now is being misused today...
The knowledge gained
from education
is being misused today solely to
obtain and enjoy comforts
and sensual pleasures.
This education has
served to develop some kind
of intellectual abilities
and technical skills, but
has totally failed to develop
good qualities.
Society today is steeped
in materialism because of
the preoccupation with
mundane pleasures.
divinely sent
from education
is being misused today solely to
obtain and enjoy comforts
and sensual pleasures.
This education has
served to develop some kind
of intellectual abilities
and technical skills, but
has totally failed to develop
good qualities.
Society today is steeped
in materialism because of
the preoccupation with
mundane pleasures.
divinely sent
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Sacrifice means giving up or renunciation...
Sacrifice means "giving up" or "renunciation".
What exactly has to be given up? Riches?
That is easy enough. One's home?
That too is not hard.
Does it mean retiring into a forest,
breaking away from kith and kin?
Many have done so and become proud of it.
The renunciation that the sacrifice demands
is the casting off of pomp, pride, envy, greed, in short, the ego itself.
Every rite laid down in the scriptures
has this aim only - to promote selflessness and Universal Love.
Concentration on sensual gratification,
anger, fury, hatred - these are bestial characteristics.
Man must be ashamed to have even a trace of such traits.
The characteristics of human nature are, and ought to be - love, forbearance, detachment, renunciation and truth.
divinely sent
What exactly has to be given up? Riches?
That is easy enough. One's home?
That too is not hard.
Does it mean retiring into a forest,
breaking away from kith and kin?
Many have done so and become proud of it.
The renunciation that the sacrifice demands
is the casting off of pomp, pride, envy, greed, in short, the ego itself.
Every rite laid down in the scriptures
has this aim only - to promote selflessness and Universal Love.
Concentration on sensual gratification,
anger, fury, hatred - these are bestial characteristics.
Man must be ashamed to have even a trace of such traits.
The characteristics of human nature are, and ought to be - love, forbearance, detachment, renunciation and truth.
divinely sent
We are the embodiment of bliss and peace...
Man is basically and essentially immortal.
But yet he is afraid that
he will die.
He is the embodiment of bliss, but he
weeps and is miserable.
He is the embodiment of Peace,
yet he is burdened with anxiety.
This absurd self-deception is the
root of the tragedy from which the world is suffering today.
The truth has to be driven in to the consciousness of man.
The human being is a composite of man, beast and God,
and in the inevitable struggle between the three
for supremacy, you must ensure that God wins.
divinely sent
But yet he is afraid that
he will die.
He is the embodiment of bliss, but he
weeps and is miserable.
He is the embodiment of Peace,
yet he is burdened with anxiety.
This absurd self-deception is the
root of the tragedy from which the world is suffering today.
The truth has to be driven in to the consciousness of man.
The human being is a composite of man, beast and God,
and in the inevitable struggle between the three
for supremacy, you must ensure that God wins.
divinely sent
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Yearn for God's Love
Yearn as helplessly as a baby cries for the mother,
as desperately as a calf mooing for the cow,
as pitifully as a starving beggar prays for a morsel of food.
Let the cry come from the depth of the heart,
a heart that cannot bear the chain of attachments any longer.
The Lord will not be drawn by noisy pomp or empty show.
He will yield only to the claim of kinship, the call of our soul and to Super Soul.
as desperately as a calf mooing for the cow,
as pitifully as a starving beggar prays for a morsel of food.
Let the cry come from the depth of the heart,
a heart that cannot bear the chain of attachments any longer.
The Lord will not be drawn by noisy pomp or empty show.
He will yield only to the claim of kinship, the call of our soul and to Super Soul.
Friday, January 4, 2008
There are 5 kinds of power...
There are five kinds of power.
Power of knowledge, intellectual power, power of fame, power of character,
and power of sacrifice.
Only the person who has all these five attributes should aspire for a position of authority.
Those who seek positions of authority should recognize their obligations. Nothing great can be achieved without restraint.
Power of knowledge, intellectual power, power of fame, power of character,
and power of sacrifice.
Only the person who has all these five attributes should aspire for a position of authority.
Those who seek positions of authority should recognize their obligations. Nothing great can be achieved without restraint.
Every individual should try to practice and protect Truth and Righteousness.

Every individual should try to
practice and protect Truth and Righteousness.
A few drops of nectar on the tongue will work wonders,
but of what use are barrels of nectar which remain untouched?
The nation will not be protected by an army
or by the most modern weapons. If the people
safeguard Truth and Righteousness, the latter
will protect the nation and the world.
divinely sent
Love is the answer for all...
In the light of awareness, delusion disappears....
In what circumstances does this delusion exert its influence on us? It is during twilight or in the dark that we imagine that we see a snake when there is only a rope there. It is through darkness that the delusion comes and envelops us. The delusion beclouds human's mind and covers clear perception.
In the light of awareness delusion disappears. That which exists will always exist; it will never cease to exist. It remains forever unchanged.
It is only the delusion covering it which comes and goes. The form that this delusion takes in the mind is vikshepa the second powerful sakthi of Maya. Vikshepa is the projection that is super imposed on the unchanging basis. (In this case the projection was pictorially the snake instead of rope, what we noticed in darkness.
Another time it will be something else).
In the light of awareness delusion disappears. That which exists will always exist; it will never cease to exist. It remains forever unchanged.
It is only the delusion covering it which comes and goes. The form that this delusion takes in the mind is vikshepa the second powerful sakthi of Maya. Vikshepa is the projection that is super imposed on the unchanging basis. (In this case the projection was pictorially the snake instead of rope, what we noticed in darkness.
Another time it will be something else).
The highest level of action leads us on the path of our goal...
The highest level of action
leads us on the path of our goal.
But involved herein will be the spell of Maya (worldly illusion, mistaking the transient for the real; non-awareness of actuality, appearances masquerading as reality).
There are two powerful sakthis that make up Maya: one is avarana (veiling power) and the other is vikshepa (projecting power). There is no particular form and shape for these two.
Avarana refers to that which veils or covers. If it does not have form itself, by what means does it cover? How can it be removed? These questions cannot be easily answered. Maya is mysterious and inexplicable.
divinely sent
leads us on the path of our goal.
But involved herein will be the spell of Maya (worldly illusion, mistaking the transient for the real; non-awareness of actuality, appearances masquerading as reality).
There are two powerful sakthis that make up Maya: one is avarana (veiling power) and the other is vikshepa (projecting power). There is no particular form and shape for these two.
Avarana refers to that which veils or covers. If it does not have form itself, by what means does it cover? How can it be removed? These questions cannot be easily answered. Maya is mysterious and inexplicable.
divinely sent
We should use our intellect to plan out actions whose fruits would benefit someone else..
Using our intellect to plan out
an action whose fruits would benefit someone else,
as is the case in the action of an old man who
plants a tree whose fruits will be enjoyed by
the future generations, can be called communion through intellect.
At such, we enquire into the consequences of our actions,
and thereby base our actions on the reasoning power of our intellect.
Intellect goes far above the narrow selfish
considerations of the lower mind and senses.
But even here there is still a tinge of selfishness.
No ordinary person will be able to perform
actions completely without desire. We will
have to orient our actions and our desires
towards the purpose of seeking and experiencing God.
When that sacred orientation becomes the basis of
all our activities, then such karma belongs to the communion through intellect.
divinely sent
an action whose fruits would benefit someone else,
as is the case in the action of an old man who
plants a tree whose fruits will be enjoyed by
the future generations, can be called communion through intellect.
At such, we enquire into the consequences of our actions,
and thereby base our actions on the reasoning power of our intellect.
Intellect goes far above the narrow selfish
considerations of the lower mind and senses.
But even here there is still a tinge of selfishness.
No ordinary person will be able to perform
actions completely without desire. We will
have to orient our actions and our desires
towards the purpose of seeking and experiencing God.
When that sacred orientation becomes the basis of
all our activities, then such karma belongs to the communion through intellect.
divinely sent
Little acts of service can confer on your great spiritual benefit...

Little acts of service can confer
on you great spiritual benefit.
Firstly, it will destroy your egoism.
Pride will transform friends into enemies,
will keep even kinsmen afar,
and will defeat all good schemes.
Service will develop in you the
quality of humility. And humility
will enable you to work in happy unison with others.
divinely sent
All religions teach one basic discipline, the removal of egoism and giving of petty desires...
All religions teach one basic discipline,
the removal of egoism and
giving up of petty desires.
Every religion teaches man to fill his
being with the glory of God and evict
the pettiness of conceit. It
trains him in methods of detachment
and discrimination, so that he
may aim high and attain liberation.
Believe that all hearts are
motivated by the One and only God;
all Faiths glorify the One and
only God; all names in all languages
and all Forms that man can
conceive of, denote the One and
the only God who is best worshipped
through pure Love.
Cultivate that attitude of oneness
towards men of all creeds in all lands.
divinely sent
the removal of egoism and
giving up of petty desires.
Every religion teaches man to fill his
being with the glory of God and evict
the pettiness of conceit. It
trains him in methods of detachment
and discrimination, so that he
may aim high and attain liberation.
Believe that all hearts are
motivated by the One and only God;
all Faiths glorify the One and
only God; all names in all languages
and all Forms that man can
conceive of, denote the One and
the only God who is best worshipped
through pure Love.
Cultivate that attitude of oneness
towards men of all creeds in all lands.
divinely sent
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Fill New Year with love...
On this New Year Day,
you should resolve that
you will start every day with Love,
spend the day with Love,
fill the day with Love and end the day with Love.
There should be no difference
of caste, creed, color, religion or nationality.
Love knows no distinction of any kind.
You must wish every one
to be happy.
Fill the heart with Love.
Cultivate good thoughts,
speak good words and do good deeds
with the broad view that everyone in the world should be happy.
divinely sent
you should resolve that
you will start every day with Love,
spend the day with Love,
fill the day with Love and end the day with Love.
There should be no difference
of caste, creed, color, religion or nationality.
Love knows no distinction of any kind.
You must wish every one
to be happy.
Fill the heart with Love.
Cultivate good thoughts,
speak good words and do good deeds
with the broad view that everyone in the world should be happy.
divinely sent
People should know that there is nothing closer to them than the Divine
People should know that
there is nothing closer to them than the
Divine. Each one must strive to recognise this indwelling Divinity.
Most people waste their time
in observance of external rituals and
forms of worship. Along with external observances,
people should try to achieve internal purity.
The human being is a composite of man,
beast and God, and in the inevitable struggle among the three for
dominance, you must ensure that God wins.
divinely sent
there is nothing closer to them than the
Divine. Each one must strive to recognise this indwelling Divinity.
Most people waste their time
in observance of external rituals and
forms of worship. Along with external observances,
people should try to achieve internal purity.
The human being is a composite of man,
beast and God, and in the inevitable struggle among the three for
dominance, you must ensure that God wins.
divinely sent
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