Friday, January 11, 2008

I am in you, I'm your self, your spirit, your truth and the voice of your conscience...

One day a poster of 'The Lord Jesus' was found marked by some naughty students. The teacher was angry but thought twice. Scolding was not the answer but instead the divinity in her wrote this:

"I return to you not as the
image on a poster that you pretend to destroy.
I return to you as the light which you cannot extinguish,
as the truth that you cannot destroy.

I return to you as the voice of
your conscience that you cannot silence,
because I am the essence of the universal truth.

Wash the dirt away from your heart
so that you can hear my voice.
Remove the blindfold that is covering
your eyes and you will be able to see Me.

I am in you, I'm your Self,
your spirit, your truth,
the voice of your conscience.

I am your beginning and your end.
You cannot destroy Me.
You can only achieve your own destruction."

The poster was replaced with this message and all the students read it in silence and walked away, touched.

divinely sent