Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Grasp sand in a tight fist and it runs from the side, hold sand in a cupped hand, and it will stay... an Arab saying...

God's imperative instruction
to progress spiritually is to
be vigilant for the slightest trace
of the fumes of such negative qualities
that may enter into our mind.

Watch the mind, next time
when you embrace circumstances and situations.
The dress someone else wears,
the hairstyle of someone else
that you always wanted,
the car your neighbor has,
the voice of the hymns singer you always dreamed of,
the high marks your friend obtained,
the promotion your colleague recently obtained,
etc., may trigger a slight mist of envy which caused restlessness.

However, before the mist becomes a thick fog,
we must clear away with rays of feeling joy
and happiness for what others have.

The Arabs have a saying :

'Grasp sand in a tight fist and it runs from the side; hold sand in a cupped hand and it will stay.'

By cutting the chords of possessive
relationships and developing interdependent relationships,
mutual love and respect confer sustainability to any relationship.

divinely sent