Tuesday, January 29, 2008

He who has no ill to any being, who is frendly and compassionate...

He who has no ill to any being, who is friendly and compassionate, free from egoism and attachment, even minded in pain and in pleasure and forgiving.

The verse is so beautiful and complete
in its instruction and to all seekers of God,
this verse becomes the springboard
one can jump to higher strata of consciousness.

Treat all creations of God with love.
Be like a friend to them.
One will always be kind, compassionate
and caring to his friend.

One will even go to the extent
of giving one's life for a friend.
The advice is to be friendly to all.

There are occasions when one gives
everything and trusts his friend so much,
but in return, the friend betrays or cheats.

Likewise, a nagging boss, an irritating wife,
an annoying neighbor - no doubt, all are God's creation
but how can one be a friend to such people.

Here the verse continues with an instruction
that to such obnoxious people, one must pour
out as a result of sympathy, compassion.

Flood them with compassion and pity
for their behavior are expressions of
symptoms that they want love.

Pure love can only flow from a heart
unstained with notions of 'I' and 'My'.
Hence, unbiased and detached heart send out
waves of unpolluted love.

Hence the verse concurs with
what God teaches......

Be alike to everyone is a call to live in the world without the notion of 'I' and 'My'. Hence selfless acts purge these tendencies and one can therefore be free from feelings of envy.

divinely sent