Monday, March 22, 2010

The lesson of purification will begin its teaching... when you will accept and open its book to the first chapter of 'sacrifice'..

The lesson of purification will begin its teaching,
when you will accept and open its book to the first chapter of "Sacrifice". 

A lot must be given away - and given up, 
before even the image of purity will begin to appear before you. 

The doors to anger must close completely, the fire of jealousy
must be exhausted forever, the mask of false pride must peel away, 
and with every such impurity that is offered to God, you, My dears, 
will begin to experience your first taste of the nectar of purity.

It is only when you are able to 'recognize' your own impurities, 
will you be able to offshoot them and attain purity. 

To understand the glory of the sunlight, you must 
first experience the light, only then, will you welcome
the brilliance of day light. 

The spirit of sacrifice is nothing but 
extracting your very own poisons - Yes! 
You must be the snake charmer that allows 
each poisonous snake within you to dance 
to the tune of divine music - 

the music of divine virtues, strong character, 
and unshakable faith in your ability to become God.