Monday, March 22, 2010

Post 1991... The process of purification will take several washings, washings in your repentance, your efforts, your determination to accept sorrows and sufferings...

The clothes that acquire a stain 
have to be washed several times 
before the stain begins its process to lighten, 
and with each wash, the stain takes its leave - l
eaving only lesser behind, until one day, 
the clothes show complete disappearance of the stain. 

Similarly, the process of your purification 
will take several washings - washings in your repentance, 
your efforts, your determination to accept sorrows and sufferings, 
and your simple vow of ending all past deeds by the renunciation of 
all desires, by overcoming every weakness of the mind, 
by remaining unaffected with the temptful senses and 
by surrendering to the will of the Lord and accepting His will as your command.