Monday, March 29, 2010

The only THING that you will carry across the borders of life and beyond the power of death is LOVE..

Live, today, by the faith that God loves you - 
no matter what, and let this faith blossom, one day,
to a beautiful love that you recognize as the only one 
that is really true.

Yes! The only love that you will carry 
across the borders of life and beyond the
power of death. 

Make God's love, not your doubts, 
but instead, use the strength of God's love and erase the fears, forever. 

This is the perfect love, My dears, 
that is beyond even the power of your 
imaginations and much above a weak mind's ability 
of comprehension. 

How can you understand a love that needs none, 
expects nothing, blames never, heals ever, knows no failing, 
inseparable, at all times, and waits for you unconditionally? 

Such love is only a fairy tale to you - and to God, 
it is the only truth of reality. We are poles apart - 
yet remain attracted to each other, for the only 
reason God lives, today, is for you, and the reason 
for your birth is to realize that God's life is for you and your life is God's.