Thursday, October 18, 2007

In any business in which u engage urself, treat it as God's work, this is known as attitude of oneness...

Often devotees make a distinction
between personal duties and service to the Divine.

They look upon worship,
meditation the like as Divine service.

What they do for their families
and friends they accept as personal duties.

Hence, there is no meaning
in making a distinction between
one kind of work and another.

In any business in which
you engage yourself,
treat it as God's work.

This is known as attitude of oneness.

Be vigilant, even while engaged in little tasks.
Maintain silence, in the recesses of the heart,
as well as outside.

The Divine says, God's hands
and feet are everywhere.
Develop the awareness of God,
see Him, and serve Him in every living being.

You have the instance
of people in different bodies,
with different forms and names.

Nevertheless, irrespective of these differences,
they are basically made up of the same five elements.

These elements are aspects
of the Supreme Self, Over Soul.
Why then should any distinctions
be made in our activities between
different persons constituted by the same common elements?

There should be unitary attitude to work.
This means that whatever work you do
should be dedicated to God.

All such actions become thereby
sanctified and divinized, they
acquire the unifying quality of holiness.

divinely sent