Monday, October 22, 2007

Patience is not a 'resentful wait' for the desirable to happen...

Patience is not a
“resentful wait” for
the desirable to happen…

Patience is that strength in which
a desireful mind holds hands with God
and in that companionship God
teaches the mind to resist its burning desires,
witness its resentments and pass to a higher state of thinking.

Patience is not passing the time…
it is O child the “passing away” of the mind.

We must learn to wait.

And while we wait,
we must realize that when
we have given up our plans
and surrendered to Him
it is then only that we shall see
that His plan was always before us…
our desires… our anxiety and that
our doubts simply had made that picture so faded.

Should we fear when we are patient?
Should we check on His ways?
Should we ask Him for a ‘clue’?
Or should we just bear our minds
until time slowly takes it away?

Wait! Wait! His gifts shall come…
they were always there.

For us to see His Grace our hearts
and mind must become one!
Everything shall come to you…
but only when we are ripe.

Be patient, for God has declared,

“I alone walk with the patient man.
While he waits, I do.
While he forgets his desires,
I remember his welfare.

While he is grateful for whatever he receives,
I give him the very best!
I alone walk with the patient man…
I alone do…I only ask him to wait!

divinely sent