Saturday, June 23, 2007

The obstruction to the purity of simple innocent love is what one secretly and subtly desires from the love..

The obstruction to the purity of simple,
innocent love is what one secretly
and subtly desires from the love.

Realize, My child,
that the response of love
is not even a little lesser than
what you have been able to humbly
offer to that particular form of love.

One experiences an unbalanced
response in a relationship,
only because he is ignorantly
weighing his love and desires together
and is expecting the return to be only the weight of pure love.

No, My child!
That is only the dream of a foolish man
that attempts to justify to the real self
that his desires are only pure and will
only enhance the beauty of the love that he offers.
But the reality remains that any desire,
however small, whatever its intent, will, eventually,
corrode and rust the brilliance of purity that the true love beholds!

A mother works very hard for her child
to be and to see the very best in life,
but the moment she expects her efforts
to reflect in her child's life, she, My child,
loses the present strength of effort and
creates the empty vacuum in the pure relationship
which causes the child to begin the hopeless and
painful descent into the world of payment that
bargains the value of love and demeans it
to become an equal exchange.

Remember, My child,
that love that begins to be measured
loses its height and becomes as small
and impure as one's expectations from it.

divinely sent