Monday, June 11, 2007

All physical ailments are directly related, to the state of your mind..

All physical ailments are directly related,
To the state of your mind.
Your body is in tune with your true nature within.
When your mind gets diseased,
With anger, jealousy, fear and worries,
The body becomes unbalanced too.

The more restless your mind,
The more the body suffers.
To cure your physical pains,
You must cure the pains in your mind.
You must dismiss and erase painful thoughts
That arise within you.

To do this, faith in God is necessary.
To awaken God, a Guru or a Teacher is necessary.
You must practice spiritual practices,
That are given by Him,
To earn better mental and physical health.
Follow His steps and example

Of how He would handle
The circumstances you face.
Nothing will efface you,
Once He becomes your ideal and your goal.
You will face all with courage
And fortitude of righteousness.
You will be able to give love in all situations.
Your faith in achieving Godhood
Through your Guru or Teacher,
Will give you stability and peace of mind.

Choose your Guru or Teacher
and stay close to Him.
Believe in Him, follow His example and find God.

divinely sent