Saturday, June 23, 2007

Grow spiritually with life's every experience, do not be bitter with life ever, for one makes his own bed of thorns to lie upon..

Grow spiritually, My child,
with life's every experience.
Do not be bitter with life, ever,
for one makes his own bed of thorns to lie upon.

Every downfall in life simply
measures your distance from God.

The bigger the downfall,
the farther you are, My child, from the reality.

Realize that one can rise
from the biggest fall -
the strength to rise comes,
only when one refuses to bury his self, any more,
in the burdens of his undue worries.

The one that thinks, sporadically,
awakens fear in his every act.

Hence, be alert, and begin to channel
every thought towards an inspiration
that awakens you from the pit of worries.

Realize that the Giver of life
did not send you with no weapons
to fight the powers of illusion.

Remember, you give illusion
its power by acting and believing in it.

The moment you reject it
and instead, lean upon the power of the Lord,
the illusion, My child, fades, as simply as it appeared.

Fight! For now is the time -
lose the fears, now, before
the fears use you to lose the powers of reality!

divinely sent