Monday, June 25, 2007

Worry is the nature of a lazy mind! Be organized, do all that you must and do not give the mind an opportunity to ever speak the language of fear...

Think less of what may happen
and simply do what you are supposed to.

Whatever you may fear,
even if it does happen, realize,
there is always a way out.

It is much better to spend time
in finding the way out, rather than
indulging in the pity of being lost!

The right way can never be found
by constant probing and thinking.

Only where there is inner silence,
the self will arise to direct its divine mission.

Worry, My child, is the nature of a lazy mind!
Be organized, do all that you must, and do not
give the mind an opportunity to ever speak
the language of fear and wear down your will power and inner strength.

Believe, My child, that a good life
depends upon the dedication in your spiritual efforts -
the contentment in your mental state and the faith
and love you have for the nature of the inner spirit.

Know your self by experience, My child - not by thoughts!

divinely sent