Friday, June 8, 2007

'Vitamins' for all....

'VITAMINS' for all....

In addition to healthy food, fresh air and physical exercise, here is a list of Vitamins essential for good Nutrition.

LOVE: This is the most essential ingredient of all spiritual food

DETATCHMENT: This vitamin reduces effects of attachment and bondage

HONESTY: Enhances spiritual integrity, conscience: a regular dose of this vitamin will improve thoughts, words and actions.

EMPATHY: Helps to reduce negative emotions and increases tolerance.

HUMILITY: Essential for removing pride and ego.

CONTENTMENT: Alleviates heartburn and acid indigestion, brings inner peace and happiness.
PATIENCE: Essential for strengthening Character.

SILENCE: Reduces restlessness of mind and brings one closer to the Lord

PEACE: This vitamin stimulates the immune response to help the body defend itself against external influences.

DISCIPLINE: A complex vitamin vital for cultivating virtues.

KINDNESS: Vitamin "K" acts as a buffer for easy processing of all ingredients.

JOY: One should be happy after eating, not have indigestion

TRUTH: Listen to your "inner voice." Beware of substitutes.

SELF AUDIT: Daily dose will help to align ourselves with our highest values and ethics .

divinely sent