Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Thoughts may be many but the truth in the right act is only one!

Just like a little child
that has found the wonderment
of language, the mind, too, speaks voraciously.

In the case of the child,
it is the mother that determines
how much attention she must pay
to the child's attempt of communication.

In the same way,
thoughts may be many
but the truth in the right act
is only one!

Hence, it is you that speaks
and determines by your will power
as to which thoughts you must discard
and which thoughts you must keep and channel.

Thoughts that make you weak, fearful,
and worrisome must be discarded immediately,
and not simply set aside, for they will then,
slowly, emerge again, to consume you in a later,
weaker stage of life!

Thoughts that give you
the gift of divine inspiration
must be harbored and its energies
must be channeled towards the chosen task.

divinely sent