Tuesday, October 16, 2007

If you keep transplanting a sapling from one place to another frequently, how can it grow healthily into a tree?

If you keep transplanting a sapling
from one place to another frequently,
how can it grow healthily into a tree?

You have to plant it in one place
and feed it with fertilizer and water regularly
until it grows into a firm, strong tree.

This is true devotion.

If you keep changing your spiritual guides frequently,
your devotion gets adulterated.

Trust that God is in all,
but if one keeps on changing
from one God to another, it is false devotion.

Worship God in any form or with any name.
In fact, God has thousands of names and a myriad forms.

Worshipping the Lord with a thousand names,
you should be fully aware there is a single Divinity you are addressing.

divinely sent