Thursday, October 11, 2007

Love is 'cool' like ice-cream...

'Love is 'cool' like ice-cream!"

This is so very different
from the commonly understood
meaning attached to the word love.

We somehow think that love is 'hot'.
Our popular conception of 'love'
is that of a heated passionate emotion.

This is what happens when people 'fall in love'!
But actually it is of a kind of love which belongs to a higher realm,
more lasting and sustained than the passion that fluctuates!

Ice cream makes people who taste it
by allowing it to melt slowly on the tongue, joyful and happy.
The solid block of ice cream loses its form by melting
and finally disappearing, fulfilling itself.

Pure love springs from self-sacrifice;
pure love is fulfillment.
It is in losing that one gains everything.

Like Ice cream,
God also melts when the heart
of the devotee displays the warmth of Love towards Him.

divinely sent