Thursday, October 11, 2007

A soiled mind can never progress in spiritual growth..thus getting rid of all the bad in us is real sacrifice..

As many rules govern human society,
there are many spiritual disciplines that should be followed

A soiled mind can never progress in spiritual growth.

Hence He often says, "getting rid of all the bad in us is real sacrifice".
We should nurture noble thoughts after removing the bad.

It is like cultivation.
A riot first ploughs the land,
removes the weeds,
plant the seeds,
water it and await the sprouts.

Once the stem and leaves grow and flourish,
he applies manure and spray pestisides.
When the grains mature, he harvest them.
This process may take few months
to several months according to the variety of the crop.

Likewise remove the weeds in your heart
which is bad thoughts and intentions
Plough the field of your heart with good deeds and services
Water it with love.
Sow the seeds of faith and in due course,
you will find the harvest of happiness...

God is our cultivator..
which is concerned to good agriculture.
Hence it is opt that He is called so
as He cultivate in our hearts Love.

divinely sent