Tuesday, October 9, 2007

There are 2 qualities in human, one is the animal nature, the other is humanness..

There are two qualities in human.
One is the animal nature; the other is humanness.

Unfortunately human is forgetting own humanness
by falling a prey to the six enemies -
lust, anger, greed, envy and others - and misusing his God-given talents.

Human being thereby degrades to the level of the animal.
On the other hand, human should use own mind, status,
and talents to become virtuous, pursue the path of
righteousness and strive to raise himself from the human to the Divine.

"Again, you have the idea that
only certain people hold the key to the Kingdom of Happiness.

No one holds it. No one has the authority to hold that key.
That key is your own Self, and in the development and the purification and in the incorruptibility of that Self alone is the Kingdom of Eternity".

Transformation of the heart is what is called for.
All that you do should lead you nearer to God.

There are three types of approaches towards the Lord.

The Eagle type, which swaps down
on the target with a greedy swiftness and suddenness,
which, by its very impact, fails to secure the object, coveted.

The Monkey type, which flits hither and thither,
from one fruit to another and unable to decide which is tasty.

The Ant type, which moves steadily,
though slowly, towards the object,
which it has decided, is desirable.

The ant does not hit the fruit hard
and make it fall away; it does not pluck
all the fruits it sees; it appropriates just
as much as it can assimilate and no more.
