Monday, November 5, 2007

Be aware of this truth at all times in every place, for He Himself has spoken these words....

Be aware of this truth at all times in every place, for He Himself has spoken these words...

“Never fear for whatever happens is simply My will…nothing more…nothing less. Whatever is to come…a thunderous storm or a ray of light like that of dawn…in both I alone walk with you taking care of you moment to moment all the way. And if you were to speak to Me alone sharing with Me your heart in joy and the tears of sorrow then that faith I shall accept as My only food and give you O child a life of protection with wisdom and love as your weapon and armor.

I respond instantly when you have made Me reside within your very Self. In a pure mind I alone think as peace. My devoted ones are seldom agitated by changes or desires. They are focused only upon Me, and whatever may happen in external circumstances their inner core remains pure, calm and still.

I have no beginning and no end…My Grace is endless with no boundaries. You become aware of Me the moment you adopt a sincere and truthful life immersed in duty and love. I am the very breath of that. After tasting My truth nothing ever will be sweet to you…and even if for a moment you drown in temporary pleasures, you O child shall realize its shamefulness and will quickly return to true ways.

Never give up. Maddening thoughts are to be left alone. Pray and surrender their burden upon My feet. Talk to Me…the moment fear arises and begins its monologue turn and talk to Me. You must…let that be your sadhana (devotional practice)…you must talk until its voice drowns in the faith of your prayers. I am listening…I am responding…I am guiding…I am protecting…

Never fear for whatever happens is simply My will…that alone shall free you…nothing more…nothing less!”

Be aware of this truth at all times in every place, for He Himself has spoken.

divinely sent